Broken Promise

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"One thing is certain," concluded Melina. "It's a miracle he's alive."
Shortly after the incident, Dagobert Dragoneer was brought to the hospital by Mr. Sage Nicholas. Dagobert was lucky to have survived the sudden attack by Kart Hawkwolf. If the professor hadn't been there in time with his car, Dagobert could have possibly passed away.
"Is he going to be alright?" asked Sage.
"Yes, of course." Melina smiled. "We know the cause that hit this poor boy now. It will be simpler to examine him, we must use the exact antidote on him or else his critical state could worsen."
"..." Sage bit his fingernails worriedly.
Melina looked deeply into his face. Her bangs covered parts of her upper glasses as she leaned over the unconscious Dagobert who is placed on a hospital bed.
"Sir," she looked up to his handsome face. "Without your help, this little boy would have died hours ago."
"I'm an academic professor and I could not heal an invisible wound caused by a mere student, the only usage I committed was the transport and the explanation." Sage grabbed his face.
He was trembling all of a sudden, "How will I keep the students save with my colleagues if I cannot even heal a simple wound caused by an ordinary student at our school?"
Melina's empathic facial expression comforted him a bit. She was clearly worried about Dagobert and Sage's mental health.
She struggled a little before giving him an answer, "You have our gratitude for exchanging the happening of Dagobert's misfortune."
"It is my duty." Sage nodded and headed out of the room.
Melina sat next to Dagobert's body quietly for a minute and just listened to his deep breathing.
"Is he going to get the antidote in France?" asked someone familiar.
"Correct, for the full operation we need a pinch of Hawthorn extract." replied Melina.
She continued observing Dagobert after answering the other nurse's question. Dagobert is physically dim, but he is mentally vivid.
Melina was convinced the struck of power that hit him was nothing more than a psychology illusion. He doesn't have any wounds on his body, but he fell in an eternal sleep. If Sage doesn't retrieve the Hawthorn, Dagobert will never wake up.
"Melina, shall we have a lunch break?" asked the other nurse.
"Our patient needs-" Melina got interrupted by the other worker.
"Hey," she spoke serenely. "The doctor will keep him alive. You can trust him, can you not?"
"I do, but..." Melina paused.
"The only option right now is to wait, now let us go discuss the plan." the other nurse was impatient.
"You know a lot of people will die if we succeed, will you not?" ascertained Melina.
"Does it matter?" she was annoyed. "I can get him back for you."
"Are you doing this for me or for him?" asked Melina. "...or for yourself?"
"If no one dies, there will not be a happy ending." the other nurse scratched her blonde hair. "Face it, the unprepared die."
"Following your plan makes me a victim too, you realize that, am I correct?" Melina's eyes were empty, she decided to hold Dagobert's hand and pray for him to survive.
"I know, but I need your limbs to resurrect him from the dead, you have to bear the burden, it only works with the blood of his relatives." the blonde nurse stood straight.
"My big brother was a bad person." Melina frowned. "I want him back because I love him terribly, I want him to succeed, but I won't even be able to see him when he comes back."
"I'm sorry." the female worker was trying her best to hide her true emotions. "I don't want to lose you either, you're my best friend after all, but if we want him to euthanize this planet, your sacrifice has to be made."
"Killing the planet?" Melina cleaned her glasses. "Is that really what he wanted?"
"Humanity needs to restart, therefore we have to eliminate the residents first." the blonde woman was determined.
"I still don't get it." Melina stood up. "If everyone dies, why do we live?"
"We live to worship your brother's doing. He is going to make the world great again." the woman's urge is to win.
"His new society will be made from evil." Melina's left eye was tearing up.
"Listen to me carefully." she leaned over Dagobert and whispered into Melina's ear. "Bringing back your brother is our only hope. He can save the earth, he will save everybody from the endless lies this world holds."
The woman waited a bit and added another sentence, "He will be thankful for your sacrifice."
Melina knew there was no escaping her fate which would proceed in a matter of days. Until Dagobert is healed, Melina has to stay alive so her friend can kill her. Her brother's resurrection will kill billions of lives, even the one of the patient she is assisting right now. If he is healed, they can bring him to the destination where it will all begin. She will be able to see her brother again. Even though her brother will rise after she dies, she is certain that before she is truly gone, she will see him.

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