Chapter 34

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Dan's P.O.V

Running as fast as i could towards Kat's sense, everything around me was a blur. All on my mind was Kat, i needed to know if she was okay. 

I pushed myself to go faster, not caring that i was close to passing out from lose of energy.  All i needed was to find Kat.

i could see two blurry dark figures on the ground just ahead. I prayed that i wasnt Kat.

SLowling down as i cam closer, i sighed in relief as i reliized that they were both males, who looked brutally injured. 

I looked around and also relized that this was far away from were the rest of the dead rouges were. I could sense Kat and i started to wonder why she was out this far away.

Walking pasted more trees slowly i tried to sniff her out.

The dark sky soon turned to a sunrise and i still havnt found her. I started to panic and think the worst. Guilt washed over me and tears built up in my eyes, i blinked them away and continued to walk in search for her.

I wanted to stop and rest, i was so tired and had barly any energy left. Just as i was about to lay down under a tree for a few mintues i suddenly saw a dark small figure laying under a tree. It looked to small to be Kat but i walked over to it anyway.

As i got closer the dark small figure got bigger and more clearer and i felt my heart break when i relized that the figure was Kat.

I shifted as i stopped infront of her and fell on my knees and tears ran my face at the sight of her.

Her body looked so fragile. She pale body was covered in dry blood and a bit of the blood was still wet, some of her skin on her stomach had been ripped off and i nearly vomited at how bad it looked. Her arms and legs had scratched on them and she had deep cuts on her face. Her right foot was swollen and  bloody with bite marks on them.

The wounds on her body looked deep and i wished i could take her place and be the one in pain.

"Kat" I whispeared, my hand reached out and moved her hair out of her face. "Please wake up" my voice was shaky

I waited for her to move or say something but she didnt. 

"It's going to be alright Kat" I said wipping my dry tears away. I shifted before i gently put her on my back. 

i watched as her arms hung over her head and her pale body laid on my back.

I howled before i took of running towards the pack house. I made sure not to run to fast, so she wouldnt fall off.

When i got home, half the pack was sitting on the lounges in the loungerooms, looking impatient..

Soon as i walked in the door, they ran up to me.

There body's were wrapped in bandages, Nick and Derek were on croutches. Jane had neck brace on and Kate had both her hands in casts.

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