To Never Forget

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"Where is everyone?" I ask myself, dangling my feet.
I am still in Ambermoor, sitting on a small hill behind my house.
Why did they all leave me behind? I am not a bad person, am I?
Or maybe I am abhorrent. That's probably why no one likes me, not even my own sister.
I look up the sky. It's all grey. Everything around me is colourless. I feel empty. Perhaps I should work on myself first, before I get all empathetic. I am the reason for his hard time here, I suppose. But he forgave me for have I sinned. I wonder, is he still somewhere out there? In the big, wide world. A world like this, it would be better if it was gone. The Earth without humans wouldn't be sad. We are ruining it each day. Everything we do isn't to benefit society, it's to destroy it.

Oh, please. I really want to find you. Don't leave me here all by myself...please.

"Pardon?" I hear a voice appear behind me.
I turn around, frightened. How did someone sneak up on me? I thought I was alone?
"Oh-" I see a girl I know a bit stand behind me. "It's just you."
"Did you expect someone else?" she says.
"No, not at all..." she caught me off guard, but I'm not giving in.
"You don't have to lie about it, you can't control love, it's nature."
"H-how did you-"
"Haven't I already made myself clear to you?" she seems a bit vulgar.
"You need something from me...?" I am confused, and a bit scared too.
"Yes," she smiles and sits down next to me. "I need you to help me create a fair society."
She looks at me and tilts her head. Her red hair covers half of her purple eye.
"But," this is really overwhelming. "Why me? We never talked to each other before."
She chuckles, "That's because I need to find the boy you are connected with."
"The boy you keep on dreaming about. The boy you want to apologise to."
"Isn't that right," she looks away. "Cookie?"
"I can't lie, can I?" I give in. "Yes, you got me."
She smiles.
"I accept your offer," I grin at her.


"Where is this goddamned house?!" Zach is losing his sanity. "Tokyo might fucking die if we don't find this nurse woman!"
"Calm down, calm down." Ms. Cat is trying to keep Zach serene. "She will make it."
"How are you so sure about that??" Zach seems tense. "I need her for-"
He stops.
"Uh, what?" Mia seems confused.
"It's nothing, just, hurry up."
We're currently walking in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing but grass and a few trees here. Tokyo is unconscious. She might not survive. She's in a critical condition after having combined all our powers in that fatal attack that saved all of our lives, and perhaps even the world.
Sometimes I forget how much the Earth actually means to me. I live in a world that gives me the ability to feel, experience, and make memories. The past is here to remind us that nothing lasts forever. Everything ends someday, so will this world. But for now, I have to spend every second of it happily. Kitty made me realise that.
"The world is so wonderful." I say, breathing in the outside air.
We just won a battle by defeating a colossal and freeing all the souls of the deceased. Even though Leo and Kitty are gone forever, I can't keep on living in pure darkness. My purpose is to live, like every other being. I have to live for everyone who couldn't live. If Tokyo really passes away in the process to Kristina, then I will have to move on and live for her. If I die, I will lose all my memories, all the pulchritudinous moments I spent with everyone, oblivion. So I can't die yet, I can't let the world die.

"I see something!" Sweet covers her mouth. "Is that Kitty's house?"
"..." Isabella wipes a tear off her face.
She must be hurting a lot inside. Kitty was her best friend. I can't imagine how it must feel finding out that she was behind all this cataclysm. She must feel betrayed by her.
"Quick, children! K'lani, fly towards the house!" Ms. Cat tries to beseech her.
"Alrighty." K'lani sits on the edge of the cloud we put Tokyo on and flies towards the house.
"Let's dash!" suggests Knologos and sprints after her, followed by the rest of us.
"OPEN UP! PLEASE-!" K'lani was banging on the door, as it suddenly opened widely.
The door was never locked in the first place.
"It's ajar." notices Sunny. "Does anyone even live here..?"
"I don't think we have time to question that right now, just go!" Mia jumps over K'lani, who is on the ground.
"Well," she slowly gets up. "This is embarrassing."
"We can make fun of you later, just get Tokyo inside!" commands Knologos.
"Wow, that's a relief." K'lani rolls her eyes and enters the house, dragging the cloud with Tokyo on it inside.
Tokyo is in a horrible state. Is she still even breathing? 
"I'll wait outside." declares Fifty.
"Huh, why?" Ms. Cat is confused.
"Incase something tries to tail us. I can hoard them off."
The teacher nods and we all enter besides Fifty, who sits on a rock in the courtyard of the ginormous house.

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