Chapter 26

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Kat's P.O.V

I was glad that we had no school, it meant I didn't have to go downstairs and face him... or anyone else, so they won't ask questions. 

Plus, I got to sleep in. 

I glanced at my clock. The numbers '11:58' were in bright green. I decided to get up and have some breakfast. I mean, I couldn't hide from him forever. 

Walking towards my mirror, I held back a sob as I saw the red swollen skin on my neck near my shoulder from where he bit me. I grabbed my hair and pushed it so it was covering the mark. When it couldn't be seen, I sighed and made my way downstairs. I could hear everyone talking.

I walked into the kitchen and I noticed that Max, Jordan and Tiffany were giving Dan glares, but everyone else seemed normal. 

I guess nobody told them what happen last night, which I was greatful for.

I avoided making eye contact with him as I made my way to the seat furthest away from him at the table. I could feel different pairs of eyes on me so I looked up and instintly regreted it.

Not only were Jordan, Tiffany and Max staring at me with concern, but Dan was looking at me with an apologetic look. I bit my lip to stop me from sobbing. I was biting so hard it started to bleed a little. 

The blood ran down my lip in a single line and stopped on the end of my lip. Using my tounge, I cleaned it away before anyone else saw.

I turned my head away from his stares and looked at the plain table. I wasn't hungry or tired anymore. All I wanted was to cry. Just by looking at him, it hurt.

I could feel the tension in the air. 

"So, uh, Dan, what time do we start training?" Kate asked. 

I turned slightly so I could just see the side of his face. He was staring at me for a while before he turned to Kate.

"Sometime later in the afternoon."

"How long are we going to train for?" Jane asked.

"Depends on what time we start. Plus, I'm meeting my father later to talk about the rouges. He'll tell me how long until they get here."

Everyone started growling when he said the word 'rouges'. Even I let out a low growl in anger.

"When are you going to see your dad?" Derek asked.

"Actually, now," Dan said, getting up. 

I heard his chair scramp across the floor as he slid it back to stand up. I didn't look up as he ran, but I listened to his footsteps as he walked away.

Dan's P.O.V

I swear, it nearly killed me when I saw her sad teary eyes staring at me from across the table. I knew she would hate me, but I did it for her protection. If I told her I was going to mark her for her protection, she would have gotten mad at me for thinking she couldn't protect herself, so I had to do it without her knowing why I did it. 

I would tell her eventually, but after I marked her and after she calmed down.

I wasn't supposed to be meeting my father for another 10 minutes, but I couldn't stand to be near her while she was sad. It kills me to see her like that.

Instead of going wolf and running, I decided to walk the whole way. I continuously kicked small rocks from the footpath in anger and frustration. I had my hands in my pockets and I was staring at the ground.

Everytime my mind went blank or I tried to think of something, an image of Kat's crying face haunted me. I groaned in frustration, which recieved wierd and curious glances from people around me.

I ignored them and walked into the coffe shop where I was meeting my Dad. I waited at a table at the back. 

I stared at the menu until he arrived.

"Sorry for keeping you," he said, sliding into the seat across from me.

"It's ok," I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Dad asked in a serious voice.

"Kat's mad at me." My voice was full of sadness.

"I'm sure whatever you did wasn't that bad," he said. "Kat could never hate you."

"If she didn't before, she sure does now," I said sadly and angrily. Angry at myself for getting her sad.

"And what did you do that was so bad that she hates you?" Dad asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I marked her," I said quietly, but not quiet enough, because he heard.

"You did what?" he yelled. People around us gave him dirty looks, but he ignored it and stared at me.

"I marked her," I said louder.

"I heard you," he said, not yelling but still pretty loud. "What were you thinking? You know she didn't want to be marked until she was at least 18."

"I was thinking about her saftey," I said through clentched jaws.

Dad sighed. "I'm sure she will understand. Just give her time."

"I need to know she forgives me before the rouges come," I said more to myself than to him.

"Talk to her?" he suggested. "Tell her why you did it and ask for her forgiveness."

"She won't forgive me,"  I said sadly.

"You won't know until you ask," he said. "Now back to bussiness," he said in a strong voice.

"How long?" I asked.

"They should be here in three days," he said angrily.

"Three days," I said. "That doesn't give us much time to train."

"I cant help that they're fast" he said. 

"How many of them are there?"

"Around thirty. Maybe less."

"That's nearly triple the amount of our pack." 

"Don't forget the parents, so that doubles the numbers of our pack."

"You are not joining the fight," I said in alpha tone.

There was no way I was letting the parents fight in the battle. 

"Don't you use that tone with me, son," Dad said.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"It's ok, we're all frustrated." he said, "But you can't stop us from joining. It's our decision."

"But, Dad, yo--" He cut me off.

"It's our decision. End of dicsussion," he said. His voice made no room for arguments. I glared at him, but nodded.

"Good. Now that it's setlled, I think you should get back and start training."

I nodded and got up. I gave him a hug before walking towards home.

Meet me at the training ground in ten mintues. 

I said through the mind. They all replied back saying okay. 

I decided to walk there since it wasn't that far away, but far enough so that the humans wouldn't see us and we could train in peace.

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