Fight in Class

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"Huh?" a loud noise had woken me up. It sounded like an explosion. I stood up and trotted towards my window to investigate the outside.
"Wait...wait what?!" I sorrowfully screamed.
The fog was outside of my house! It stood on the pavement. Suddenly, it moved towards my house.
"Sunny...! Come on, we have to go!" I ran towards my door so I could warn my sister.
It had already been too late. I lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

We did not deserve this.

"Kart, are you okay? Why did you shout?" I heard a voice. It sounded familiar. Could it be...?
Sunny stood in my room. She seemed a bit worried.
"Sunny, did you also hear that?" I impatiently asked her, "There was this loud crash and-"
"Calm down, what crash? I didn't hear anything."
Huh? Sunny did not hear anything? How is that possible? That explosion was so loud!
"I'm not surprised, you sleep like a rock." I sarcastically remarked.
"Excuse me?" said Sunny a bit mad after hearing that hurtful comment.
"Do we have to go to school? I mean, there's no point. Is it even still standing?" I despaired.
After what happened yesterday, I am sure that the school will be closed. Sweet could be dead for all I know! Why do I even care anyways, she betrayed us. However, was she only trying to protect us? But from what? Maybe Professor Dirize managed to solve the situation from yesterday. Although, I recall hearing unpleasant noises when we escaped the kidnappers.
I just want to stay home. Why would our parents abandon us here and put such a big burden on us? I can't take this anymore, apparently Sunny didn't know what happened at midnight, was I only dreaming? It would've probably been the best if I had just fallen to my death that day when I got pushed off the skyscraper.
"We should go, I didn't hear anything at all." said Sunny.
My sister noticed that I was feeling a bit down today.
"Hey, I know how you're feeling, it's okay. We'll get through this together, I promise!" Sunny cheered me up a bit.
She probably realized that my head was a bit mushy from all these strange occurrences.
"Okay, fine. Let's go eat breakfast first." I smiled.
She smiled back.
As I was walking down the stairs, I realized that we had forgotten to buy food again. The only thing I bought was a watermelon. Maybe Sunny bought food?
I entered the kitchen and I saw something on the fridge. There was a box on it with a picture. Is that food? It seems edible. I took a closer look to it and it was labelled Lava Cake.
We didn't have anything else at home so we decided to eat cake for breakfast.
I took the first bite and it tasted amazing. It was a chocolate cake with caramel filling. It had been a while since me and Sunny could eat something this elegant.
Something felt off. Most of the time I get interrupted while eating breakfast by a certain someone. Unfortunately, nothing happened. At least I could eat my cake, but I was worried. Sunny seemed uneasy too.
Mia hasn't arrived yet. She usually picks us up for school with Sweet. I shouldn't think about it too much. Mia always has a smile on her face. She's allowed to feel distant for once too. She lost her roommate yesterday. I completely understand. This time, me and Sunny should go to her house and ring.
"Should we go check on her?" I asked my sister.
She nodded.
Together we headed outside, ready for school. We had our uniform on and our bookbags with us. Nobody is outside. It's completely abandoned and tranquil as always. I glanced at all the other houses that have the exact same structure as ours and fell in thoughts for a few seconds. Then I followed Sunny to Mia's house.
Her house is right next to ours so it doesn't take long to get there. We did a left turn and sprinted towards her violet-coloured house.
When we arrived, I wanted to open the door.
"Oh wait, the door's locked!" I stated.
"Kart, you're so dumb." Sunny rolled her eyes.
I was too worried, so I had forgotten that it was only natural to lock a door.
We rang a few times but she didn't open the door. Mia and Sweet were both not at home. Hopefully they're at school.
"Do you think she's at school? Or did she get kidnapped?! Or did she run off?!" I asthmatically pronounced those words and couldn't breathe properly.
"Kart, you're being paranoid," protested Sunny. "She's most likely at school."
Sunny was probably right. If we don't go to school, we won't find out at all.
Without waiting any longer, I embarked to school with Sunny.
As we walked throughout the long neighborhood, we finally arrived at the end.
"Hey, guys!" shouted someone familiar.
