Chapter 31

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Kat's P.O.V

 Running through the forest with a mean rouge chasin you, isnt really what i wanted to happen.

I planned on running so much that it would get tired, not so that i could get tired.

Running is my favourite thing to do and im good at it i could run for ages an not get tired. This rouge must be a good  at running as well.

I started to get a stitch on my hip so i had to slow my speed down, which made everything worse, because the wolf jumped forward, tackling me to the ground. The wolf bits my shoulder and i let out a howly whine.

The wolf bites harder and my vision become blury due to the tears that threatened to escape. 

He bite where Dan marked me, it was still sesitive and it hurt like hell. It felt disgusting to has someone other than Dan touch me. 

 The wolf stopped bitting me and stared at me with hatred. What did i ever do to this wolf to make him hate me?

I growled and tried to headbutt him but the wolf pulled his head back, so i missed. Just as i tried to do it again the wolf slammed his head forward and smashed his head against mine. My head flew back an collided with the hard floor.

I felt the back of my head became cold and wet. It felt like i landed in a puddle.  Before i knew what was happening a uncontroably shifted due to the lack of energy. 

I was fully aware that i was completly naked with a wolf ontop of me. HIs nails piercing my skin. I groaned in pain and turned my head to the side to see if i actually landed in a puddle.

When i couldnt see anything around my a struggled to bring my hand up while lifting my head up and touch the back of my head.

I felt something damp on my fingers and when i pulled back my hand was shaky and i saw red. 

I was bleeding from my head. Know wonder i was loosing energy.

I started to loose feelings in my legs and arms. My head was numb and i couldnt feel anything.

Suddenly the heavy wolf that was ontop of my shifted its weight as if shifted from wolf to human.

MY eye lids started to drop but i forced them to stay open.

The person now ontop of me was a boy around the age of eighteen. His blonde hair was shinning in the sun and his eyes were an emerald green. He actually looked alright but they way he smiled made him look like a crazy mad man.

"Whats a pretty girl like you, doing fighting all alone?" He whispeared in my ear "Didnt you know its dangerous to be alone in the forest?"

I tried to open my mouth to talk but i lost feeling there as well. 

"Whats wrong?" He laughed "You dont look so look a little pale" HE chuckled eveily.

I tried to shift but all that happened was me shaking uncontrollably.

"Whats wrong? Cant shift?" He smirked "I dont think you have enough energy for that"

I tried to shift once again but nothing works. I started to slowly get the feelings back in my leg. 

Soon as the feelings came back in my legs, arms and head. I screamed in pain.

The boys cruel laughter was barley able to be heard over my ear peiricng screams.

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