Drunk in Love

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Prompt: The Kids go to a party and vow not to get drunk. Not all of them stick to that promise.

(Yes, characters are 16 but I do not in any way condone underage drinking this chapter is loosely based on a prompt I found on tumblr :) )

Hawkins High School
December 1987

"Please? You've been to two parties in your whole existence and both times you ended up leaving ten minutes in because it was 'too loud'" Lucas was practically begging Mike as his girlfriend approached the table.

"No way man. Something bad is gonna happen I know it."

"Stop being so uptight Mike come on."

"Whatever this is about...I'm so in." The girl said sitting down next to her boyfriend.

"See? Come on Mike"

"Okay fine but promise me something?"


"No one gets drunk."

Max groaned, "seriously Mike?"

"Okay well I guess I'm not coming."

"Fine! No one will get drunk."

"Okay I'm in"


"Dustin coming?" Max questioned.

"Yeah, Will and El too. They're back in town for Christmas."

"Oh okay," she smiled.

The Wheelers Residence
December 1987

"Come on Mike we're gonna be late!" Will yelled from the front door.

"Where are you guys off to?" Mrs Wheeler asked.

"Oh, Lucas's. We are all gonna study for that chemistry exam. Thought we'd make use of the empty house," Mike replied walking down the stairs.

"Oh okay cool. Don't be too long."

"Of course not mom. See you later."

El was already waiting for the pair when they opened the car door, "took you long enough."

"Be quiet," Will huffed.

The Sinclair Residence
December 1987

"Lucas come on, you've been in there for like thirty minutes and I need to pee." Max yelled, laying flat on her stomach on her boyfriends bed.

"Okay okay relax I'm here," he replied. He was wearing jeans and a black dress shirt, hair fixed perfectly as it always is.

"God, what took you so long?"

"This hair is like a statue, if you don't sculpt it right you can't tell what it's meant to be."

"You sound like Dustin."

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