To Leave The Warmest Bed I've Ever Known.

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The heart I know I'm breaking is my own.

Tw// domestic abuse (physical)

Max's Hotel Room
The Next Morning

Max rolled over, feeling the spot on the bed next to her empty. As she became slightly more aware of her surroundings she noticed that her dress wasn't on the floor. She looked around, confused as she spotted the balcony door was open, blowing the curtains slightly. She looked around and noticed his shirt on the ground, she picked it up and buttoned it as little as possible. She pushed open the door to the other room, grabbing underwear and shorts, putting them on before walking out to the balcony. Lucas was sitting in a chair, with only his jeans on. She sat down in the chair across from him, staring out at the lake in front of the hotel.

He looked over at her, noticing her lack of clothes. He smiled to himself, "how you feeling?" He asked, she chuckled in response.
"Good." She rested her elbow against the table between them, laying her chin on her hand. "Nervous about this whole divorce thing though." She sighed. He nodded,
"I get that, are you nervous for the whole process or to tell him?" He asked, watching as she pouted slightly.
"Both I suppose, but more so to tell him I think."

He leaned over to the table, grabbing her spare hand. "I'm gonna be with you the whole time, ok? Everything's gonna be okay." He smiled, pulling her hand closer to kiss her knuckle. She smiled back, getting up and letting him pull her into his lap. She leaned into his neck as he pulled her closer.
"I missed you," she said, humming. As he kissed her cheek.
"Any particular part in mind?" He teased as she rolled her eyes.
"God, shut up." She chuckled, shoving his face away sarcastically.

They sat there for a while before she heard her phone going off in the bedroom, she looked at Lucas for a second before she rushed to answer it. He followed her but stayed silent as she picked up the phone. "It's Carl." She said, panicking. He urged to answer it as normal as she can while she nodded. "Hi babe," She said, faking a cheery tone. "What are you talking about? No he- he just took me home. Nothing happened. Carl." She started to argue with him as Lucas stood awkwardly beside her. "You're overthinking. My phone was dead, I'm sorry okay? It won't happen again." She said. Lucas could hear from the other end as Carl ended the call with a "yeah, you're right. It wont happen again cause you're coming home. Tonight." He heard the dial tone sound as she pulled the phone away from her ear.

"Well..." She started, looking at him with a small pout. He just sat on the bed as she turned to put her phone back on charge. There was a knock at the door.
"Max? It's Albert, from your husband's security. Just making sure you got home okay!" He called from the other side of the door. "I'm gonna come in now." She panicked, looking at Lucas who was sitting in her messy bed, shirtless. She pushed him off the bed as hid beside the bed. She turned around as Albert entered.

"Hey! Sorry about last night my phone died." She smiled, nervously. He looked around noticing the abnormally messy room. His eyes stopped on Lucas's shoes and then on the shirt Max was wearing, he looked at her warily as she continued to smile at him.
"We're leaving in a few hours." He stated, visibly irritated before leaving and shutting the door.

She put her head in her hands as she began to panic. "Lucas he's gonna tell him." She started as he stood up, pulling her into his arms. They stayed like that for a while before she pulled away. "I should pack." She stated. She turned and started putting clothes away, except the clothes she planned to wear for the flight 'home'. When she was done she was about to get changed into the clothes for her flight when Lucas grabbed her waist.

"Lucas?" She questioned as he turned her around, he smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. She smiled back at him as she deepened the kiss, already starting to pull the oversized shirt over her head. She couldn't even think about Carl or the divorce right now, she told herself she'd worry about it when she was back with him in LA.

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