Safe and Sound

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Season 4 alt ending, Max lives.

Hopper's Cabin
Hawkins, Indiana
The Friday after the 'earthquake'

"How are you feeling?" Lucas asked, placing a hand on Max's shoulder. He sat next to her on the couch, she sent him a soft smile as she shrugged. She rested her head against his shoulder as he rubbed her arm.
"I'm tired," She said, yawning as he wrapped an arm around her. He nodded sympathetically,
"I bet," He replied. "You can take a nap, I'll stay here and make sure nobody comes in." He suggested, she nodded as she looked around.

They both realised there wasn't enough room for her on the couch that had been pulled into Hopper's old room, he stood up quickly. "I can sit on the floor." He said as she nodded, laying down on the old couch. He gave her his jacket to cover herself with as he sat with his back against the couch. He sat in silence for a while, listening as she breathed softly. She was asleep.

After a while, he heard a shuffling noise from behind him. "Lucas?" Max called out, he turned around quickly to see her sitting up on the couch, panting. He sat on the edge of the couch, pulling her into his arms much like he had at the graveyard. She had a hand on his face, the other on his arm as she looked up at him.
"It's okay," he comforted her, rubbing her back in small circles. "You'll be alright, nothings gonna hurt you."

He held her close as her breathing slowed, she relaxed against him. He continued to comfort her, whispering in her ear that she would be okay. He wiped away the few tears that had spilled down her cheek as he continued to rub her back. She had her face pressed against his chest as she gripped onto his shirt. "Don't go." She said as he leaned away slightly. He pulled her closer, stroking her hair and rocking them back and forth slowly.

They sat like that for over 20 minutes, Max was still shaking when she pulled away from him. "Do you wanna talk..." he trailed off as she shook her head. "Okay, I understand. Still tired?" He asked, watching as she nodded. He moved to get off the couch but before he could stand up she grabbed his shirt again and cuddled into him.
"I need you." She said, "hold me." He looked slightly flustered as she crawled into his lap again, burying her face in his neck.

He held her close to his chest as she fell asleep again, he rubbed her leg gently. He felt himself start to doze off after a while, waking up two hours later to find her gone.  He sat up, frantically looking for Max. Just as he was about to speak she walked through the door. "You're up," She smiled, making her way to him and climbing into his lap. "I missed you." She confessed.
"I've been cuddling you the whole time, have I not?" He asked.

She nodded, smiling softly. "I missed talking to you." She clarified as she looked up at him. "And not just today. All the time since we broke up. I really missed you." He looked taken aback at her sudden confession.
"I missed you too..." he said, a shocked expression on his face. She laughed softly, leaning closer to him. She placed her hand on his face, pulling him closer.

She kissed him gently as he raised his eyebrows, she smiled against his lips before she pulled away. He leaned back against the couch, pushing his tongue against his cheek before he smiled to himself. He rubbed the back of his neck shyly before she pulled him in by the shirt, kissing him again. She pushed him down onto the couch as the kiss deepened, running her hand up to his face again. He kept his hands on her waist and lower back.

His hands brushed over her chest before placing them on her face, pulling her down with him as he lay down on the couch. She smiled against his lips before they continued to make out. They stayed like that for 15 minutes, taking short breaks for air. She tugged at the bottom of his shirt as the kiss grew heated. He lifted his arms slightly as Max pulled it off of him.

"Hey guys do you- OH MY GOD!" A voice came from the doorway, Max jumped off of him quickly as she rushed to fix her hair. Lucas sat up, turning to the door.
"Dustin! It's not what it looks like!" Lucas yelled as Dustin started to rub his eyes and pace in circles.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Dustin repeated, staring at the floor. He turned and walked out without saying another word.

It was silent for a while before Max slapped a hand over her mouth, muffling her laughter as Lucas stared at her with wide eyes. "Max!" He groaned, leaning back on the couch. She continued to laugh, her hand falling away from her mouth.
"Aw, he's gonna be traumatised," she said before bursting into laughter again. She made her way over to Lucas, sitting next to him while her laughter died down.

They were silent for a while, Max playing with her fingers as Lucas was deep in thought. "Max?" He started, she looked up at him with her eyebrows raised. "What uh- what does this mean" He asked. She stared at him, confused as he gulped. "I mean like...we just napped together then...made out. Does that mean we're...?" He asked. She laughed softly.
"You're asking me this now?" She asked, watching him begin to laugh too. "Yes, Lucas. This means that's were..." she mocked, resting her head on his shoulder.

He grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb along her knuckles. "I'm glad." He said, smiling down at her. She met his gaze and placed a hand on his face again. She kissed him gently before going back to laying her head on his shoulder. There was a knock on the door frame before Dustin came in again, covering his eyes. They laughed quietly between them. "Dustin, man, you can look." Lucas huffed, resting his chin on top of Max's head.

"Oh..." Dustin said, removing his hands from in front of his eyes. "Sorry, I was uh...just wondering if you guys wanted to watch a movie with us back at Mike's." He asked. Lucas was about to agree before Max interrupted.
"Actually, Lucas promised we'd go see a movie today. Isn't that right?" She asked, Lucas staring at her with wide eyes before nodding. "I suppose with the earthquake and all the movie theatre is a no go." She mused. "But still. We can watch a movie at your, right Lucas? Plus It's a date so..." She trailed off.

Dustin nodded, smiling at them. "Understood. Have fun!" He called out as he turned and walked out. Lucas grabbed her hand,
"Let's go, I got The Goonies and The Breakfast Club a few weeks ago. They're meant to be due back tomorrow but I think that's the least of their worries right now." He said, leading her out to the living room.

He informed his parents that they wanted to go home, Charles opting to take them back while Sue stayed with the other moms. They held hands during the journey home as Max watched the scenery pass through the window. He stared at her lovingly, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to him. "I've missed you so much." He said, kissing her head. She smiled, "I've missed you too."

Hope you enjoyed, short chapter sorry!

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