Chapter 1 Part 2

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"Dan, tell me what's wrong. You've been acting strange all day," I told him as we headed up stairs. Everyone else was down stairs watching TV, Daniel had said he wasn't feeling well so he was going to go to bed. I took that as my chance to ask him what's wrong.

"Just not feeling well, I'll be better tomorrow... hopefully," he murmmered the last part, thinking I wouldn't hear him.

"Dan, please?" I wouldn't let it go untill he told me what was wrong.

"I have a headache, that's all," he smiled, but it was forced which made me wonder what was wrong even more. But I figured he wouldn't tell me, so I gave up.

"Goodnight," I said, kissing his cheek and heading downstairs to the lounge room.

"How is he?" Max asked. As soon as I stepped into the room, everyones eyes turned to me.

"Not good. He wouldn't even tell me what's wrong."

"But you guys tell each other everything" Tiffany said. Tiffany has blonde hair, green eyes and is a complete girly girl

"I know and that's what makes me worry more- we tell each other everything." I frowned at the thought.

"Don't frown, maybe he has important Alpha bussiness,"

"Doubt it- he would of told us if he did" I began to get more upset

"Hey- I bet tomorrow he will be himself," Tiffany said. I hoped she was right.

I rubbed sleepy eyes and sat up, streetching my arms out as I did. I couldn't sleep much last night, I was too busy wondering what was wrong with Daniel. I slid out of bed and walked to Daniel's room, I had to know if he was ok. 

"Daniel?" I whispered from outside his door. I knew he could hear me. I heard groaning then footsteps before the door swung open to reveal a very tired- very shirtless- Daniel. I must of woken him up. He has bed head, which looked cute on him.

"Kat?" he asked groggly and suprised at the same time. I chuckled at how cute he made him sound. "Are you ok?" He rubbed his eyes "You do realise it's, like, 5 in the morning, right?" he said fully awake now and quite amused.

"Yes, I'm aware of that, but I need to ask you something," I said.

"And this couldn't wait 'til the morning?" He moved aside and let me in, I walked over and sat on his bed. Daniel closed the door and layed down on the bed next to me

"Well, Einstein, if you havn't noticed, it is morning," I laughed, "and no, it couldn't."

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" 

"I wanna know what was wrong yesterday. Please Daniel, you can tell me anything."

"Not this, at least not yet, not until I'm sure."

"Sure about what?"

"I promise I'll tell you one day, but not now. Please don't be mad," he pleaded.

"FIne, but you will tell me, right?"

"One day."

"Kay, night." I hugged him and headed to back to bed, only to be stopped by him saying...

"You do know it's the time you normally wake up now, right?" he smirked.

"Yes, I was just testing you," I lied while blushing

"Uhuh and did I pass the test?" he grinned, knowing it wasn't a test and that I really didn't know.

I didn't bother to answer; I just groaned and left the room hearing him chuckle. 

After having a nice, cold shower, I dried my hair, wrapped the towel around myself and walked to my closet looking for what to wear.

I grabbed my pink and white striped tee, white jeans and white rabens. I walked down stairs and saw the whole pack sitting at the table, either eating, reading, playing games or on their phones. The whole is a group of 12 and they are:

Daniel, Max, Nick, Jordan, Me, Tiffany, Jane, Kate, Jack, Tyler, Derek and Kelly.

Jordan and Kelly are mates.

"Wow look who's up early for a change!" Max said, causing everyone to look at me. Damn you, Max! I'm going to kill you. He knows I hate the attention.

"Your up early and you look really pretty today. Any special reason?" Jordan asked. Jordan is the prankster. We always play pranks on each other. I'm one of the youngest in the whole pack, so all the boys in the pack act like older brothers and are really protective of us girls. 

"No reason," I smiled and sat between Kelly and Tiffany. I noticed Daniel was staring at me weirdly again, but quickly got over it and continued eating his pancakes. Nobody else noticed him looking weirdly, but me. 

"Why are you up so early?" Tiffany whispered.

"Couldn't sleep," I lied, but also told half truth- I couldn't sleep, but I also woke up early to talk to Daniel.

"Well, I slept like a log." 

"That's cause you are a log," Kelly snorted.

"Was that supposed to be an insult?" Kelly and Tiffany act like sisters who get on each others nerves, but always love and look out for theeach other.

"Ready to go, Dan?" I got up from my seat and everyone looked at me as if i had three heads. 

"Ok, something's up- your never up early, you never wear anything dressy to school and now you want to go to school early. Are you feeling ok?" Jordan said in mock horror.

"Ok, one: I couldn't sleep. Two: just because I'm not wearing a hoodie, doesn't mean I'm all dressy. And three: no, I'm not sick, you moron, it just means I'm ready to go to school. That's all."  They said nothing, they just kept staring at me. After a few seconds past Jordan, Max and Nick started laughing.

"Yeah, I think she's sick," Jordan said between laughter.

"Maybe she should stay home," Max suggested.

"I'm fine. Come on, Dan." I walked out of the kitchen, Daniel followed me. We got in the car and drove to school.

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