The Ocean, The Waves, California

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Lucas meets Sam Mayfield for the first time

June 1988
Summer Break

Sam Mayfield stood by Gate 16 at San Diego International Airport. He had been waiting for 10 minutes for his daughters plane to arrive and just as he had approached the gate he heard a woman call out on the speakers, "Flight 24 from Indiana has arrived at gate 16. That is Flight 24 from Indiana."

Tapping his foot the older man waited impatiently for his little girl, well not so little anymore he supposed. He looked up from the ground just in time for his eyes to meet a pair of hands in the swarm of people. One of the people had dark skin and a green beaded bracelet around their wrist, the other pale with freckles and a purple bracelet to match the other. Max he thought, it couldn't have been anyone else. As he thought this his brown eyes locked with his daughters piercing blue ones behind a large crowd of people and suddenly she was smiling and leading the boy beside her, Lucas he assumed, towards her father.

"Dad!" She yelled as she dropped her boyfriends hand and instead wrapped her arms around the man.
"Hi Sweetpea!" He smiled, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. His eyes closed subconsciously as he enjoyed the warmth of the hug.
"I missed you so much," she smiled as she pulled away. He chuckled softly and replied with a simple "I missed you too" before the pair turned to Lucas.

"Dad this is Lucas, my boyfriend," she said cautiously, smiling at her father. Sam held his arms out and hugged the younger boy, who quickly returned the gesture. Max smiled at Lucas's wide eyes and open mouth as her father wrapped his arms around him unexpectedly.
"It's nice to meet you," Lucas smiled after they pulled away.
"It's nice to meet you too, Max has told me a lot about you," he beamed, making Lucas raise his eyebrows.
"She has?" He questioned, looking nervously over at his girlfriend seeing her face turn a bright shade of red.
"Yeah duh." Sam joked, taking Max's luggage and leading them to his car.

When they arrived at her dads two bedroom apartment in LA he warned the pair that the neighbourhood was very dangerous and that they shouldn't leave the house at night before unlocking the door and letting them inside. The apartment was decent, it had wood floors and a patterned rug below a couch that looked worn, the couch had a matching armchair to the right of it, there were various photos of Max and her father covering the walls, there was a small kitchen and a table with one chair in the corner. Max felt her heart break as she considered the fact that her dad had been living alone for years. The place wasn't great but it felt comforting in a way she couldn't put into words. It felt like home.
"It's nice." Max smiled as she ran her hand across the back of the couch.
"It's something." He replied, trying to hide his wince as she almost tripped over the old rug. She laughed it off and turned at the sound of footsteps along the hall.
"Is that..." she started but broke out into a smile as her childhood dog Milo ran toward her. "Hey Buddy!" she laughed softly, she let the dog kiss around her face. "Look at you, you're so big!"

Lucas watched as the dog smothered his girlfriend in kisses and smiled, failing to notice the older man approaching behind him. "She loves that dog," Sam mused, laughing as the younger boy jumped slightly from the sound of his voice. "Sorry kid."
"It's alright, and yeah uh...I can tell" he smiled, the look in his girlfriends eyes looked almost reminiscent as Milo ran laps around her in excitement. Suddenly Sam clapped behind him, startling him yet again.
"Okay, let's get you two unpacked you'll be staying in the guest room" He informed them before leading them toward the door at the end of the hall. "I'll give you two a minute to get settled, the wardrobe is empty so you can put your stuff in there if you'd like."
"Thanks Dad," Max smiled, the older man quickly smiled back before shaking his head and walking away.

The pair sat in comfortable silence as they unpacked. "I like him." Lucas had stated as he brushed past his girlfriend to hang up some of his clothes.
"You do?" She stared at him, mouth splitting into wide smile.
"I do." He laughed as he stared back at her, "he's nice. A lot like you."
"Well he raised me more than mom ever did so..." She rolled her eyes and turned away from him and without another word the boy walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind and sighed into her neck. There was a mutual understanding of her past that lingered between them as he burrowed his face into her neck. A smile spread across her face again as she felt her boyfriends warm breath hit her. "Come on. I'm finished putting my stuff away." She smiled and turned to him.
"Okay, we can leave on one condition." He smiled.
"And what would that be?" She teased, leaning in to kiss him lightly. Lucas quickly reciprocated, pulling her closer to him gently.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Sam stood at the entrance. They sprung apart instantly, Max turning a bright shade of red. "Oh- sorry," he laughed, "I was just coming to ask if you wanted to come watch a movie." He held up the vhs tape that had the word 'Halloween' spread across it. "Like old times?" A wide smile covered the young girls face, she turned to her boyfriend.
"Can we?" She pleaded, knowing how much he hated horror movies. His eyes met hers and he knew immediately he couldn't turn her down. He nodded slowly.
"Yeah, of course we can." He smiled, grabbing her hand and walking to the living room. Sam stood from his chair to get some popcorn and asked Lucas to come with him.

Nervously, the younger boy followed him to the kitchen and when they were out of earshot from Max he started to speak.
"You treating her right?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he turned to pull a bag of popcorn kernels from a cabinet.
"Um- yeah? Yeah I think so..." he smiled nervously, as though he was trying to convince himself it was the truth.
"You think so?" He questioned, as he put the bag into the microwave and set it to 3 minutes. He turned to him, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.
"Y-yeah...I mean- Well..." Lucas was stuttering and stumbling over his words, nothing that was coming out of his mouth even remotely made sense. Sam broke out in a smile.
"Relax, I was teasing." He laughed, "I do talk to my daughter. If you weren't treating her right, trust me, I would know." The sentiment came across almost threatening as the younger boy gulped and turned to the microwave as the popping sounds stopped. "So Max tells me you play ball." Sam started, promptly changing the subject.
"Yeah, on track to being captain when we come back from summer." He smiled, dumping the bag into a bowl.
"Right, you're gonna be seniors this year." Sams eyes widened at the idea of his little girl turning 18. Lucas nodded.
"You ever play ball Mr Mayfield?" He asked, still somewhat nervous.
"Sam, please. And yeah, I used to play in high school then for a while in college." He smiled, reminiscing as he grabbed something from a drawer for himself.
"Sounds fun." Lucas mused, Sam nodded and the pair walked back into the living room. He leaned over to give the popcorn to his girlfriend.
"Thank you," she replied sweetly, smiling at him and patting the spot next to her on the couch. Sam opted to sit in the leather armchair by the right hand side of where they were sitting, he had chips with him rather than popcorn and he was happily snacking away at them as Milo jumped onto the chair and curled himself up on his lap.

As the movie reached it's climax Lucas watched in fear as Laurie Strode came face to face with Michael Myers for the grand finale, gripping onto his girlfriends hand. She smiled as he winced when either were hurt and cheered when it seemed as though Michael was dead. She caught her dads eye from across the room, her eyes were begging for his approval of the boy she had grown to love and his were full of reassurance that he, not only, approved of their relationship but also that he was glad she found someone to love her the way she deserved to be loved. She smiled at him softly and lay her head down on her boyfriends shoulder. Sam smiled, he noticed the way Lucas's eyebrows stopped furrowing in concentration, the way his eyes softened, the way he wrapped both of his arms around her, the way he pulled her into his lap gently, the way he looked almost protective with her small body in his arms, how he treated her right. He knew Max was safe. And that was, over everything, all he wanted for his daughter. By the time the movie was over they had fallen asleep in the living room, Sam and Milo dozing off in his armchair and Lucas and Max cuddling on the couch.

I know I haven't posted in forever and I'm so sorry, I've been struggling with writing lumax because I was so worried about season 4 and where they would end up. Thank you all for being patient I will hopefully keep updating! (also Vol 2 spoilers: I wrote this mostly a few weeks ago and I am just now realising they're having the movie night they never got in vol 2 I could cry)

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We're not kids anymore - Lumax OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora