Sleep in Half The Day, Just for Old Time's Sake

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The Sinclair Residence
Hawkins, Indiana

Sue pressed a wet washcloth to Max's lip, cleaning her wound for the third time since she had arrived. "It's bleeding quite a bit," Sue noted, dabbing the area lightly. Max winced as she pulled out a disinfectant wipe from the first aid kit, holding it to her lip. "Okay, that's it." She smiled, tapping Max's leg as she stood up. Max watched warily as she watched Sue clean up the stuff from the first aid kit. She stood up as the older woman went to reach for the door handle.

"Sue?" Max started, watching as she turned to face her. "Thank you."
"For what, sweetheart?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She raised them slightly as Max hugged her tight.
"For everything." She stated, pulling away as a knock was heard at the door.
"You're welcome, Sweetie." She smiled, opening the door to find Lucas about to knock again. He smiled at his mom as he entered the room. Max watched as She walked out, closing the bathroom door behind her.

"You okay?" He asked before stopping her, "Sorry, don't answer that. Dumb question." He smiled slightly, watching her fold her arms nervously. She smiled at him, wincing when she felt her lip sting. His expression changed as he watched her press a hand to her mouth, he wanted Carl dead for what he did to her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." Her expression softened,
"Lucas, how many times have I told you to stop apologising." She smiled, grabbing his hand gently and kissing his knuckle. "I'm okay now, everything's okay."

He sighed slightly, wrapping his arms around her. "I missed you." He said, watching as she became confused again.
"I saw you like...twenty minutes ago." She stated, raising an eyebrow at him as he laughed.
"I mean, when we were broken up. I missed you." He said shyly, watching as her mouth opened slightly in what he was guessing was surprise. "I waited for you, you know. When you were gone." He commented.
"You know... I think, for some reason, I always knew I'd end up back here with you." She smiled, looking around the bathroom. He smiled even wider at her,
"Yeah?" He asked, she nodded at him. He pulled her closer as she buried her face into the crook of his neck.

"Can I live with you?" She asked, mumbling against his neck. He hugged her tighter, "I know I don't have a job or...any qualifications really but I can find a job. I promise." She rambled, pulling away slightly, she looked at him in confusion when he started to laugh slightly. "What's so funny?" She asked, he shook his head.
"Nothing, it's don't have to do any of that. Not right now, I have plenty of money to support us. Okay?" He smiled as she nodded hesitantly.
"Thank you," She said, hugging him again.

New York City, New York
A year later

"How you feeling?" Lucas asked, rubbing her arm gently as she turned over in bed to face him. She sighed contently,
"Good," she smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek. She smiled at him, rubbing her thumb over the spot she had just kissed. He smiled back at her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest. "I love you." She said, smiling up at him as he looked down at her,
"I love you too." He replied, kissing her forehead and gently throwing her over his shoulder. He ran to the kitchen as she pleaded with him to let her down.

He dropped her on the kitchen island lightly and turned to grab ingredients to make pancakes. He handed her the sugar as he opened the fresh package of flour. He pulled the butter and eggs out of the fridge, turning around to see Max dig her hand in the flour. Before he could realise what was happening she threw a heaping handful at his face. She covered her mouth and he spat some of it out, he wiped it off of his eyes and stared at her, a thin white layer covering his face. She started to laugh, so hard that she didn't notice his hand reaching into the bag of flour.

She looked back up as he threw the flour directly in her face. She opened her mouth in shock and wiped it off of herself, grabbing another handful and throwing it back at him. He raised his arms in surrender before wiping his eyes. "Okay, okay. Let's leave some for the pancakes," he smiled, kissing her flour-covered cheek and sprinkling a little bit of leftover flower on her head. She chuckled at him as she crossed her legs on top of the island, watching him wipe some leftover flour off of his bare chest. Looking down, she brushed some off of her thighs and rested her her chin in her hands.

He turned around to find her watching him, "What you thinkin' about?" He mused, putting down the whisk and wandering over to her. She shrugged with a slight pout.
"Nothin' much," she smiled, but she knew that he could see right through her. "It's just- I don't know...I was just thinking about how a year ago if I had even tried that with...Carl," she flinched after saying his name, "I don't know. It's dumb. I'm just really grateful to have you." She smiled, putting her hands on his face and pulling him into a kiss. "I really do love you," she smiled as she pulled away. He smiled back at her,
"I love you more." He teased as she rolled her eyes, tilting her head back. He smiled even wider as he turned to continue making the pancakes.

She watched him whisk the batter, noticing how the muscles on his back moved as he stirred. He glanced up to catch her reflection in a bottle of wine to his right. "Enjoying the show?" He teased, watching as she got all flustered. He laughed, pouring the batter onto the pan. He turned around suddenly and pulled her into a kiss, he pulled away and watched her laugh as she lightly kicked him towards the stove.
"Burn those pancakes and I'll leave you." She groaned, laying down against the marble. He turned back to the stove, finishing their pancakes.

Once they were finished eating he carried her back to bed, she had insisted on receiving a piggyback. He turned his back to the bed and dropped her down on it suddenly. She laughed loudly as he turned around and dropped down beside her, kissing her cheek repeatedly. "You make happy." He smiled against her neck, holding her hand. She beamed at him as she flipped herself over, laying her face against his chest. He ran his hand through her hair gently as her breathing became heavier. He watched his sleeping girlfriend as her chest to rose and fell, hearing her small breaths in his ear.

He hadn't really thought much about it, but laying there and feeling her close to him again, knowing she was comfortable, felt better than he thought it would. Knowing that he made her feel safe again put his mind at ease, allowing himself to slowly drift off. He knew he'd regret the nap that night when he goes to sleep but he didn't mind.

Hawkins, Indiana
Two years later

Max laughed as Lucas sat back down beside her, still reeling from his speech. She smiled contently as Erica stood up to start her speech. The whole day had been a blur for her, but a different type of blur compared to how she felt when she married Carl. She felt loved and for the first time in 8 years she felt like she could trust someone again. She diverted her attention back to Lucas after her sister-in-law's speech and allowed him to grab her hand. He led her out to the lobby of the venue, thanking all of the guests for coming.

She took a step back, overwhelmed by all of the attention, as she watched Lucas thank his extended family. "How are you feeling?" Dustin asked from the spot next to her. She smiled back at him,
"Happy." She said, simply. She lay her head on his shoulder as she watched her husband move onto the next group of people. Soon, Lucas's family were coming up to her and Dustin was walking away.

They spent the rest of the night dancing with each other along with the rest of their friends and family. Max had never been happier as Lucas grabbed her hand and led her to their room. He shut the door behind them, reaching over to help unzip her satin dress. She smiled as she pulled it off, letting out a small sigh of relief as she could finally breathe again. He handed her one of his spare shirts as he changed into flannel pants. Once they were both in their pyjamas, Lucas pulled his wife closer to him in their bed.

"I love you." He smiled, kissing her gently. She deepened the kiss before pulling away slightly,
"I love you too," She mumbled before kissing him again, she wrapped her leg around his, pulling him in more. His hand trailed up her stomach as she put her hands on his face. She smiled against him slightly. For the first time in her life she finally felt like she had someone who loved her and cared for her, someone who'd be with her no matter what. She held him closer that night, vowing she'd never let him go again.

Part 4 of 4

Thanks for all the support on this little mini series, love you guys!!

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