Chapter 8 part 1

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Kat's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of thunder outside my window. Everyone knows I hate them and I'm kind of scared of them. Not so much when there's small ones, but when there's big ones, I get really scared. This one was a big one. I litterally jumped out of my bed when I heard the thunder clap. I ran out my door as fast as I could, down the hall and stright into Dan's room. As soon as I closed his bedroom door, he sat up.

"Kat?" He rubbed his sleepy eyes. "What's wrong?" 

"i--uh--it's--" I jumped a bit in the air as another thunder clap was heard. Dan chuckled a bit and I glared at him.

"You're scared of thunder storms?" he asked.

"Pffft... no."

"Then why are you here?" He was clearly enjoying my discomfort.

"I was bored," I lied.

"Uhuh." He didn't believe me. "Come on." He lifted up his sheets to his bed and I quickly walked over and got in. "You don't have to lie, I'm not going to tease you."

"You're not?"

"Everyone's scared of something."

"What are you scared of?" He froze as I asked him that. 

"Losing the ones I love."

"Everyone is scared of that. I meant something else"

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone!" He gave me a serious look.

"I won't." I nodded.

"Fine. I'm--scared of not knowing." I could still see him blush in the dark.

"Not knowing?" I said confused.

"Yeah, I'm scared of not knowing the future, of whats going to happen next."

"I think that's the best part"


"Not knowing is the best part of it all, cause if you knew what was going to happen, where's the fun going to be in it?"

"Yeah, but aren't you scared of what's ahead?"

"Not really, but life is scary sometimes and without being scared of not knowing the future, it takes away all the fun so life would be pretty boring."

"Such wise words."

"I have my moments."

"I'm also scared of being rejected."


"Yeah, when I find my mate and she rejects me."

"She would have to be completly insane to reject you."

"You think?" he asked me. 

"Absolutly! You're smart, funny, hot and you're an alpha, which is like a total bonus!"

"You think I'm hot?" he teased.

"Out of all that, that's all you heard?" Typical Daniel.

"You think I'm hot!" He smiled like he won the lottery.

"Don't let it go to your head-- you have a big enough ego already."

"Says you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I playfully slapped his arm, making him laugh.

"It means you have a bigger ego than I do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes you do."

My Mate Is My Alpha (not edited)Where stories live. Discover now