Chapter 36

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Kat’s P.O.V

Every part of my body was in excruciating pain, my eye lids felt heavy and my body felt weak. My throat felt dry and like it was on fire. Even breathing was hard and difficult. I tried to move any part of my body, but I could only twitch my fingers slightly. My hand was the only part of my body that had a warm feeling to it. Every other part of my body felt cold.

I moved my fingers again just to feel the warmth become stronger.

When I felt my fingers move again, I tried moving my eye lids, but I couldn’t. It felt like something was pushing on it, making sure it kept shut.

I could feel my energy slowly leaving my body.

I heard shouting, but couldn’t make out what they were saying or even who said it. But the voice sent a shiver down my spine, but in the nice way.

It tried to move my fingers again, but I had no energy. Everything slowly started to get darker. Dark spots clouded my vision and soon, darkness took over once again.

Dan’s P.O.V

The doctor ran into the room, like he was being chased by serial killers.

“Whats wrong?” He asked full of concern and worry.

“I felt her fingers move” I said slightly happy that she wasn’t dead.

“I’ll check” He said and moved towards Kat.

I watched as he felt her pulse, before  he started putting a needle into her arm. After few more mintues he stepped away from her. I took a step closer to him.

“Well?” I asked desperate to know how she is.

He sighed “Dan, I cant tell, she gaining consciousness, but slowly”

“Will she be okay?” I asked

“From what I can tell at the moment she should be fine, but she is unconscious so when she gets up her injures could be too painful for her and make it worse, but we won’t know till she wakes up”

I nodded. "How long till she wakes up?"

"Maybe tonight, or tomorrow morning" He said "But that the moment, she could wake up in a few hours. She just needs to get some energy"

"Thanks" I smiled slightly at him. He nodded before walking out.

I sat next to her bed at watched her. Her chest would rise then fall in a calming way. She looked like she was in no pain. I smiled and took hold of her hand.

Hours pasted and she still hadnt woken up, and her hand hadnt twitched again. I felt like crying, but i never gave up hope. I knew she would wake up shortly. I didnt want to believe that she wouldnt.

The doctor come every few hours to check up on her, but he said nothing had changed much for her. I nodded and he left the room.

I felt her hand twitch and i smiled. 

Looking up to her eyes, which were closed. I wondered what would happen when she woke up.

Would she be in pain? 

I prayed she wouldnt be in pain.

 I listened to the sound of Kat's breathing became more heavier and her chest rose and fell quicker. Her fingers began to twitch a couple of times. 

The mechine that was attatched to her, was beeping fater and faster . I thought it was going to explode.

Kat's hand started to twich some more, before i felt a bit of pressure on them i looked down and saw her trying to squeeze my hand, but i could barly feel it.

She barly has enough energy to squeeze my hand.

I rose from my chair and shouted for a doctor. Within seconds he had come running into the room. Just in time to see Kat slowly open her eyes.

Kat's P.O.V

The pain became stronger as i started to gain energy. I wanted to scream, but my mouth wouldnt move.

Everything was dark. I heard voices, they sounded muffled. I tried to talk again but nothing came out. So instead i tried to open my eye lids.

They felt heavy, so i tried harder and pushed them open slowly.

I felt the pain became to intense so i nearly closed them, but i forced them to open the rest of the way. Light was coming in from where my eye lids opened. The light became bigger when my eyes opened more. The pain was getting worse and worse so i tried not to focus on it, which was really hard. 

Eventually my eye lids opened the rest of the way. Everything was blury and bright. I closed my eyes slightly so i could ajust to the bright light.

I saw the outline of two figures but they looked like dark bloobs. My eyes felt heavy again but i tried my best to make them stay open.

The two blury figures started talking to me, but if was to muffled to understand.

The pain was getting stronger and i clentched my jaws to keep my from screaming, but that hurt even more. i felt tears run down my face as the pain got worse and worse.

Slowly the dark blury figures came clearer as the room didnt seem so bright. i then relized that the two figures were Dan and the doctor. And they were looking at me with a worried look. 

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