Study Date

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Fluff bc this book is too angsty :)

Lucas brings Max food while she's studying. It's cute 😩

The Hargrove Residence
Hawkins, Indiana
Friday 9th of May 1986

Max sat in her bed, propped up against the headboard and supported by some pillows.

The school had advised that she only go into school on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that she didn't get "too stressed" after the death of her brother. It was bullshit though, Max knew for a fact they just didn't want to risk getting sued because she lost her temper at another kid, most likely a bully. But even before she lost Billy she had a temper so that explanation didn't really sit right with her.

And the only problem with not being at school? She still had to study.

Max pushed her glasses up her nose as she highlighted a few words in her textbook.

Ah yes. Another thing that happened shortly after Billy died. She got reading glasses. Max immediately hated how she looked in them but it was definitely worth it when her boyfriend uttered "you look fucking adorable" as she walked through his front door later that day.

The redhead looked down at the textbook again. Where the fuck is it? She was supposed to highlight all the words in the passage that include a suffix or a prefix but she was struggling to find the last one.

She groaned in frustration and threw the book down on her bed, shifting her body so her head was above the headboard as she lay it against the wall.

"Trouble in Paradise?"

She smiled slightly and rolled her head to the right to look out her window. She couldn't see him as her view was obstructed by the curtains. She frowned.

"Tell me about it"

He chuckled as he climbed through the window. She could see him clear as day now. Her boyfriend, wearing a varsity jacket over a white shirt and black pants and smiling shyly at her.

"What you got there?"

She looked at the bag in his hands. 'Benny's Burgers (new owners)'.

"I couldn't let you go through all this suffering on an empty stomach madmax"

She laughed and reached her hands out.

"Now now Maxine, take your time"

She stuck her tongue out at him as he sat on the edge of her bed. Her boyfriend began to take things out of the bag.

"So...there's a burger and fries for me..."

He lay the container on the bed and shoved his hands inside again.

"And a...salad for you...I guess"

He shuddered dramatically as he handed it to her. She chuckled at him.

"You're a dork"

"I don't know how you can eat that!"

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