Greater Existence

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A world of nothing.

Just nothingness, the only existing element of our Universe. 

Even before the big bang, where nothing existed, even nothingness was non-existent.

No sign of life, except for the greater existence hovering above eternity.

Even Mors and Vita weren't here at that moment, because nothing was.

Just void.

That's how I was materialized. Out of emptiness. I exist to serve and die. I've been alive since the beginning of creation, or, at least I have memories of life before it was created.
I'm nothing more than a skeleton with a black, putrefying coat. I take the stench of rotten fruit with me, like a basket of expired apples. 
I don't have a face, only a skull, a plain cranium that every other anthropological creature wears beneath their skin mask. 
Howsoever, I'm not alone. There are other empty entities just like me, we exist to serve and die. We have no purpose. Every chronological day we spend our time floating in black void, we can't speak, hear, taste, nor see. We aren't even human, we are nothing. 

That's why I ended everything. I stole the body of an innocent child in the human world, so I could experience life myself, so I wouldn't have to suffer eternal void anymore. 
I purloined the soul and spirit of a young boy three centuries ago. His name was Quintain Richfall. He was only seven years old. 
His older sister caught me vanquishing his soul. I couldn't let her ruin everything for me, take my only support away from me and banish me into the world of nothingness again, where I can't speak, hear, taste, nor see, where I have no purpose.
So what I did was cast a curse on her. She was only a mere human being, nothing she could have done to prevent from saving her little brother. 
I banished her from her village in Rosehand and messed with her mind. Faking everything that just occurred, putting false information into her mind, so she will never see her brother ever again. Now she will suffer for eternity, just like I did. Her brother is nothing more than an empty husk that I can use as support for my own benefit. 

It was time for my eternal life to begin.

You might wonder, why did I do such a horrible deed? Why did I ruin a life of two young and innocent children? Why did I make their parents never know what happened to their children? Well, that is quite simple, to be frank. It's because I don't feel anything. There is no such thing as empathy or sympathy,  just apathy. My suffering was far greater than those unlucky children I took life away from.

I am not the only spirit who caused havoc on Earth. Many others followed my lead and possessed humans on Earth for their benefit. We all were selfish, we didn't care one bit for the innocent humans who only wanted to live a normal life in a normal world.
That's what happened to many people, their lives got taken away, and now, a completely strange spirit is resting in an empty husk of a loved one.

In the beginning, we were 100 spirits who just wanted to experience life. And now, we put 100 humans in greater suffering.

Over the past centuries, the spirits who possessed a body grew emotions. Happiness, Sadness, Fear, and Anger. That lead to many ghosts unmasking themselves, breaking the seal of our promise. We weren't allowed to show anyone who we really were. And if that were to happen, it would be our end, for certain.

After death, nothing would await us. We took on the form of a human, meaning, we suffer the same consequences. Telling us that after death, a mystery would occur. No one knows what happens after our lives are over. It's just a greater enigma. 

And so, many of the spirits passed away, leaving only a few alive.

I am one of the last spirits left standing. I took on the body of Quintain Richfall three centuries ago and go by the name of Max Sternmight. I named myself that, to show everyone, that I had the maximum amount of stars in my imperium. 
Afterwards, I tried living a normal life without any regrets, until she appeared. After three centuries, she found me. She came back for revenge. 

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