New Light

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"Minetta," Cookie says. "Why did you do it?"
Cookie halts in the middle of the path. Minetta and Cookie are currently on their way to find the others. They are situated in a forest, covered in thick snow. It had randomly started showering snowflakes out of nowhere, and now the world is white. The end of the year, the time of hibernation, darkness and death. Humans might enjoy the winter, due to the wonderful landscape and the time they can spend together with friends and family. However, for other creatures, this time of year is plain misery. Most entities don't survive.
"Hm?" Minetta turns around to look at Cookie. "Do what?"
"Kiss me." responds Cookie. "You kissed me, why?"
Minetta giggles, "Because I like you. That's why."
Cookie eyes her vigorously, "That surely isn't the reason, we just met."
Minetta stays silent.
"Tell me, are you trying to manipulate me?" Cookie seems hurt. "I didn't push you away because I thought you could help me if I'd stay serene, but you seem so determined by something else, what is it?"
Minetta starts kneeling down. She puts her index finger in the snow and plays with it.
"You are still striving for a fair society, aren't you?" Cookie exhales heavily.
Minetta grabs a piece of snow and shoves it in her mouth.
She then stands up and finally replies, "I have been alive for many, many years, and I can foresee the future. Our tomorrow doesn't have a light. No brink of hope left, just despair. If I don't fix the present, we will lose everything. The world I love, it will die."
"You want to fix the world by annihilating the weak, that's what you said yesterday. It's pretty anticlimactic. How is that supposed to make our future bright?" Cookie seems disappointed.
"We have to search for a new light in this sorrowful world, and that can only be done if we erase the old light." Minetta grabs Cookie's hand.
"I only want to see him again, I don't crave for a fair society." says Cookie.
Minetta grins, "That's because he is your new light you are trying to conquer."
Minetta now falls backwards into the snow with Cookie. They land softly and wobble their arms and legs up and down in the thick and beautiful snow.
Two wonderful snow angels were created.
"Do you think we will reach our destination?" Cookie is looking at the cloudy soft blue sky.
"Who knows." answers Minetta.
Suddenly a person peers over both of the girls, who are lying in the snow, and holds a letter for them to read above.

"May you two kind ladies do me a favour?"

"What?" Minetta seems annoyed. "Who are you?"
"H-huh?" Cookie seems startled.


