Future Lumax

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Here are some of my future Lumax headcanons let me know which ones you would like to see as a fanfic :)

Max and Lucas move to New York for work and college because it's not too far away from Home and Lucas's family. Not to mention the incredible opportunities they have there.

Max likes to write but hasn't published anything yet (she writes books and songs). Max works from home, Lucas is a Lawyer and works at a firm 30 minutes away from their apartment. Lucas served in the military for a long time and pursued law when he was finished serving. (This is a thing where I live I'm not 100% sure about America just bare with me😭)

Lucas and Max don't get married until they're 25 but by the time they get married they have three kids, two boys and a girl. The eldest are Zach and Abi and Myles later on when the twins are 4. Zach loves both of his parents equally while Abi (her full name is Abigail) is obsessed with Lucas and Myles (who was born while Lucas was still serving in the military) is attached to Max.

The Sinclairs are very close to the Henderson's (Dustin, his wife, and their son)

Myles's full name is Myles Samuel Sinclair. His middle name being an homage to Max's canon dad Sam. He has trouble talking. Not even uttering his first word (which is obviously mama) until he is 2. And as much as he loves Max he gets all of Lucas's shy personality. Myles means "soldier".

Abi's full name is Abigail Sinclair, Max opting out of giving her a middle name claiming "if she gets married one day she could change her middle name to Sinclair like I will do with Mayfield". She is pretty much a mix of Max and Erica. She's loud and argumentative but somehow angelic all at the same time. She is fascinated by her fathers work as a Lawyer and asks him questions about work despite not knowing what anything means. Abigail means 'Fathers Joy' in Hebrew which is pretty fitting all things considered.

Zach's full name is Zachary Charles Sinclair, continuing the chain of first born sons in the Sinclair family having the first or middle name Charles (which is Lucas's middle name and non-canonically his dads name). Zach leans more towards Lucas's personality with a dash of Max's but only when it comes to arguing with his younger (by 6 minutes) sister. He wasn't planned. At all. The twins would spend nearly a month in the hospital because they were born 8 weeks early before they were allowed to come home.

Lucas's family are in love with the kids. Finding every opportunity they can to come to New York to help out with them.

Max's family (excluding her biological father) aren't allowed to see the kids at all. No exceptions.

The party hadn't seen each other in 7 years when they reunite for the first time around Christmas time in 1996 for their wedding. Everyone being shocked that Lucas and Max are even still together.

They have a family dog called Kevin and later on Abi and Zach get a kitten when they're 6.

Erica takes Abi under her wing. She teaches her how to braid her hair and teaches her all about the latest fashion. (Even though she is 4 and most definitely doesn't understand what she is saying.)

They live in a three bedroom apartment. Abi and Zach share a room but Abi and Myles will switch when he is old enough to move out of the nursery.

The Sinclair kids are very athletic.

Max and Lucas go to the gym together all the time while they're both off work, Abi and Zach are at pre-k and Myles is at daycare.

Myles suffers with separation anxiety when he and Max are separated for too long. Which proves to be difficult when Lucas is working and Max is home alone with all three kids.

Now this part has to do with maxs trauma so if you don't want to read that skip ahead.

Max often feels that she isn't good enough. Neil engraved into her brain at a young age that she doesn't deserve to be loved. So when Lucas asks her what's wrong she says this:

Do you know how it's feels, to come home everyday from work and look into your kids eyes and think, "Why are you still here? I don't deserve you." do you know how it feels to look your own baby in the eye and have an overwhelming urge to leave because they would be a hell of a lot better without you. I hate that I think like that.

He holds her close on nights that she feels this way.

Max is diagnosed with anxiety two months after leaving Hawkins.

Her and Lucas agree that they won't let each other go. Max makes sure she and Lucas always go to bed happy. For her sake. For Lucas's sake. And most importantly, for their kids sake.

She is constantly worried that he'll leave. Even after having three kids together. She's still worried because she knows how it feels to have divorced parents. It hurts. And step-parents and step siblings could be the worst thing to ever happen to you.

End of Trauma Talk

Lucas holds onto Max as tight as he can. He never let's go. They never divorce. They grow old together. The end.

Ps. The Sinclairs love the snow. They spend summer in California with maxs dad and winter in New York with Lucas and Dustin's families.

I can do all of these if you'd like lmk :))

(918 words)

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