Chapter 24

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Kat's P.O.V

We all sat down on either the chairs or the floor, waiting patiently for Dan. Nobody was talking and all we could hear was the ticking of the clock.

I was becoming so anxious to find out what the meeting was about that I started to bite my nails, which is a very bad habit of mine.

I could hear the soft 'thuding' sound of Dan walking towards the loungeroom. It became louder as he got closer.

Dan's shadow appeared before he turned the corner and walked in the loungeroom.

Everyone sat up eager to hear what the meeting was called for. I sat still, staring at Dan. 

Dan was staring at me with some unknown emotion. I gave him a questioning look, but he looked away and faced everyone else.

Dan stayed silent and the silence was killing me. He was probably trying to find a way to tell us what ever he wanted to tell us.

"The reason I called this pack into meeting," Dan said. His voice was strong. "Was because this morning I recieved a call from my father."

We stayed silent waiting for him to continue.

"He told me that he was called by other packs who told him that rouges are passing through." He paused. "These rouges are known to be dangerous, so be careful."

Dan stopped talking and had an angry look on his face.

"These rouges are also known for kidnapping and/or killing mates," he said through clenchted teeth. Everyone gasped and Max and Jordan wrapped their arms protectivly around their mates.

"Those bastards," Jordan spat angrily.

"Just thinking about it makes me want to rip their heads off." Max shook his head trying to get the thought out of his head.

"What are we going to do?" Kate said.

"At the moment, I'm not sure," Dan said. "But we need to start increasing our training times."

Everyone nodded.

"We start training tomorrow afternoon," he continued. "We won't be going to school until they pass. Who knows when they will arrive? So I want to be ready"

"Dan, do you have any idea of how many there are?" Max asked.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I'm guessing there is around twenty to thirty rogues." 

"That's practicly twice the size of our pack!" Nick yelled.

"We're not going to stand a chance," Jane said.

"Don't you dare start talking like that," Dan said using his alpha voice. "We might be out numbered, but if we train enough before they come, we might have a better chance," he said, more calmly this time. He stopped using his alpha voice. "But remember that we're not sure if they are just passing through or if they will attack. We're only training to be on the safe side."

"How long until they arrive?" Derek asked.

"At the moment, I'm not sure," Dan said. "Try not to think about it too much. If we train, we should have nothing to worry about. In the mean time, it's getting pretty late, you should all head to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow."

We nodded and got ready to head upstairs.

"Kat, can I talk to you for a second?" Dan asked.  I nodded. 

Everyone was still in the loungeroom talking while we headed upstairs to his room.

I walked into Dan's bedroom. He closed the door behind us. I heard the door click close and then the room went silent. 

I walked over to his bed, sat on the edge and ran my fingers over the quilt covers.

I waited for him to talk, but he just paced around the room. I watched him walk back and forth while I continued to run my fingers over the cover of the quilt.

I sighed loudly and he stopped pacing and looked at me with pained emotion. I gave him a questioning look, but he just continued to stare at me.

After few minutes of him still staring at me, I decided to go, since he wasn't going to talk. I didn't even make three steps before Dan was by my side and holding my wrist.

"Dan, wha--" I was cut off when his lips pressed against mine. I didn't even think this time, I just kissed him back.

He kissed me deeper and pressed his lips harder against mine. It felt good and I surprised myself when a moan escaped me. 

I could feel Dan smiling against my lips. He let go of my wrist and wrapped them around my waist before walking me backwards until my legs hit the end of the bed.

I suddenly felt nervous as he lowered me onto my back. I quickly pushed him off me and sat up.

"Dan, I'm sorry, but I-I-I'm not ready," I said nervously. I looked up and saw Dan looking at me with some unknown emotion.

"Dan?" He stayed quiet. "Dan?" Still no answer. "Dan, are you okay? You're scaring me?"

He moved his face closer to mine and I backed away a bit. 

"Dan, I--" He cut me off.

"Kat," he whispered. "I'm sorry." He looked at me appologeticly.

"Dan, it's fine, but I'm just not ready," I whispered.

"I wasn't talking about that," he whispered.

"What were you talking about then?" I asked, confused as to what he was sorry about.

"For what I'm about to do." He moved his face closer. I sat there, frozen with slight fear.

"What are you about to do?" I asked nervously.

"This." His face was inches away from me. "Please forgive me," he whispered. 

I was about to ask him what he wanted me to forgive him for, but when I realised what he was doing, I sat frozen in fear and shock. I opened my mouth to say something, but all that came out was a sob.

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