Ready for Battle

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Diva Cinderblood.

He tried until the very last moment of his life.

I couldn't save him.

His fate had already been decided.

If there really is a way to save everyone in their inevitable destiny....

...then I would sacrifice myself to save them.

"What if the girl in black comes back?"
Mia was staring into the small, wooden television. The transmitter wasn't demonstrating anything at all. She was just observing the tiny, round and blanc screen.
We're sitting in Rain, Max, and Johnny's attic since the attack. Luckily no one got harmed, but this gave us even more evidence that the culprit is in fact someone from Class 34.
They had been wandering around Ambermoor for several years now and nobody ever noticed anything. The newest students were me and Sunny so the culprit has lived here longer than both of us.
It seems out of the question to think about the possibility that there weren't any hints on showing that someone had psychological problems.
In the end she managed to take him down and make the police force disappear.

We've been sitting together in Rain's attic for quite a while now, there weren't any police sirens displaying anywhere. The only sound that's occurring at this very moment is the tune of rain drops falling down from the darkened sky exceeding to their doom, hitting the ground and evaporating into the grass.

Our help was nowhere to be found. I'm guessing the girl in black rather took them out, or they were pathetic enough to leave us suffer without any possible reinforcement to assist and protect us in this sorrowful situation.
Help isn't reliable when you need it utmost.

At least I'm safe with my friends. Max, Mia, Sunny, Sweet, Rain, Johnny and I.
Johnny's bed is in the attic, his room is gorgeous. The walls are colored in domesticated blue, it has a beautiful era shining on top of us. In the middle of the room is a carpet with a sofa and two armchairs located around a small television which is on a small table.
In front of the television is a coffee table with a plate of cookies and some hot cocoa that Rain made for us, it's still pretty warm. She also gave us blankets so we could envelop ourselves into the thick and warmth of the sheets.
It's the perfect set and mood for living in a comfortable home while enjoying life. Unfortunately, that thought might never arrive to my brain. Understanding life will probably be one of the biggest mysteries to unravel.

"I hope these bed covers will be enough for you." Johnny placed some blankets and pillows on the ground.
Rain and Max could sleep downstairs in their own rooms if they wanted to. They declined that offer and decided to sleep with us upstairs on the ground. I'm not sure whether they came up to that conclusion because they wanted to keep us company or because they are scared that the girl in black might show up at their house and come up the stairs to brutally kill them in their sleep without anyone standing besides them.

Max and Rain are afraid of dying alone.

Johnny's bed is on the other side of the room in the corner. He has a big, blue bed, a desk with a chair, and some paintings that he had drawn of his roommates. All of them are talented artists, they found their passion a long while ago. I wonder what mine is.
According to that, Johnny also owns a beautiful carpet and a lamp that works with magic.
Most of the stuff here are things I've never seen before including the television. My parents never possessed one.
There are some blankets scattered around the room and some abnormally huge dolls which are dispositioned next to the trapdoor.

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