Are You Still There?

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Yeah this chapter is rly just a vent cause I have a shit life lol

Chapter corresponds with Back to The Old House (2011 remaster) by the smiths.

Unknown Facility, Russia
April 1986

The halls were dark. Too dark. Faint footsteps could be heard in the distance, sometimes they would disappear but they would come back eventually.

"Lucas?" Max whispered.

No reply.

The group had been split up. They had been captured in the creel house and had woken up alone in an abandoned hallway.

"Lucas?" She said slightly louder.

She didn't want to startle anyone, if there was anyone to startle that is.

Max was starting to get worried.

"Lucas, please where are you?"

Then there were gunshots. She looked around.

There's no one here she kept telling herself. But those were definitely gunshots and no one in the party was carrying a gun, not to her knowledge at least.

She didn't dare speak again. That was until she heard gasping sounds.

She turned the corner. It was a man, he was dressed in a uniform much like the ones from the Russian base that Ms Byers had been wearing that day at starcourt.

But he was bleeding, and he was gasping for air.

She leaned down. "Oh god."

The man continued to gasp. Max reached her hand out towards the wound on his neck. It was gushing with blood. She applied as much pressure as she could, trying her hardest to keep him alive. "Come on, come on. Please." The man went limp. He wasn't gasping anymore and his head rolled back. He was dead.

"Oh god." She was really freaking out. "Oh god." She cried. This man was dead, and she couldn't help him.

She stood up and looked around. There was no sign of anyone that could have shot him.

With one last look at the guard Max began to run. She looked around every corner but never turned. She just kept running straight. Someone had to be around here somewhere. Anyone.

She had been here for well over two hours.

More gunshots.

She began to cry. Her hands were covered in blood and she was shaking profusely.

I would rather not go

That's when she heard it. It was almost like a...groaning sound.

Back to the old house

She looked around, trying to find the source. She eventually found that it was coming from one of the hallways she had passed.

I would rather not go

She followed the shape of the hall as the sound got louder, and at the same time...more familiar.

Back to the old house

She turned the corner.

There's too many bad memories


Too many memories there

She approached the body. There was so much blood.

When you cycled by

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