I turned around and I spotted a person walking out of the last and final red house. The figurine is a boy with the school uniform and beautiful brown and fading hair. He has a normal and muscular body. He's my humanin friend Knologos.
Sunny and I played with him a lot when we got shipped here by our parents. He seems like a nice and respectful guy. However, I notice that he picks on a boy in class a lot. I don't know the origin of them, but they do not get along well whatsoever. If I correctly remember the boy he argues with, then I think it's the one who lives with Rain and Max in their attic.
Johnny, the retainer of the power of Electricity. I haven't spoken to him a lot, he seems rather odd.
"Have you heard the crash last night?" I asked Knologos.
"Uhm, no, because nothing happens overnight." he mocked.
"Ugh, you guys sleep so heavily, how did you not hear that?" I was disappointed. Was it just a nightmare? Why was I the only one who heard it? It would explain why the fog didn't come and attack me and my sister. I guess it was just a dream.
"Good news, the school is still standing!" I'm so relieved. I love school, it would've been so sad to see it destroyed.
"Everything's fine." said Sunny.
Before we followed our route, I noticed something strange. The construction zone was different from yesterday. They continued building after what had happened.
Unbelievable, I almost fell to my death there! How did they possibly build so much in such a short time? When I was there, it was already in the middle of the night, and now it's about six in the morning. So how did they manage to build so much more today? Maybe the workers are just really ambitious so they work quickly and efficient.
We strolled down the mountain so we could head to school. Once again, the small city was deserted.
We arrived down the path and reached the school.
"Look, the restaurant's open!" noticed Knologos.
He's right, they opened the restaurant. It has a strange name. The restaurant's named Robloxia. It's fairly busy. A few people are eating breakfast in there. It looks quite expensive. We will most likely never be able to dine there since we don't have much money.
"Boys, look behind you, there's something else." mumbled Sunny.
Knologos and I turned around and our eyes opened widely.
Before our eyes, at the lantern in front of the school, we discovered a most wanted poster. The reward is 100'000.
As soon as I saw that I got really excited. If I manage to find this villain, I can invite my friends over to that fancy-looking restaurant and dine there. Unfortunately, the villain they wanted to find looks like a dangerous mystical creature.
It's really massive and pitch black, has an unnatural head shape, and some four weird super long arms that have grippers. It also has four long legs with sharp ends. The entity's posture of the legs are like a spider. It probably can jump really high. It looks like it could easily kill me without even properly trying hard.
Its eyes are red, and I couldn't detect the gender of that creature. It's not wearing anything, but its body substance looks pretty solid. It seems like an automaton with a robotic inhumane body. It's as twice as tall as an average student. It also has a weird shield around its neck and upper body. The mouth is glowing red, like the eyes, and it looks vicious.
Perhaps this wasn't going to be an easy task whatsoever.
I tried to ignore it for now and headed to the school entrance. However, the next disaster had already been here for us.
On the school wall we detected missing posters. Professor Mercury Dirize and Sweet went missing.
"Phew, I'm glad they haven't been found dead." remarked Sunny.
I agree with her. These missing posters showed us that they escaped and survived the attack. Even if Sweet betrayed us. I want her alive. I still need to interrogate her with my buddies so we can find out the truth about her actions. After all, she might have only been trying to protect us, as she asserted, and most likely is forced to hide important information from us so we wouldn't get hurt.
This is all speculation, but it might be true.
After investigating these posters, I realized that the most wanted poster is probably the fog itself. It would explain why I saw it that night. Even if it was just a figment of my imagination, I don't know what I'm dealing with. That monster can most likely penetrate my dreams and irrupt it.
I searched around the place to find more clues. I found something on the ground. It looked like a poster. I turned it around and saw a blue girl with blonde hair on it. Above her profile I saw a label called Missing. Another person vanished.
Arbitrarily, this cannot be true. The blue girl is wearing the same uniform as the Academy of Essence students. But I've never seen her here before and I don't forget people easily. I tried to look for a date but I didn't see one. I compared her missing poster with Sweet and Mr. Dirize's one.
