The Hawkwolf Family

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"Do you think we did the right choice?" I look at Sunny.
She stops and sighs, "I don't know, Kart, did we?"
"..." I look at the ground and keep walking along the road.
"Your question will be answered if we find anything in Manora." says Sunny.
"I hope we will..." I sigh. "It's been almost a decade since we have last seen them."
"..." Sunny doesn't respond.
We've been walking for a while now. It's kind of ridiculous, but I don't know where Manora is. Even though I grew up there, I don't know where it is. Luckily, Sunny had been paying attention and knows the route to our old house. Since we arrived in Ambermoor from the front tunnel seven years ago, when our parents brought us to Ambermoor, we decided to just take that road and follow it. Of course we were kind of disorientated, but we found the road leading to Ambermoor and to the opposite quite rapidly, since there aren't many roads here. It seems Candy's hideout was in Ireland and not in Great Britain, which helped us out a lot. I was worried on how we would make our way back, but we were closer than we thought.
I still wonder if it was a good idea to let Candy live. At least her crew members all perished and her test subjects were turned to ash. She lost everything. She's hopeless. I could have killed her too, but that wouldn't have made me any better. I didn't want to kill her members, but I still did. It was the only way to protect my friends. The only reason I let Candy live was because she was Cookie's sister. Even though I can never forgive the Wyverncaller sisters for letting Posa die, I just had to serve justice. Because now I can finally use my power. I finally tamed it completely. I am not the owner of Darkness, no, to be frank, I am the true tamer of Necrotic Affinity, the power that can suck any living organism's life source out completely until it's ash. All of this made me come to the cognition that I am no different from Candy. I am a murderer.
"Kart..." Sunny got my attention. "We're here."
We've been walking along a street surrounded by thick trees for ages, and now we finally found the way out of it.
"It's exactly as I remember..." I mumble.
The same old villa on the hill, next to that one tree in the middle of the field. It's still surrounded by those creepy tall, dark trees. There really is nothing here, just as I remember.
"I never thought we'd be seeing this place ever again..." mutters Sunny.
"Me neither." I respond.
We slowly walk towards the house. We notice that the red car that's usually always parked outside is replaced by a black one. Other than that, it's all the same.
"I'm nervous." says Sunny.
"Me too." I reply.
"This is also the place Feeny Rye died and Moss went missing." murmurs Sunny. "And the place we grew up in without a proper childhood."
That's right. Here are so many memories...but the majority are bad ones. Instead of loving parents, we had neglecting ones. I wonder if they still live here.
"Look," Sunny points to the tree next to the manor. "We used to play there all the time...with Adrianna."
"Yeah..." I sigh. "This makes me wistful."
"Me too." answers Sunny.


"Ma?" Moss is holding Baby Karter in her arms. "When can I play with him?"
"Moss..." Aunt Herastina laughs. "He's still 4 months old! He still has a lot to learn."
"What about Sunny?" asks Feeny Rye, who's holding Baby Sunny.
"Karter and Sunny are both still babies! They have to grow up first." says Aunt Herastina.
"But that's boring..." mumbles Feeny Rye.
"Hey, kids!" Uncle Hadwyn came outside to the tree to greet his family. "What are y'all up to?"
"Just taking care of Rahni's children." says Aunt Herastina briefly.
"Let me join y'all." Hadwyn sits down and strokes Baby Sunny's chin.
"Dear, how are you feeling?" asks Aunt Herastina her husband solicitous.
"I'm fine." answers Uncle Hadwyn briefly. "The doctor said it should be fine."
"..." Aunt Herastina sighs. "I hope so."
"What's wrong?" asks Moss concerned.
"Nothing, just talking about what we'll have for dinner." smiles Aunt Herastina.
"Please not beans again..." wails Feeny.
"We'll see." smiles Aunt Herastina. "I'll ask Rahni."
She stands up and heads inside.
"I wanna help cook!" Moss passes Baby Kart to Uncle Hadwyn and chases after her aunt.
Uncle Hadwyn looks a bit sick, "Karter...what a cute young boy you are. Your parents must be proud of you."
"Papa," Feeny tries getting his father's attention. "I don't think he likes his name! Me and Moss keep on calling him Kart, and then he smiles!"
"Kart?" Hadwyn laughs. "That sounds like a cart you use for shopping!"
Baby Kart started giggling.
Uncle Hadwyn seems surprised.
"See, I told you!" Feeny Rye smiles and gets a bottle of milk to feed Baby Sunny.
"What a nice family we are..." Hadwyn sighs. "I wish moments like these could last forever."

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