The Van

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What would happen if Max and Lucas were left alone in the van outside War Zone?

In The Van

"Remind me why I have to stay here again?" Max complained, curling up on the couch next to Lucas.
"Because if you have another...episode, then people are gonna think you're possessed or something." Dustin explained, she rolled her eyes and she slumped down on the floor. "Lucas stay with her." He continued, ignoring both of their complaints as he shut the door behind them.

"Don't worry about it, they won't be long anyway." Eddie mused, slumping over in his seat as he started to drift off to sleep. The pair remained in awkward silence, Max crossing her arms as she pulled herself back up onto the couch next to him.
"Is he asleep?" Lucas asked, peering over to look at Eddie. Max shrugged.
"How would I know?" She replied, coming across more harsh than she had intended. Lucas's eyebrows raised slightly as he leaned back down.

They sat in silence for a while longer, "Jesus how long are they gonna be?" Max complained, checking her watch. "I mean it's been...3 minutes." She said the last part quietly, making Lucas chuckle. She smiled to herself as she unfolded her arms slowly, putting her hand down next to his. He pretended not to notice as he  scratched his neck with his other hand.
"So are you feeling?" Lucas asked, gulping nervously. She raised an eyebrow at him,
"Seriously? I'm about to die, I'm feeling great." She smiled sarcastically, it fading quickly as she looked out the window.

"Max, you're not going to die." Lucas said, seriously. "I promise." She looked over at him hesitantly.
"Why do you care so much? It's not like we're dating anymore." She replied, pulling her hand away. He grabbed it gently.
"Max, you're my...friend. I still care about you. Even if you don't care about yourself anymore." She looked up at that, squeezing his hand subconsciously.
"Don't call me that." She said, staring at him. She was clearly trying to be intimidating. It probably would have worked years ago, but not now.

"Call you...what?" He questioned, hesitating slightly as he leaned away. She rolled her eyes.
"Your friend." She said, "I've been horrible to you." She hushed him as he tried to interrupt her. "I broke up with you. You didn't deserve that."
"You needed space, I get that." He reasoned with her as she pulled her hand away, resting her elbows against her knees. He rolled his eyes, "Max look at me."

"Don't do that!" She yelled, standing up and turning back to him, he looked at her with confusion. "Stop acting like you care, I was horrible to you! You can stop pretending like you actually have any sort of feelings towards me!" He laughed at that, mostly out of shock.
"Pretending?! You seriously think, after all this time, after everything we've been through, you think I'm pretending?!" He said, "I care about you, so much. Why is it that you can never see that?!"

She stood in silence, glancing over at Eddie who was still sleeping after days of staying awake out of fear. She looked back at him. "You really feel that way?" She asked, she said it gently and with genuine shock.
"Of course I do." He replied, "Max, I've...cared about you since that day on top of the bus. And I haven't stopped, not once. And I never will." He explained.

She turned away from him suddenly, her hand going to her face. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he stood up, facing her back. "What's going on?" He asked, cautiously before she turned around. He only caught a small glimpse of her face before she buried it in his chest. "Max what..." he started, listening as she started to sob gently into his shirt. He started to rub her back, pulling her back onto the couch.

She pulled away after a while, rubbing her eyes and wiping the tears off of her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She laughed gently. He shook his head,
"There's nothing to be sorry for." He dismissed.
"No- I mean...I mean for everything." She explained, "I was just...going through a lot and- I should've reached out to you more. I'm sorry."

"Max. There is absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I mean it. Yeah I wish you had reached out more, but that doesn't mean that I blame you for not doing it." He comforted rubbing her arm gently. She nodded. They stayed silent for a while before she rubbed her eyes again.
"Now I'm embarrassed." She smiled, watching him shake his head.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Thank you for opening up about that." He said, smiling at her. She smiled back.

He watched her smile fade as she looked up at him from her slouched position on the couch, she straightened up slightly as she placed her hand on his. His breath hitched as she moved both of her hands to either side of his face, he couldn't even process what was happening before she pulled him into a kiss.

When she pulled away she was bright read, she looked down as he started to laugh quietly. "What was that for?" He asked, brushing his thumb across her hand gently. She smiled back up at him as she shrugged,
"Felt like it, I guess." She joked as he laughed.
"Can it again?" He asked, looking at her with anticipation. She smiled and rolled her eyes,
"That's..." She started, he covered her mouth with his hand quickly.
"If you say presumptuous...I'm gonna scream." He joked, she laughed gently as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"You never answered my question." He smirked slightly, looking down at her.
"Oh you're an asshole." She complained, pulling his face closer to kiss him again. He smiled against her lips slightly as she deepened the kiss. They continued like that for a while, his hands on her back as hers were on the back of his head and neck.  She suddenly pulled him closer, leaning back on the couch which resulted in him practically on top of her. His breath hitched as she continued to kiss him.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Lucas occasionally mumbling an apology when his hand wandered too far down. She would laugh it off as she went to kiss him again. Suddenly, the door flew open and before they could even react Erica was standing near the drivers seat in shock before she turned around and started gagging. "What's going on..." Dustin asked as he walked in behind her, looking over to see the position they were in. "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" He yelled, turning around and running out while rubbing his eyes. Erica ran out after him.

"...Jesus." They heard as Steve walked in, his hands on his hips as he shook his head at them. They sat up quickly as reality set in.
"Steve it's not..." Lucas started, rushed with panic.
"What it looks like? Yeah. It's exactly what it looks like." He scoffed, turning back to let the others in.
"What happened?" Nancy asked as she walked past him, turning to look at the pair in the back. Realisation set in immediately. "Oh." She smirked, holding back a laugh as she sat in her chair.

Erica and Dustin came in, huddling together while covering each others eyes. "Are they decent?!" Dustin yelled out, screwing his eyes shut behind Erica's hands.
"They're fine." Steve reassured, everyone watching as they hesitantly removed their hands, eyes screwed shut. They slowly opened their eyes to see Lucas and Max sitting far apart in the back of the van.

"Yeah, I'm not sitting with you anymore." Erica said, pointing at her brother before sitting across from Eddie.
"But that means..." Dustin trailed off before huffing and moving to sit between the pair. "No funny business." He warned as he pulled his hat over his eyes and slumped down on the couch, drifting off to sleep. Max and Lucas glanced at each other, she bit her lip to stifle a laugh as Lucas covered his face.

They laughed quietly on and off for the next 10 minutes as they headed back to the creel house. She hasn't thought about Vecna or what she was about to do the entire time she was with Lucas. She enjoyed feeling that way again.

Short chapter sorry y'all 😋😋😋

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