It looked nearly the same. Sweet and the professor were heard in Power Training, but after civilians called for help, the search team only found blood and calamity itself. The bodies weren't found at the crime scene which means that they most likely managed to escape or got kidnapped by the victor of the battle.
The blonde girl, on the other hand, went missing years ago. Apparently she was pushed off a skyscraper and her body was never found.
The police never gave up on her case, however, eventually they had no choice but to leave it unsolved due to not finding out the truth.
It was time for class, we had to stop investigating.
We walked towards the entrance, opened the door and entered the academy.
The locker room is filled with students. The school's still intact and we weren't late at all.
We saw the Magic Spells professor enter his classroom. Fault and Cookie had a small conversation on the right side of the locker room. We spotted Rain searching for her books on the left side of the locker room. There are a lot of students here. It's a relieving feeling after what happened yesterday, to see so many unharmed friends again.
Professor Nicholas's levitating in front of the left locker room. I suppose he's gaining Mana like that. He's the instructor for Weapons Training. We walked up to him and greeted our teacher.
"Hello, Mr. Nicholas!" shouted Sunny.
Knologos and my sister chatted a bit with the professor, I used that as an advantage to open my locker on the right side. The wanted- and missing posters are everywhere. I walked past a lot of them. Cookie examined one of them and mumbled to herself. I wonder what she's thinking about.
I got to the last row of the lockers. My cupboard-looking furniture has stickers on it so it wouldn't be hard to find it. All the lockers are blue so they look identical. I decorated mine with some memories. One of the three posters I sticked on my locker is a free time event with my childhood friend Adrianna. We went skating together near my old home. The other one is a drawing my cousin made for me when I was in my Halloween outfit. It looks menacingly gorgeous. My third sticker is me and my two friends goofing around in a park. I absolutely miss those times. It gives me a melancholic time when I think back.
The key's in my pocket, my hand grabbed it and opened the locker. The book we need is the Physical Fighting Training handguide. It's a big, black tome. I'm not sure why we have that kind of class, don't we all have superpowers to defend ourselves? Perhaps the school wants safety measurements. I'm not fond of fighting but it's fun to learn new tactics. The tome is dreadfully heavy. I staggered back to the entrance hallway to meet up with my two friends. Sunny was still talking with Sir Nicholas while Knologos got his book.
"I was on vacation." postulated the professor. Hold on, Mr. Nicholas was on vacation?
"What about Dagobert?" I hypothesized that he brought our classmate to the hospital and then went on holidays.
"He went to France." stated Sunny.
I noticed that Knologos got his tome so I decided to head to class with him and Sunny, the other students were slowly doing the same.
I followed Leo and Fifty, our classmates, to the second floor after saying goodbye to Professor Nicholas.
Our blue and white Academy of Essence is a wonderful area. It always makes me calm down with this tranquil feeling it gives. Therefore, I tried to forget the incident from yesterday. It seems no one knew what happened at night after class had been dismissed. I shouldn't worry, soon it will all be solved anyways.
We were striding to the second floor till we reached the training room.
Since we weren't late this time, I took the courage to enter first. The room's partly filled. Everyone's present except for the unknown student, the injured pupil Dagobert, and our missing classmate Sweet.
I was prepared for another normal but educational morning. However, when I reached my seat, I almost thought my eyes were broken. I saw an argument in the front of the class occurring. It didn't matter to me until I noticed that the students who were arguing had been no other than Floof herself. In other words, two people who looked exactly the same were fighting. Our classmate has a doppelganger. There's a lot of commotion happening because of it. Class didn't begin yet so I ran towards Floof, who had been cloned, and asked her what happened.
"What is this?" I cheerfully said. I couldn't stop myself from bursting. It looked so hilarious.
Floof was arguing with her clone.
"Oh my god." I heard Mia.
She's here, I'm glad, however, there's no time to greet her because of this weird supernatural accident that occurred.
They were screaming like crazy.
"QUIET! SIT DOWN!" bellowed our instructor.
