Chapter 35

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Dan's P.O.V

Days have passed and Kat still hasnt woken up. Doctor told me he is thinking on putting her into a coma. I nearly broke down into tear right then, but stayed strong for the pack.

Right now i was sitting on the chair next to Kat's bed, holding her arm and watching her.

Yesterday Max had woken up and now he refused to leave the room until Tiffany woke up.

Tyler and Jack left the doctor room early this morning, wearing a cast on there leg and bandages.

Everyone was alive and slowly healing, the only ones unconcious were Tiffany and Kat.

 I heard footsteps coming closer but paid no attention to them. The footsteps became louder before suddenly they stopped and i heard  a 'tap' sound. But i still didnt move.

"If you guys arnt going to leave this room, then at least eat" Kelly siad "I dont think either of them would want you sitting there starving yourselves"

She had a point, but i refuse to eat until she wakes up. I didnt want to leave her side for a second, unless it was for bathroom.

"Either you eat, or i'll shove he food down your damn throats" Kelly said getting irratated. Neither Max or i moved. Kelly sighed "I know you guys are worried for them. We all are, but you need to eat"

I sighed she did have a point.

Reductenly i pushed my chair back as i stood up. I glanced at Kat once more before walking over to the table on the other side of the room. MAx followed.

We sat down at the table, MAx to my right and Kelly to my left. 

I looked at the food and my stomach grumbled. It looked and smelt delicous.

She had made chicken burgers, with a salad. She also bought as a glass of water.

I took a sip of water and started eating.

We ate in silence, while Kelly just sat there watching us.

"Im just here to make sure you eat, doctors orders, he doesnt want you guys passing out" Kelly muttered. We nodded.

"How are they?" Kelly asked as we finishedd eating. "None of us have really been up here in the last few days we knew you guys wanted to be alone with them."

"Nothing has changed in the last few days. They've stayed the same" MAx said sadly.

"So they havnt gotten better?" She asked  "Or worse?"

"I cant tell" I muttered "But it doesnt seem to be getting any worse. Thank god. But i cant tell if there getting better"

"Tiffany's fingers moved this morning. The doctor said she should be waking up later today or tonight"

"Thats good" Kelly sighed in relief. She turned to me. "I'm sure Kat will be fine"

I nodded but said nothing.

"I should go take these dishes to wash up. Call us if anything happens" Kelly siad getting up. We nodded and headed back to sit at our seats.

Just as Kelly was about to walk out the door we both stopped when Max talked.

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