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Emptiness. Everything is black. I can't see my surroundings. I am alone, no one by my side. It's just the void and I. That's all there is to this eternity. Only me, and that's it. Nothing else but me.
I hate this. It scares me. I need to find light quickly, or else the darkness will consume my body. I have to run. I need to find my light. I can't stay here. Where is everyone? I don't want to be alone anymore...I am scared.

I wish I weren't alone.


"Kart?" a faint noise awakens me.
I open my eyes and rub them.
I am on a red and white picnic blanket in the garden of the black house in Ambermoor.
There are a lot of things on the blanket. Fruit, candy, cups, plushies, dolls, and a person.
"H-huh?!" I gasp. "Floof Lunatrack!?"
Floof is sitting in front of me. She is wearing light blue overalls and a cloud-white shirt as well as a beanie. She looks up to me and I see her unique freckles. Her blond and brown hair flutters in the wind. It really is Floof..!
"I'm not Floof, I'm her clone."
Or not.
"Oh," I'm a bit embarrassed to have confused the two. "Sorry, Stellar."
"Stellar?" Floof's clone looks confused. "Is that my name? That's cute, well, anyways...want some tea?"
There are a lot of pink flower petals everywhere on the blanket and in the air. It must be spring, all the trees are blooming in pride.
"Sure." I answer. "The weather is really nice today, is it not?"
"It is!" smiles Stellar and picks up the teapot and pours some into my cup.
I noticed that Stellar has a gladiolus flower in her hand. She's softly plucking the flower while humming.
"You know," I say happily. "Floof gave you that name."
"Oh, really? When?" asks Stellar curious.
"It was quite a while ago. It happened when...when..." I quiet down.
I can't...seem to remember when Floof gave her that name. Maybe I wasn't there.
"Oh!" Stellar facepalms. "Silly me. I can't believe I forgot the warmest moment of my life! She named me Stellar, after the stars, when we once went to the park together at night."
"P-park?" I say confused. "Where?"
"Here in Ambermoor, obviously." Stellar rolls her eyes. "It had been our one year friendship anniversary."
But you only lived for two days.
"Since when is there a park in Ambermoor..?" I ask peculiarly.
"Don't you remember that construction zone?" asks Stellar.
"Wait..." something in my mind made a click. "Yeah! I do! But...wasn't it for...something else?"
"Um..." Stellar is confused. "It was for a park. Do you have amnesia? Are you okay?"
"No, I'm just joking around." I smile.
Stellar giggles, "You're funny, Kart."
She continues plucking the gladiolus flower.
I look at my cup. The liquid is black, like ink. For some reason it seems familiar. I glance at Stellar's cup. Hers is brownish and reddish, a perfectly normal colour for black tea.
I look back at mine and suddenly my skin shivers.
The cup had formed itself into the shape of a nostalgic potion with ink-black liquid lingering inside. It looks ominous.
Stellar lifts her cup of tea up and takes a sip of it, "Aren't you going to drink yours?"
Stellar seems unfazed about the fact that my cup turned into a potion.
"Y-yeah, don't worry." I say nervous.
Stellar nods and continues plucking the gladiolus flower.
I look at the black potion.
Drink it.
I lift it up and stare at it. I block my view of Stellar with the potion but can still see her reflection through it. She's staring at me.
"Are you going to drink it again?"
I lower the potion while trembling and notice Stellar still plucking her flower. Did I imagine it?
I cover my eyes with my hands. What do I do? Do I drink it or not? The black potion is giving me perilous vibes.
I uncover my eyes and shriek. Stellar's face is right in front of mine.
"If you drink it," says Stellar. "I will die again, by your hands, murderer."
"Are you okay!?" asks Stellar worried. "Why are you screaming!?"
"AAAAHaaah...aah..." I calmed down.
My potion disappeared. It's a normal cup again, filled with ordinary black tea. Everything is fine.
"I...I had a nightmare, nothing special." I mumble.
Stellar's gladiolus flower suddenly has all its petals back again.
Stellar looks at me in concern and says, "It's okay...

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