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I glanced out of the window. There isn't much to be discovered given that it was in the middle of the night. My parents haven't apprised my sister and I about where we would be driving to. I am not sure why they made us enter the car in the middle of the night. Where would we possibly be going to at a time like this? It seemed remotely suspicious to me. I don't authentically trust my parents. We have never been in a good relationship; therefore, it makes me have distrust towards them a lot of times when it comes to situations similar to this one. Could they be plotting something? Even if they are, it doesn't concern me that much. I've lost my will to live a proper life a long time ago. The only person that keeps me going is my sister. I absolutely love her. Even if our parents are sending us off to some unknown world, I will ensure to protect her. I don't want to evanesce on this journey alone.
I decided to semblance at her to assure if she was feeling adequately. When I turned around, I would have guessed that she was asleep, but I had been terribly wrong.
My sister is wide awake, she doesn't have a pleasant look on her face. Is she afraid of the unknown?
I promised her something a while ago, at the place we used to play together all the time. I had told my sister to never be anxious of a new beginning. I still remember what I had uttered there. Hopefully she still has those few words in her heart. It means a lot me, having someone who cares about you is always a delightful feeling. Because when I told her, she just smiled. It wasn't much, but I understood what that precious look on her face meant. She got the message.
Unfortunately, I forgot that I had been staring at her for quite a while now, I was stuck in thoughts, so she noticed and looked right back at me. That moment felt very unrealistic yet so beautiful. I smiled at her, she smiled back.
After making eye contact with my sister, I decided to try and scrutinize the landscape outside of the car again. My vision has never been poor to begin with, however, at a time like this, it really was just impossible to identify the outside world. The only thing my eyes could associate with was that we were driving through a forest for quite a while now. I'm not even kidding, this whole car ride felt like an eternity. Sitting in the back with my sister wasn't really that pleasant, I was starting to get cold. We've been in this car for at least three hours now. The fact that my parents haven't even said one single word is really bothering me.
Getting woken up in the middle of the night is indeed a concerning achievement. I had been surprised to find out that my mother woke me up at two in the morning today. The usual time I get out of bed is at about six in the morning. Besides, the other thing that stupefied me was that my mother took the time to rouse me up. I never had a strong bond with my parents. In fact, we had a bad reputation with each other. I wouldn't consider them violent, but they had done a great job ignoring my sister and I for our whole life.
Nevertheless, when my mother had woken me up that day, the only thing she had whispered into my ear was for me to dress up in the suit that she had given me when we once went to the funeral of our cousin. I had been utterly confused so I had tried to ask her a question.
It seems that my intelligent mother, with the power of clairvoyance, had foreseen my question. Before I could even say a word, she had already told me to meet her downstairs when I would be done getting dressed up.
I laid in my bed for a while, demented of what had just happened.
My door was widely open this whole entire time. I observed my father walking out of my sister's room. He stopped midway and turned around. His eyes caught mine, and that was when I panicked. I could tell something was terribly wrong. The terror in his eyes, was he trying to give me a hidden message? Well, for now that shall stay a mystery. After that, he turned around and headed down the stairs. As a result, I finally decided to climb out of bed and open my closet. I searched for the suit that my mother had told me to wear. Eventually, I found it.
My suit had a lot of dust on it considering I haven't worn it since the funeral of my cousin. I tried to spruce up my suit a bit by wiping away the wrinkles and dust. Correspondingly, I put on my chocolate-colored suit. When I was done, I looked in the mirror. All I could see was the appearance of a young boy with short, brown hair, dressed up all formal and with a pinch of despair.
As I admired myself in the enormous mirror, I caught sight of my sister trudging out of her room. She didn't bother looking at me, thus just walked down the stairs.
I suppose everybody had been waiting for me already. Therefore, I sauntered towards my door, about to leave. However, I decided to look back one more time. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I had this strange feeling that was telling me, thereupon, I would never see this room ever again.
I figured to sneak back into my room and take a small item with me. A diary so I could keep track of possibly my new life.
Immediately I rushed out of my room and quickly stumbled down the stairs so I could reach my family and not make them wait any longer. My father gave me a stern look and seemed accouraging. On the contrary, my mother seemed a bit nervous. I wonder what they have been up to. Howsoever, my sister looked quite tranquil. Anywho, my father took the lead and wandered out of the villa. My mother and sister followed closely behind him alongside me being the last family member to leave the house.
Our red car was waiting outside. When we reached it, my father opened the car door for me and my sister. We climbed inside and my father shut the door. Afterwards, my mother sat in the passenger's seat. My father was the driver.
I took one last glance at the house we were living at. We lived in the woods of Ireland, it was fairly an unknown area of Earth that has yet to be discovered. Our mansion had always been something very beautiful. It meant a lot to me. I observed my room from inside the car and then the tree where my sister and I used to play together. And now, this would be my final moment spending my time here.
Goodbye, lovely house.
As soon as my thoughts had pronounced those words, we took off. That was the last time I ever saw our home physically.

My sister was shaking me abruptly. I totally forgot that I had been in the car this whole time. She was looking at me and pointed outside of the window. I finally understood what she meant. We could declare the outside. My eyes finally witnessed some houses around me. Have we arrived at our new destination? Still completely not sure what was going to happen when we arrive at the terminus, I decided to enjoy the view and relish the outside world. Although I discovered the landscape a bit, my mother started to cry. What was she crying for? I was too afraid to say something so I just held onto my sister's hand and waited to see our fate.
My father was driving up now, it didn't take that long but it still felt like an eternity had passed. Shortly we arrived on top of a mountain and I couldn't believe my eyes. Where did we end up at? I spotted houses which all exactly have the same lookalike, the only thing that is different is their color. Each of the houses are in a rectangular shaped form and decorated with white marble facades. In other words, these constructions have a rectangular body with a triangular roof and some marble to adorn the design of the simple and old-fashioned buildings.
We were driving through the street as it suddenly took an end.
My father stopped the engine and disembarked out of the car. My mother did the same. Due to them leaving so hectically, my sister took that as an advantage and glanced at me one more time, still completely silent, then she alighted out of the car. I followed her steps and did the same. My father opened the boot and gave me and my sister our suitcases. I don't remember packing my stuff. What was the meaning of this? Afterwards he closed the boot and headed towards the front of the car. We followed his lead.
Awaiting us was an orange house standing there in the cold night with the lunar shining on top of it.
The building happened to justify the same appearance as all the other houses we drove by to get to this point.
Rapidly my father whispered something into my right ear.
Me and my sister stood there freezing our limbs. We held hands and laid our suitcases next to us on the cold asphalt.
My inner self told me I would never see my parents ever again.
Just as I had processed that possible thought, I heard the engine go on behind me. My parents abandoned me and my sister. They drove off and we just stood there helplessly in the cold night.
The atmosphere was somewhat off. Were people watching us?
I comforted my sister, "It will be fine, there is nothing to worry about."
I took my courage and lifted my suitcase and held my sister's arm. I looked at her with a serious facial expression and then I headed towards the orange house.

A new beginning was ahead of us, a whole new journey waiting to be discovered.

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