What Would He Do If He Found Us Out

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AU Max and Lucas broke up after high school and Max finds herself trapped in a toxic relationship.

Story inspired by ivy and 'tis the damn season by Taylor Swift.

Tw// ab^sive undertones and emotional ab^se

Los Angeles, California
Fall 1994

"-and make sure you pick up the milk before you come home tonight." He added on to his list of demands, watching as Max packed his lunch for work. She nodded silently as she handed him his bag, attempting to kiss him on the cheek as he forced her head toward him to kiss him on the lips. She strained against him as he pulled away and began to walk to the door. "I'll probably be late." He stated, walking into the elevator and waiting for the doors to close, leaving without saying another word to her.

She stood in the hallway, watching as the numbers on the screen decreased as the elevator got closer to the lobby. She sighed, grabbing the towel on her shoulder and going back to wiping the coffee he had spilled earlier that morning. He had complained about 3 things that morning. First, there was too much milk in his coffee. Then, it was that his coffee was cold since he'd left it sitting as he lectured her about the milk. Third, the building's rent had gone up and somehow that was her fault. It had been one of the better mornings for Max.

She had met Carl 5 years prior when he was 33 and she had just graduated high school, they were at a meeting with government officials regarding the events in Hawkins surrounding the upside down. It was there that he introduced himself and told her about his work in politics and offered her a job at his office in LA. Taking the chance to see her dad again, Max moved back home but after a few months she began to notice an inappropriate shift in Carls behaviour toward her. When her dad had gotten in an accident at work, she was allowed three months off to grieve his death, fully paid for by Carl, before she was requested at work again.

She soon realised that if she responded better to Carl's inappropriate comments then she could potentially even get a promotion to help her become more financially stable. However, Carl ended up thinking of her behaviour in a different way. He had convinced himself she was in love with him. This brought forward a new opportunity for Max, financial stability for the rest of her life. They had only been dating for 3 months when he asked her to marry him, they got married 6 months later.

He had demanded that she stop working and stay home for him. She had been very dismissive of the idea for almost a year after their wedding but eventually gave in. 3 years later she felt trapped in her own home, only seeing her husband when he has dinner and then before they fall asleep.

Max tossed the towel in the laundry basket as she heard the phone begin to ring. She looked around for their housekeeper but was surprised to find she hadn't arrived. She knew that she wasn't supposed to answer unknown calls but for some reason she felt she was supposed to answer. She took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

"Murphy residence. Who's speaking, please?" She questioned, playing with the phone chord anxiously.
"Hi, my names Joyce Byers." Maxs eyes widened. "I called yesterday, I'm looking for Max Mayf- Murphy. Max Murphy. I believe she is Mr Murphy's wife?" Max took in a shaky breath.
"Speaking." She replied nervously, biting her lip slightly.
"Max?! Oh I didn't even recognise your voice I'm so sorry!" Joyce replied sincerely.
"No it's okay it's been a long time I uh...I get it." She responded. "What can I do for you, Joyce?"
"Oh! Right, sorry. I was wondering if you'd like to come to Hawkins for thanksgiving this year? It's been a while and none of us have heard from you at all since you left."

"If you can't make it I completely understand." Joyce replied, looking around the room as Dustin and Will watched her intently. Her eyes landed on Lucas as she listened to Max. "No I get it, honestly. No that's ok, you could bring him along?" Joyce suggested. Him. Lucas hated him. He shook his head, his eyes widening as he gestured for her to stop, watching as she just rolled her eyes and turned away from him. He huffed and slouched back against the couch.

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