Chapter 27

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Dan's P.O.V

I walked through the forest, passing tree by tree and stepping over fallen branches that covered the floor. I made my way to the training ground.

As it came into view, I started to walk a bit faster. I could hear talking, so I knew that they were there. 

I walked around the tree and straight towards them. They were sitting on the floor talking, but as soon as they saw me, they shut up and stood up.

Everyone was watching me, waiting for me to continue. Everyone, but Kat, who was avoiding my eyes and staring at the ground.

Guilt suddenly hit me, but I pushed it away so I could speak.

Max, Jordan and Tiffany were glaring at me angrily. I glared back and they instintly stopped glaring at me.

"Before we start training, we have some things to discuss," I said. "My father was told that the rouges will be here in three days."

"Three days!" Max yelled. "That's not that far away!"

"We won't have enough time to train," Jordan yelled.

They all started yelling at once. 

"Enough!" I said in alpha voice. They all stopped talking.

"Yes, I agree. Three days isn't that far away, but at least we have a few days to train," I said. "We should be lucky we got heads up about the rouges, so we can train." 

They all mumbled in agreement.

"I also found out that there is about thirty or less rouges." 

"We're out numbered," Nick groaned.

"Not quite," I said. They all gave me questioning looks. "The parents have decided to help out in the fight."

"Hell no!" Jordan cried angrily.

"There is no way in hell that I'm letting them participate in this,"  Max shouted.

"We have no say in what they do. Trust me, I tried, but the parents seem keen on helping out," I said. 

"But they could die," Max shouted. "I'm not letting my parents- or anyone elses parents- die."

"I'll personally tie my parents up if they try to help," Jordan said. 

"Tying them up won't do anything," I said. "They're werewolfs. They have super strength."

"Guys, I think we should let the parents do what they want. Think about it this way; if they help we have a better chance of surviving than if they don't help out and then everyone of us dies," Kat said.

Everyone went quiet and stared at her. Probably thinking about what she said.

"I still don't feel comfortable with our parents helping out in the fight," Max said.

"Well, I think we should give it to our parents to decide that-- not us," she said. "It's their life. We don't make decisions for them. Just like they don't control us."

"I agree with Kat," I said, before anyone else started to argue with her opinion. "At least let the parents decide for themselves."

"But what if they die? I couldn't live with myself knowing that," Jordan said.

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