Mission: Nathaniel

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"You know what to do, right?" asks Nathaniel.
"Yes, I do." answers someone in a feminine voice.
Nathaniel is sitting on the edge of the rooftop. His tricks seem to be going as planned. The puzzle pieces all fit perfectly. Nathaniel's enigma is confusing everyone, creating an even greater conundrum to solve.
Nathaniel lights another cigarette.
"Want one?" asks Nathaniel the girl, who is standing behind him.
"No, thanks."
"Suit yourself." Nathaniel looks over the edge. "Heh, this is where it all started. This is the beginning and the end."
"..." the girl is serene.
"Hey," after some silence, Nathaniel spoke. "What meaning does this world have for you?"
The girl almost seemed a little bit shocked at how casually Nathaniel talked to her.
"...you're asking me...what purpose this planet serves us?" stutters the girl.
"Yes, so, what is it?" Nathaniel is patient with her.
The girl seems a bit pressured but talks in a strong and brave tone, "I think...a world like this is trying to annihilate us. Magic isn't a weapon. It's poison. This planet wants to intoxicate us. Because people are greedy for might and power. Forcing their inner and true self to come to the front. They kill the weak and show dominance. We are filthy beings who want to reign over everyone else. And the ones who think differently die or aren't allowed to speak up. A world like this has already been fated to end from the moment it existed. The Earth...the Universe, it's trying to educate us by envenoming us, and I think we deserve it. We are not condign of life."
"..." Nathaniel looks at her without saying anything.
He then turns back around and says, "Do you want to be the one to end it all?"
"I...I would be honoured." says the girl. "But...I am not in any position to determine who lives or not. My mission is to only kill him."
"I know, don't take the burden. I'll take it." Nathaniel smiles. "You, you should focus on fulfilling your mission...

...Hed Dimma."



"Melanie..." Lisa Clover, a member of Squad 6, is clinging onto her best friend. "I'm scared...what if another missile launcher engrows from the wall..?"
"D-don't scare me like that!" Melanie Marshey, also a member of Squad 6, is walking through the dark hallways with Lisa.
Both of them were separated from their group when a missile launcher emerged from the wall and started shooting around rapidly. Agent Jua Yun, their squad leader, was killed by it.
"So many bodies..." Lisa sobs. "Why did we sign up for this!?"
"Because we want to go to university. They wouldn't allow us if we were to discharge." says Melanie.
"They fooled us...manipulative bastards!" Lisa vexes.
"Let's just try to find the others and-" Melanie suddenly stops.
"What's wrong?" asks Lisa.
"Look..! Over there..." hisses Melanie. "A girl is standing in the middle of the hallway!"
In front of Melanie and Lisa is a girl with long, brown hair. The girls can't identify her because the person is facing the other direction, so they can only see her back.
"Oh yay! She's probably a member of the other squad!" cheers Lisa. "HEY!!"
"What is wrong with you!?" hisses Melanie and covers Lisa's mouth. "Why would you call out for some creepy girl standing in the middle of the hallway in a haunted house doing absolutely nothing!"
"Wow...that was very detailed..." Lisa is surprised.
"...have you never read any horror novels..?
Rule number 1: Don't split up.
Rule number 2: Don't talk to any strangers.
Rule number 3: Be quiet.
Rule number 4: Don't even go to a haunted house."
"We broke all those rules..." mutters Lisa.
"Hold on, there are more." says Melanie.
"Oh my God, you're not actually going to count them all, are you!?" Lisa is distressed.
"Why not?" says Melanie. "Anyways, so..."
"Stop talking! You're gonna get us killed!" protests Lisa.
"Me!? You're the one who called out to her!" says Melanie.
"Have we got a problem here?"
"Yes! I told you to-" Lisa freezes.
Next to them is the girl from the hallway.
Melanie and Lisa are about to scream, but the girl quickly covers their mouths with her hands.
"Psst! We might get heard! It's me, Alison Ambersong, don't you recognize me?"
"Ohh! You're in Squad 12!" Lisa sighs out of relief. "Did you also get lost?"
"Yup." Alison licks her lips. "Do you know where the others are?"
"Um..no. That's what we're trying to find out too." says Melanie.
"Great! Then let's go search together! Lead the way." Alison smiles.
"But I'm scared..." complains Lisa.

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