Professor Pagan is our Physical Fighting Training teacher. Class didn't begin yet, but he was working on stuff which was placed on his desk, marking the absentee list and examining some important-looking documents. He probably needs peace, unfortunately, nobody listened to him since the chaos was too much to handle.
Mr. Pagan might have been a marshal before he applied to become an educator. This theory might be wrong though. Sir Pagan isn't a human being. He has yellow skin and an enormous round head. His eyes and mouth are also huge. He's wearing the teacher's uniform alongside ceremonial epaulettes. His physique is muscular and tallish. Professor Pagan is nice but strict despite the class he's teaching. I'm not surprised at all.
"I am the real Floof." claimed the girl in the uniform.
"NO, I AM!" protested the girl in her casual outfit. "I WILL KILL YOU!"
"Try me." provoked the girl in the uniform.
My friends were trying to calm them down. For some reason our professor does not care about the clones whatsoever. Could this be normal for him? On the contrary, I already figured out who the real Floof truly is. Judging by the way the girl in the uniform talks, does not fit the real girl's personality at all. The one I know is mean and hyperactive. That trait matches the one without the uniform.
The real Floof irked herself over the fake one because she stole her front seat and her school uniform. I wouldn't have known otherwise. They both look exactly the same. The two girls have the same grey hat with a black flamingo logo, and the same hairstyle, sepia brown hair and the front strand of hair was blonde. Their face is speckled with freckles. Besides their uniform, the real one is wearing a white leopard decorated jacket alongside light-blue pants and white shoes.
I have to admit, Floof is a pretty girl, nonetheless, her personality is terrible.
Sunny tried to calm them down while Fault suddenly stood up and arrived at the scene. She mumbled something to herself which made me a bit suspicious. Did she clone this lousy girl? They are roommates, and Fault conjures a lot of occult stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's the culprit of this story.
I interrogated her a bit and asked her a question, "Wait, Fault. Aren't you that girl whose power contains rituals of some sort? Did you clone them?"
She reacted nervously and stuttered a bit, "Don't look at me like that!"
Before I could ask her another question, the fake Floof mentioned something, "Someone used a cloning ability on us." I was right.
"Why does this always happen?" I heard Sunny say that. It made me grin.
Johnny, who's been sitting behind Fake Floof this whole time got a bit tense and stood up to check out what we were talking about.
"What the...?" he seemed utterly confused.
"Yo, what's happening?" now Zoom, our other classmate, stood up to check out what the commotion was about. This was getting out of hand. Seven students, including me, were interrupting our professor who's been preparing class.
"Sit down, everyone. It's time to begin our training." Our teacher pacified a bit.
He wasn't as miserable as before, I'm glad. Quickly, we all rushed to our seats so our educator wouldn't need to wait any longer.
The classroom looks fairly the same as the one from yesterday. It has the same colors and some posters to keep us motivated.
There are some dummies in the front to show us how to assault an enemy with physical movements and kicks.
There are three big, red and white pads in the back. The one on the left and right have four dummies on them in case Mr. Pagan would give us a task.
We study on how to overwhelm fiends and how to defend ourselves if we can't use our powers. The middle pad is empty, it contains no dummies. We haven't used that one before, could it be for another duel? I hope not.
Since Fake Floof stole the real one's seat, it caused more havoc. She resisted and tried to convince Professor Pagan to help her.
While this was happening, I needed Rain's attention. Luckily, she's sitting in front of me this time.
"Psst, Rain!"
"What, I'm trying to study." she annoyedly indicated.
I ignored it and kept whispering to her, "I'm surprised that all the students are present despite from what happened yesterday."
"Yeah, you have a point." she replied.
While we were having a small talk, class was chaotic.
The two Floofs were still arguing with each other and Mr. Pagan tried to separate them. On the other hand, Johnny was playing around with a Gameboy of some sort. Echo, who was sitting diagonal of me, was having a panic attack. Kitty, the girl who sat in front of her, tried to calm her down. Sunny was reading a book, Zoom and Mia were having a conversation, Cookie and Isabella were talking about the two Floofs, Knologos was annoyed that Johnny was walking around the classroom because he searched for his battery that he dropped for his Gameboy. Overall, this session was a mess.

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