Chapter 7

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Kat's P.O.V

"Tell me again, why I have to cook you all dinner?" I asked Max, Jordan and Tiffany. 

"Well, you don't have to. If you want Jordan and I to do it, then just say so," Max said

"No, I'll do it," I practially shouted instintly. "I was just wondering." They smiled and left the kitchen. I definetly didn't want to eat another one of Max and Jordans' meals. I was closer to death with every bite I took from it.

Sighing, I went to the fridge and opened it to find that it was completly empty. I frowned; How was I supposed to cook with no ingredients? I heard a door open and close and I smelt Dan. I turned around to face the kitchen door.

"Dan?" I called out. I heard footsteps getting louder, then I saw Dan standing at the kitchen door.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I need to go to the shops to get food for dinner, can you take me?" I asked. "Please?" I had to be sweet if I wanted something. He chuckled.

"Sure, just let me put my stuff away," he said and then disappeared, probably going to his room. A few seconds later, he was at the kitchen door again with his keys in his hand. "Come on," he said. I nodded and grabbed my phone from the bench before running to catch up to him. He was already opening the front door by the time I got up to him. He started walking out, but I walked in front of him.

 "Lady's first," I smirked and then fake gasped. "Oh, wait! That means you should have gone first."

"Are you calling yourself a guy, then?" He smirked at me and got into the drivers side. I slid into the passenger seat. I glared at him.

"No, I'm a girl, but so are you."

"Sure you are." He smirked and drove off. I glarred at him which made him laugh.

"So, what exactly do you need?" he asked.

"Not sure yet." We were standing in the meat department of the store. I was deciding on what to cook. We were going up and down every single aisle, looking for something for dinner. Dan was tryring to suggest some meals, but I didn't like them so I said no.

"How about...soup?" he said thoughfully, walking to the next aisle.

"Too plain. I want something that they havn't had before, but will taste nice."


"We had that last night," I said with a sigh.

"What about burgers?"

"Nah." We continued to walked through every aisle. After we went through each aisle about 3 times, I finally thought of something. I quickly grabbed all the ingredients that I needed to make the dish and made Dan carry them. I laughed as he glared at me with a growl. People around us looked at Dan with shock and fear as he growled. Dan turned his growl into a cough and pretended to be sick. The people around us actually believed that he was sick and continued to shop. I dragged Dan to the counter to pay, then made him carry the bags to the car, before we drove home.

I practically kicked everyone out of the kitchen and told them not to come in until dinner. Max and Jordan offered to help, but I refused. Placing all the ingredients and equitment on the table, I cut everything that needed to be cut and started to cook. It didn't take that long to cook. I had to triple what the recipe said, since I was cooking for more people. Only Dan knows about my cooking ability--I dont like showing off, it's not really my thing. It's my first time cooking for the pack so I was a little nervous to what they would think about my cooking.

After it finished cooking, I carefully placed an even amount on each plate. I felt like being nice and made dessert. I put the dessert in the fridge and the plates on the table, before shouting out dinner was ready. Within seconds, everyone was already coming into the kitchen. Their mouths flew open and they looked at me, then the food before smiling. They looked like freaks, it took everything in me not to laugh at there reactions.

"Whoa!" Max said. "That looks delicious!"

"Smells nice," Tiffany commented and took a seat. Everyone else did the same. I sat between Tiffany and Dan, across from us were Max and Jordan, we were sitting in the middle of the table. Half the pack on our left, the other half the pack on the right.

"What's it called?" Nick asked as he took a bite of it.

"Chicken Piccata." When they gave me weird looks, I spoke again, "it's chicken with lemon and capers, with chips and asparagus on the side."

"It sounds fancy." 

"Max and I could have probably made a better dish," Jordan teased

"You guys would of probably burnt the house down too," Tiffany snorted.

"When you guys are finished there's dessert in the fridge," I said and continued to eat.

"Watcha make?" Max asked with a mouth full of food. Tiffany threw a fork at Max for being disgusting.

"Triple chocolate fudge with chocolate cookies," I shrugged. Max and Jordan stared at me with mouths open.

"We love you!" they said in union. I looked at them weirdly before remembering that they love chocolate. There probably won't be enough for anyone if they eat it, we probably won't get any if we let them have some.

"Love you guys too" I smiled and took another bite.

After dinner, Jordan offered to clean, but I said no since I cooked. I grabbed all the plates and put them on the table next to the sink. I turned on the tap and watched as the water rised. I waited 'til it was high enough before turning it off. I grabbed a plate and was just about to wash it, when a hand grabbed my arm stopping me. I gasped and turned my head around to see who it was. I saw Dan smiling at me.

"Sorry to scare you, but I thought you could use a break so I'll do the cleaning." He slightly pushed me aside so I was away from the sink. He took a step forward so he was in front of the sink.

"You didn't scare me," I lied, he really did scare me. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. There's not that much to clean, anyway." I tried to get to the sink, but he wouldn't let me.

"Sure I didn't," he smirked before looking serious. "Seriously, it's fine. Go rest, you look tired," he said. I was tired, but I wouldn't tell him that and I wasn't going to admit that he'd scared me, because he would never let me forget it.

"Dan, move! I'm going to clean." 

"No, I will." 

"Why won't you let me?"

"Because you're tired." 

"No, I'm not"

"Don't lie to me," he smirked.

"I'm not!" He raised an eye brow at me "Okay, I am, but I'll clean. It's not fair if you do."

"I said I'll clean and I will, so go rest." I hesitated before nodding.

"Fine...thanks, Dan."

"No problem." He smiled "Goodnight, Kat."

"Night, Dan. Love you!"

"Love you too," he said with a sad smile. I looked at him weirdly, but he wasn't looking at me, he was cleaning. I hugged him from behind, ignoring the electic shocks- that seemed to be getting stronger- before walking to the kitchen door. I turned to look at Dan one last time and saw that he was looking at me with a sad smile, and it looked like he was thinking about something really hard, but I didn't ask. I just walked upstairs to my room.

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