if you hold me without hurting me

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Title from Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey

The Mayfield Trailer
Hawkins, Indiana
December 1988

'Out, be back at 9. Make sure dinner's ready.'

Max stared at the note on the fridge, crossing her arms with a sigh. Things had been the same for 4 weeks straight, she'd wake up to a note from her mom informing her that she'd be back late and to have food on the table. It wasn't exactly the responsibilities her mom had tasked her with that was the issue, it was that Max was taking care of her, at this point, more than her mom had ever taken care of her.

Normally, she'd call Lucas and ask him to come over. They'd kiss for a while or watch a movie or listen to music, they'd even occasionally read comics. But he had work today, and he wouldn't finish until 8.30. She threw the note in the trash and opened the fridge, pulling out some butter and sandwhich fillers before reaching into the cupboard and coming out empty-handed. She sighed in realisation before putting everything back in the fridge. She grabbed her shoes and keys. Her mom had finished the bread.

It was a short drive from her trailer to Melvald's, which had reopened ater the mall's closure in 1985. The journey consisted of her blasting music as she drove way over the speed limit on the small backroad near the trailer park. She slowed as she got closer to the central part of town, to not only avoid accidents but getting pulled over too. She slammed the car door shut before locking it and making her way into the store.

Lucas looked up from his place at the checkout counter when the bell sounded out as the door opened. He smiled brightly as he realised that it was Max, she looked through the bread aisle before grabbing a loaf , she grabbed a bag of chips and a can of coke then began trudging toward him. He gave her a sympathetic look as he scanned her items. "Your mom working again?" he questioned, looking back at her to see the slow nod she gives him while taking a deep breath. "You wanna hang around here for a bit? I'm sure Joyce wouldn't mind." She nodded again.


Lucas laughed gently as he watched his girlfriend struggle to reach her car keys, which he was holding above his head. "Lucas, I need to go. Please give me my keys." She whined, but she was smiling widely up at him. He shook his head defiantly, "Lucas, please."
"I'll give you them," he said, lowering the keys slightly before lifting them higher again when she reached up. "But..."
"Lucas you're being unfair." She complained, jumping slightly to try and reach the keys. She folded her arms in defeat. "But what?"
"But...you have to let me come over for a bit until your mom gets home." She nodded. "And you have to kiss me." He smirked, watching as she rolled her eyes.

She pecked him quickly before holding her hand out expectantly. He gave her a 'really?' Look before wrapping his arms around her. She laughed quietly as she placed a hand on his face. She leaned in and kissed him gently, they pulled away after a few seconds and he sent her a content smile. "You aren't gonna let me drive, are you?" He asked, handing her the keys back along with the bread and snacks she had bought earlier.

"In your dreams."

The Mayfield Trailer

Lucas stifled a laugh as Max struggled with the front door, trying to unlock it. "If it's so funny why don't you open it?" She replied, he shook his head before taking the keys. He opened the door in one attempt and held it for her to walk in, a smug expression on his face. "You're a dick." She grumbled, walking in and putting the bread on the counter. She grabbed his hand and led him to her room.

a little while later they were sitting on her bed, Lucas laughing as she buried her face in her hands. "It's not that bad." She reasoned, trying to catch her breath.
"I thought I was going to die!" He exclaimed, dramatically causing her to laugh even harder. "Gotta be top 10 scariest moments of my life."
"Okay I'm not that bad of a driver." She defended, watching as he started shaking his head rapidly.
"You've never been in the passenger seat wih someone who drives like you. You don't know real fear." He shuddered sarcastically.

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