Chapter 30

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Hey guys i appologize in advance. I've never written an action chapter before plus i know nothing about fighting or that sort of thing so the details about the action in this chapter might be bad.

Im sorry but i tried to write it as well as i could. But hopefully its not that bad and you like it :D

SO yeah, i appologize in advance. Thank you

Please vote and comment :D

Kat's P.O.V

We all sat in the loungeroom impatiently, waiting for a call or something. Today was the day that the rouges should be here.

Yesterday we spent the day re-doing all our attacks and defence moves.

Dan told us that it would be better if we went on our own, but stayed close, but we didn't have to do that. It was only a suggestion. 

We don't know what's going to happen so when the time comes, what happens, happens. If we can stay close, we will, but if we can't stay close, then I guess we can't.

Jordan sat on the couch with Kelly on his lap. He was holding her protectivly. Max and Tiffany were standing up, hugging each other. I sat next to Dan. I didn't really want to be far away from him right now, but I didn't want to be sitting on his lap or anything, so I just sat next to him.

We waited for a call from Dan's dad, telling us to come because the rouges were here, but nothing happened. 

Mintues turned to hours and still no call. Dan was pacing back and forth across the room.

Suddenly, the phone rang and everyone stopped. Dan ran across the room like his life depended on it and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Dan asked. 

Everyone went silent as we waited for Dan to get off the phone or talk again.

"Okay, bye," he said and hung up. He turned to us and nodded. 

The rouges had finally came. 

We all got up and ran outside and into the forests.

I suddenly felt nervous and scared, so I ran over to Dan, took his hand and held it. He looked at me surprised, before realising I was scared and held my hand tightly. He squeezed it and gave me a nod. 

I could see our parents house just past a few tress. Dan quickly let go of my hand and we ran behind something.

We stayed as quiet as we could. We could hear growls and 'thuding' of paws on the ground along with the sound of flesh being ripped off. I covered my ears from the sound.

I hated it, it made me sick.

I looked towards Dan and saw him take off his shirt, as well as eveyone else. I did the same. We shifted before looking towards Dan.

I'm not sure what to say at the moment, but be safe.

We nodded.

We've never fought a rouge before, so we didn't know what to expect, plus, Dan didn't know what to tell us or how to act because we had no idea what we were up against.

My Mate Is My Alpha (not edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin