Chapter 6

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Kat's P.O.V

Seeing as last weekend nobody went to there parents house, this weekend eveyone went to go see their parents. Dan offered to drive me there, which I thanked him for. After 30 minutes, Dan pulled up in my parent's drive way.

"I'll pick you up on Sunday?" he asked as I got out of the car. Dan sat in the drivers seat with his hands on the wheel and was looking at me. 

"Nah, it's okay, I'll walk." He knew when I said walk, I meant I'll change to a wolf and run.

"Kay, see ya Sunday" He smiled, i closed the door and watched as he drove off, before turning to my parents two story brick house. The grass was freshly mowed and was bright green, there were so many flowers in her flower patch. Mum has a green thumb, as people would say, she loves flowers. I smiled and walked towards the house. I turned the handle of the front door and it opened. She should really lock it.

"Mum? I'm home!" I shouted, even though if I whispered, she would have heard me. A few seconds later mum and dad appeared from the kitchen. They smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"Honey, why didn't you come last weekend?" Dad asked.

"Sorry, I went to the beach with Dan and the guys, the girls went shopping." I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Your the only girl I know who hates shopping," he said with a smile.

"That's what makes me who I am." We walked to the kitchen. I love spending weekends at my parents.

"So honey, how is everything in the pack?" Dad asked. Dad loved to know how the pack was doing and what was happening.

"Everything's good; Dan's been giving us intense training, that I swear nearly killed us, but he didn't even brake a sweat."

"Aahaha, that sounds like Dan, alright."

"We should invite him and his parents over sometime this weekend," Mum said. My parents love Dan and Dan's parents love me.

"Yeah, sounds good," I smiled. "Hey, later on, you guys wanna go for a run?" My family loves going for runs as wolf. Its sort of like a family thing we do.

"We would love to, but first I want to put the soup on the stove, so while were out it can cook," Mum smiled. 

After mum had put the soup on the stove, we walked to the backyard. The backyard has a gate that leads to the forest. We changed into our wolf forms and ran into the forest. Mum and dad ran side by side, while I ran ahead; I was the fastest out of us. After an few hours of running and play fighting, we stopped at a lake. We changed back into humans and put our clothes on that we carried in our mouths. 

I was laying on the cold grass, mum and dad were sitting at the edge of the lake, their feet in the water. Dad had his hand around mum's waist and mums head was on his shoulder as they watched the sunset. I smiled at their little romantic moment. They were truly in love. They probably scenced me watching them, because they turned around and saw me smiling at them. They smiled back before turning back to the sunset. I decided to listen to what they were saying, even though I shouldn't.

"Love you," Dad whispered.

"And I love you." He leaned in and kissed her. I made a sound of disgust and the chuckled before pulling away.

"You shouldn't be listening to our conversation, little missy," Mum teased.

"It's so hard not to, with my werewolve hearing." They chuckled again, before kissing. I made vomit sounds and they laughed.

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