You Weren't Mine To Lose

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Based on 'August' by Taylor Swift. This is an AU so characters behave slightly differently!

Porter Beach, Indiana
Summer 1988

Lucas listened to the seagulls in the distance as he took in the view of the ocean. He held his hand in front of his face as the sun peeked from behind the clouds, scrunching his face up. He jingled his keys in the pockets of shorts, his parents had given him access to their beach house for the summer as a reward for his hard work in school. His friends were all on vacation but he thought the time could be used to clear his head.

That was until he looked dropped the hand that was shielding the sun to find a young girl, around his age, sitting down on the sand in front of him. She was alone, clearly trying to make the most of the summer sun, he gathered, as he watched her rub sunscreen into her skin. He watched her long ginger hair flow gently in the wind as she leaned back on her forearms, taking in the ocean. After a while, she put her sunglasses on and lay on her stomach on top of the beach towel. He picked at the grass next to him nervously as he watched the sun shine on her back. She shifted around on the towel in an uncomfortable manner.

She sat up suddenly, groaning in frustration and throwing one of her flip flops away from her. They both watched as it hit the sand and bounced about 12 feet away from them. She buried her head in her hands, covering her eyes, as she sighed. She looked up, startled, when she heard the sand crunching next to her as she met Lucas's eyes. He was holding her flip flop out, smiling lightly back at her. "Thanks." She replied, taking the shoe off of him gently and putting it back down on the sand next to the other one.

She heard him move to sit behind her, smacking his shoe against the ground. Turning towards him with a confused expression, she uttered. "We're at the beach and you're sitting on the grass?" He laughed lightly at her confusion. He shook his head gently,
"Why would I sit on the sand? It's like impossible to get off your shit." He explained, hitting his shoe off the ground again to get the sand out.

"Were you watching me?" She asked, opening a can of Diet Coke that she had pulled out of the small cooler beside her. His eyes widened as he opened his mouth to reply hurriedly. "You know you could have warned me before coming over here." She gestured to the space around her, "it's tough being alone out here with all these men, it's kinda intimidating. That's all I meant." She clarified.
"I didn't think- I knew what you meant." He reassured, "You're right I should've, I'm sorry."
She shook her head, "it's whatever. Sorry about the shoe, I'm sure you can agree that sand is very uncomfortable." She smiled, watching him laugh, joining him quietly.

"I'm Maxine by the way. Well...Max." She introduced herself, smiling politely as she took a sip of her drink.
"I'm Lucas, Lucas Sinclair. My family owns one of the small beach houses over there." He gestured in the general direction of them.
"Small? That's like...the size of my regular house." She replied, raising her eyebrows in surprise.
"I guess it isn't that small now that I think about it." He mused, "well, it was nice to meet you Maxi- Max. Not Maxine." She smiled softly.
"Nice to meet you too."

A few days later

Lucas watched the tide come in gently as the cool breeze distracted him from his thoughts, he laid back on his towel, his arms behind his head, as he listened to the sounds of the ocean. Every time he closed his eyes she appeared again, he was almost 100% sure he'd made her up. She was impossibly beautiful, beyond what he could even describe. There was no way she was real, probably a hallucination from the weed he'd brought with him or overexposure to the sun.

But soon he found himself screwing up his face when the sun was blocked from his face by a figure. When he opened his eyes there was a halo of light around her, created by the sun. She was smiling down at him. "Still afraid of sand I see stalker." She teased, unfolding her towel and putting it down next to his on the grass.
"I'm not afraid of sand I just..." he trailed off when she started to laugh. She was teasing him.

We're not kids anymore - Lumax OneshotsрдЬрд╣рд╛рдБ рдХрд╣рд╛рдирд┐рдпрд╛рдБ рд░рд╣рддреА рд╣реИрдВред рдЕрднреА рдЦреЛрдЬреЗрдВ