Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kathrine's P.O.V

"You sure?" Daniel asked for the hundredth time throughout the car ride.

"I'm positive," I said getting annoyed. Why couldn't he believe that I'm not sick?


"Really. Now, will you stop asking me? Your getting on my nerves." Daniel seemed to finally get the point that I was getting annoyed with him asking that, so he stopped asking. A few mintues later Daniel pulled up in the school car park and we headed inside the school.

Halfway through the car park, Daniel put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. As we got closer to my locker, I pushed him off me so I could get to my locker. I heard him chuckle as I opened it and took out my math book.  The bell went just as I closed my locker door, so I hugged Daniel goodbye and headed to class.

The whole time in class, I was listening to my iPod and drawing on the cover of my book. The teacher was too busy talking on the phone to notice that half the class were acting like animals, even though the only animal in this class is me. I was a loner in this class. I had no friends so I sat by myself at the back corner, away from everyone else.

 "Having fun?"  A voice said in my head. I instintly knew it was Daniel 

"Since when is math fun?"

I heard him chuckle in my mind. "By the way where leaving at lunch."


"Training. We havn't had one in a while."

"Kay." I love training, I think everyone in the pack does, too.

"Can't...move...body...hurts," I groaned and collapsed to the cold grass after 4 hours of intense training.

"Come on, only half an hour left." Daniel smiled. I looked up and saw that he didn't even look tired, he hadn't even broke a sweat. Everyone else was laying on the floor, in their human form, complaining about being sore and too tired. They gave up about half an hour ago.

"Dan, can't we just end it now? I'm too tired... please?" I begged.

He thought about it for a while before smiling and nodding. Everybody changed into a wolf and raced back to the house, leaving Daniel and I all alone. I felt safe with Dan, like I could be myself around him. I guess that's what makes us good friends. I heard Dan chuckle as we headed home.

"That was mean!" I pretended to be mad, but he could always tell when I was lying.  Which was annoying.

"No, mean is when I ask Max and Jordan to cook for us." I cringed at the thought.

"No, that's torture." We laughed.

"Sorry, I thought I was going easy on you guys before you guys complained about not enough training time."

"Yeah, but that's when training was every week; we havn't had one for a while."

"Fine, next time I'll go easy, since little miss girly girl doesn't want to break a nail," he teased

"Girly girl? This "girly girl" could kick you ass!" 

"Bring it...girly girl," he smirked. I smiled and tackled him to the floor landing on top of him and before I could blink I was underneath him. He was smiling in victory. I'm not going to give up so easily. I brang my knee up to kick him, but his leg was in the way. 

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