"I don't think this is what he meant by finding our purpose." Sunny seems annoyed.
We find ourselves in a bar in London. After most of our crew had left us behind, we didn't really know what to do, so we walked helplessly around in London and came across a bar called The Lean Rope Pub.
"I've never drunk alcohol before." Posa seems a bit frightened.
"Neither have I." replied Sweet.
"I don't think anyone here has." Max rolls his eyes.
"I have." replies Leonie. "Who wants a shot?"
"Guys-" Sunny can already tell this will end badly. "I don't think this is a good idea."
"Fuck it, give me one." Knologos gives in.
"If Ms. Cat were here, she would definitely discipline us right now." Isabella seems sad.
"At least one sane person here!" Sunny sighs of relief.
"...But she isn't." Isabella wasn't done talking. "GIVE ME A SHOT WAAAAH!"
"Isa!" Mia wraps her arms around the wailing Isabella.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!" Leonie jumps onto the counter. "WHO WANTS A SHOT OF WHISKEY!"
The adolescents start cheering her on while the stressed Sunny is massaging her forehead.
"Sunny," Sweet is trying to comfort her. "It won't kill us if we try, right? I'm also kind of curious."
"Yeah, we might try while we're at it." complies Rain.
"But we are all just adolescents, we might get kidnapped if we are all drunk and helpless!" Sunny is worried about us all.
My sister is definitely the mom of our group.
"You don't need to try if you don't want to." I smile. "It's okay, we can play billiard instead."
"Hey, hey, kiddos." the bartender arrived and started calming us down. "Woah, keep it down. It's still afternoon."
"Can you give us a shot of Sarsaparilla?" asks Max.
"Hold on," Posa seems confused. "How do you know such an extravagant alcohol?"
"Uhh..." Max exposed himself.
"So you did drink before..." Rain feels provoked. "Thanks for not inviting me."
"H-hey!" Max is sweating. "That was a long time ago!"
"Yeah," Leonie pierces his eyes. "I'm sure it was a long time ago."
"One shot of rye, please." Isabella gives the bartender a tip.
"Oi, oi." the bartender seems shocked. "Are y'all sure ya wanna drink? Y'all still so young."
"Life sucks, now give me a shot." Isabella seems devastated.
"A'right." they started pouring us our drinks.
However, Sunny rejected their offer and decided to walk around the bar a bit.
"Hm, she's boring." says Mia.
"Ya ready?" asks us the bartender.
We all agree with them and start chugging our drinks down with one gulp.
I had a shot of whiskey, and it tasted utterly weird but oddly fascinating.
"Another one!" demands Leonie.
"Aye, me too!" Max slams his cup onto the counter.
"Could I just have a warm beer instead?" pleads Rain.
"Me too." concurs Sweet.
"I wanna try this!" Posa looks at the menu.
"This...IS A PARADISE!" Isabella shrieks.
"Woah, this lad is done a'ready!" the bartender seems astonished.
"She's just sad." replies Knologos. "What's your name by the way? I'm Knologos Nile."
"Tryna seduce them, eh?" I bump Knologos and mock him.
"Hey! Just doing normal social interaction!"
The bartender replies worriedly, "Ya shouldn't reveal yar name so easily. There are many vicious peeps around here. Anyhow, ma name's Beverley Clash, great to meet ya."
"Vicious people?" I ask.
"I'LL TRY THIS ONE NEXT!" screams Leonie.
"I WANTED THAT ONE!" Max grabs her shot and drinks it.
"THAT WAS MINE!" Leonie jumps at Max and they start a fight.
"UAAGHAHABAHA!" Isabella is banging her head on the counter in the meanwhile.
"Just gimme the whole flask!" says Posa dizzy.
"Where's the toilet?" Mia stands up from the bar stool and trips.
"Sweet..." Rain seems worried. "We should probably not drink any more after this beer, right?"
"Yeah..." Sweet agrees quietly.
Beverley continues their talk, "Yeah, vicious people. Have ya never heard of the saga of the decapitated woman?"
"A decapitated woman?" Knologos shakes his head. "No, I'm afraid not."
"Let me explain," Beverley starts presenting us a story. "Centuries ago, there had been this girl called Anna Bittery. She lived in the centre of London and was only 19 years old. In the beginning, her life seemed to have been pretty ordinary and unilateral. She lived with her parents in a house and went to university to study psychology. However, one day, everything changed. Anna started feeling unwell. She had immense pain. Her abdomen felt like it was being disemboweled each day. Anna thought to herself, something is inside her.
One day, she couldn't take the pain anymore, so she had tried telling her parents about it, but instead of helping her, they were shocked and started crying. A demon is in my child! Dear God, help this possessed soul! Anna had to witness her parents praying to God, trying to somehow free her from the wrath of possibly Satan's doing. Nevertheless, at some point, Anna's only parents had disowned her. They were really religious, so after God still hasn't brought salvation upon Anna, they thought she was hopeless. Basically a gift for Satan, a leak that would make it possible for him to reach the world of the humans. So what they did, was deliver Anna to the royal family. There they saw her as a nuisance and as a demon, not as a girl who was trying to benefit society by working hard. So as her parents were crying and thinking their daughter had been taken by them, the royal family's guards dragged Anna to the courtyard, where they would behead her in the Guillotine. As Anna pleaded, no one stood by her side. Society watched this innocent girl get executed. She had been decapitated in front of the whole wide world. All the apathetic humans had been watching it occur, no one stepped in. They all were selfish human beings who valued their lives more, afraid that saying something would affect theirs. Unfortunately, later it turned out that Anna Bittery had been suffering under a rare chronic pain syndrome called fibromyalgia. Her nerve system got damaged by her overworking, and it triggered her chronic illness. In conclusion, Anna Bittery had never been possessed by Satan, she was just ill."
"Damn..." Rain seems shocked. "That's...that's horrendous..."
"Poor Anna." Sweet seems empathetic.
"That doesn't answer my question." I stay stern. "I asked why you mentioned vicious people being in London, do you mean the royal family, or humans in general?"
Knologos seems to have thought the same.
Beverley continues their talk, "After that event, people had been reporting several cases of apparently seeing a headless woman roam the roads of London at night, killing innocent people. Anna's spirit has been haunting this city for a while, stealing our innocent folk, by murdering them."
"But why is she killing nice people?" asks Sweet. "They did nothing wrong."
"That's because she was also innocent when they killed her, she's back for revenge."
We turn around and spot Sunny. She had been listening to us for a while.
"Sunny?" Rain seems stunned.
"Anna Bittery is trying to mentally hurt the royal family by killing their residents. She probably wants them to stop being greedy, so they can finally assist all the poor humans of this town." Sunny looks at the ground. "One of us might be her next victim."
"...Couldn't she just try appeasing the royal family, instead of running around at night just to kill humans to reach the family's attention?" wonders Sweet.
"A corrupted spirit sadly doesn't think that way." murmurs Sunny.
While the others are drunk, we had found out about an old legend that might be true. Anna Bittery could ruin our mission. I still want to find information about my parents. It might not be impossible, but if an aggravated spirit is haunting this town, it might be difficult. But then again, I feel terrible for Anna. She just wanted to live a normal life. She studied to serve society by later on helping people, but she never could, because the people she wanted to help, killed her graceless.
"Sharp thinking." Knologos compliments Sunny.
She ignores him but I can tell she's smiling.
"Now, what do we do about them?" asks Sweet and points over to our drunk friends.
"I think we should probably head over to the lounge and put them on the couch." suggests Rain.
"Excuse me, Clash?" Sunny politely asks Beverley a question. "When does The Lean Rope Pub close?"
Beverley checks the clock and answers, "It closes at nine, y'all still have plenty of time, but don't forget to pay."
Suddenly we all get heebie jeebies. We don't have any money.
"Uh..." Rain is a bit nervous. "What do you do to customers who don't pay?"
"What I do?" Beverley smirks. "I use my strong arms that my biological male body has inherited to beat them to a pulp."
Our eyes are open widely.
"Nah, just kiddin', folk." Beverley starts guffawing grossly. "They clean the dishes, nothin' else."
"Well, time to work my ass off for these drunk fucks!" Knologos seems aggravated.
"H-hey..." Isabella still seems a little bit conscious. "Give him-...them this bag of coins. I have enough."
Isabella grabbed a small bag of coins from her pocket.
"Where did you get all this money?" Sweet seems shocked.
"Don't ask, just give." Rain snatches the bag and hands it over to Beverley, who seems satisfied.
"Hey, B." I get the bartender's attention. "Is it alright with you if we sleep here for the night?"
They think about it for a while until they comply, "Ya gave me more than needed, so sure. Just don't forget to close the door, or the headless woman will come for ya, haha!" Beverley gives me a soft pat, which almost makes me lose my balance, and disappears into the kitchen.
"Hey, guys." I look at all my friends who have been awaiting my presence in the lounge. "Look at what I've got."
I dangle the bar-keys back and forth.
"Brother?" Mia, still drunk, can't discern what I am holding. "Is that my jack box?"
"No, Mia." I reply. "It's something way better."

I smile proudly, "We are having a sleepover."

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