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Hi! So...long time no see I guess? I know posted a check in on here the other day but I want to kinda let you guys know my plans for this account and this book going forward.

So, as you might know I've been hinting toward a new book and I finally have an update for you guys! I'm working hard to try get the first chapter of the new book up either today or in the next few days. First Few chapters are a bit weird set up wise, they're gonna be prologue style chapters to kinda set up the story and the storyline but I'm really excited about it and I hope you guys will like it! (It's a sit-com style Lumax centric book!)

As for this book, I will post any other ideas I get that don't fit into that story but I want to write, meaning unfortunately updates won't be very frequent (not that they ever really were😬) however, updates on the new book should be pretty frequent.

In terms of schedule there really won't be much of a schedule to the updates on either book. I have exams spanning from last month till June 1st and I really want to do good in those but I usually write at night so I should be posting at least twice-ish a week!

Thank you for your continued support on this book it means the world, the next update will probably be announcing the new book but after that I won't post anymore authors notes! Love you :)

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