Chapter 17

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Kat;s P.O.V

After school the whole pack decided to meet up at the movies at around 3:40. Since school finishes around 2, I decided to go to Dan's parents' house to invite them to the party. I thought it would be nicer to invite them in person rather then on the phone. Plus, after I visit them, I could probably visit my parents, if I have time.

I didn't ask anyone for a lift since they all had something to do. They had probably gone to get Dan a present. I was still trying to avoid Dan, but I can't avoid him forever. I sighed and made my way to the forest entrance. I felt like going for a run, it normally takes my mind of things and relaxes me.

Dan's parents live only a couple house's down from us, so they also live near the forest. I went behind a tree and took off my clothes before shifting and grabbing my clothes and running towards Dan's parents house.

I felt the cold air brush against my fur as I ran. Everything was blurry, but that didn't stop me from continuing to run. I dodged the tree's easily as I ran. Not even half an hour later, I had made it to the edge of the forest, just across the road from Dan's parents house. The light was on so I figured they were home. Hiding behind a tree, I shifted before grabbing my clothes and putting them back on.

I turned around and walked towards their house. The street was really quiet, that might be because there isn't many houses nearby. There is about only five to six houses near the forest entrance. Most of them are some of the other pack members parents. Most humans are scared of the forest thinking wild animals could eaisly attack them.

Dan's house was only three houses to the right of my parents. If I have enough time afterwards i would see my parents. If not I would see them on Thursday.

I was about to knock on the door when it was suddenly swung open. I stepped back surprised and stared at the the person in shock. I soon realised that the person was Dan's dad. He just stood there smiling like a mad man.


"Hello, hun, how can I help you?"

"Can I come in?" 

"Of course." He stepped aside and I walked in. I've been to their house so many times when I was younger that I know the house pretty well. Making my way to the lounge room, I saw Dan's mum sitting there smiling at me.

"Hi honey, what brings you here?" She smiled at me. Dan's dad sat down next to her.

"What makes you think I want something?" They gave me a look that said 'You aren't fooling us'. I chuckled. "Acutallly, I was wondering what are you doing on Thursday?"

"Not sure yet, why?" 

"Well, we're having a surprise birthday party for Dan," I smiled. "And I was wondering if you wanted to come?"

"Of course we would," His mum smiled. "What time do you want us there?"

"Around maybe eleven o'clock?"

"Perfect, would you like us to bring food?"

"No, actually I've got that covered, but if you want to help, do you think we could hid the presents here, and you bring them when you come over?" 

"Sure," His dad said.

"Quick question, honey; it's a school day, so how are you going to get Dan to stay home and then out of the house so we can get ready?" Dan's mum asked.

My Mate Is My Alpha (not edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon