First Day

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Today we would return to school. Our autumn holidays were great, unfortunately, they took an end.
Immediately when I woke up this morning, the realization came up into my thoughts and I was definitely not prepared for school whatsoever.
I didn't even lay out my uniform.
I figured I should get up and satisfy my needs. I'm sure my sister is still asleep; I'll go wake her up later. Quickly I got dressed in my school uniform and grabbed my school bag. Our school uniform has a mystical and beautiful design. The top of both male and female students is the same. The jacket is colored in liberty blue, and the shirt is in beautiful hazel brown including a grey tie with white background to it. The uniform gives an old-fashioned style. Admittingly, I assure you; I adore the uniform our academy offered us. The male students have grey pants and black shoes. The female students have a dark blue skirt and some long, white socks and black shoes as well.
I was ready to start the day. Now, the only thing that was left to do, is waking up my sister.
I trudged out of my bedroom and headed towards my sister's room. Luckily, our house isn't that big, so our rooms are right next to each other.
I want to jumpscare her on purpose just for my enjoyment.
So I opened the door with all my might and shouted, "Sunny, wake up!"
My proclamation had been correct. She was indeed still asleep. The shock in her eyes when she had heard my loud voice, determined that my plan has succeeded. After my sister calmed down a bit, she packed her bag and got ready for our first day at school after the holidays.
"I'll meet you downstairs." is what I told her.
After waking up Sunny, I casually trekked down the stairs and entered our small kitchen. However, we didn't have any food. Our fridge was empty, there was literally nothing in it. Just plain void. I tugged some water into my cup from the kitchen sink and sat down at the table and waited for my sister to arrive.
It didn't take that long, she appeared shortly after and made the realization that we didn't have any nutrition at home. Without complaining she got some water and sat down with me.
It's been a while since we got used to our new lives. I still remember the day when we got abandoned by our parents. To be fair, this isn't as bad as it seems. We've got everything we need. Me and my sister live together in the orange house which is in front of the ending of the road. Our accommodation isn't that big, but we have a bathroom and a kitchen alongside a wide hallway. We also have a big garden; however, we haven't used it yet. On the second floor we have two bedrooms and another wide hallway. There is also an attic, but my father told me, before he evanesced from my life, to never go up there. Surprisingly, I actually listened to him. I haven't been up there ever since. The only thing I did was throw the empty suitcases up there through the trapdoor. I haven't even caught sight of anything up there.
Besides from that story, we also made a lot of new friends here. To be precise, our friends were supposed to come pick us up so we could walk to school together. Sadly, we were a bit behind on the schedule. I sincerely hope that our two friends who live next to us haven't been waiting that long.
All of a sudden, we heard the doorbell rang a couple of times. Whoever was at the door really craved our attention because they had been ringing for literally ten times in a row.
"That's definitely her." said my sister ironically.
I stood up and rushed to the door since the noise was getting correspondingly loud. Sunny followed me. As soon as I had opened the kitchen door, I saw one of my friends staring into our house through the window. She waved at us. I waved back and decided to open the front door.
My other friend stood there instead.
I greeted her, "Oh, hello Mia!"
She glared at me and asked, "What took you guys so long?"
I made up a lie and told Mia and Sweet, the girl who stalked me through the window, that me and Sunny had been eating. At this point Sunny had already been at the door and also greeted our friends. She knew that I was lying so she rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. I took the lead and escorted the girls. Together we wandered through the long street and chatted with each other.
I was at the front with Mia and Sweet. For some unknown reason, my sister had been walking really slow.
"Sunny, why are you so slow?" teased Mia.
I then claimed that she ate too much and now had a full abdomen. Mia and Sweet laughed hysterically and Sunny got triggered by what I had told them.
There was no one else walking to school, it gave us a sign. We were definitely late for school session on our first day.
After Sunny had caught up to our speed, she pointed at something. In the far distance we could make out a construction zone. None of us had a clue on what was going to be built there. From the looks of it they might be working on a corporation. They barely started but I could tell that the construction looked boring.
As we walked down the mountain, we still saw nobody around. We basically live in a ghost town. I'm not that surprised, the whole city is surrounded by enormous mountains. We live at a small valley with a total of five tunnels. Even with that many tunnels, barely anyone drives past here. Now that I think about it, there has never been much commotion here at all. The only filled up place is the school.
As we neared our destination, we looked at the restaurant in front of it. Yeah, there is also a restaurant in the valley. It's still closed but it's supposed to open soon. I don't really get why they open up a gastronomical business in a deserted place like this.
As my thoughts had been running through my mind, we had already arrived at the academy.
We entered the school and headed straight to the classroom.
The hallways are completely empty. I guess we really are late after all. Luckily, our class is on the first floor and near the entrance. We only had to walk past the lockers to reach it. We all have our bookbags so there is no need to check the lockers since we had already taken the books with us before the autumn holidays had incurred.
We reached the classroom that we have session in. Today is the first day after the holidays, it would make a bad impression if we're late. Hopefully nobody notices us. Sometimes our class takes breaks and starts the session a bit later than proclaimed. Before the girls and I would enter, I peaked at the sign next to the door. It's labeled Power Training.
I still remember our very first day when we arrived here a while ago. Sunny and I had been utterly confused and shocked, but yet also amazed at the same time when we found out that we landed at some magical place on Earth. I always thought stuff like that was not real, I guess I was wrong. I even saw it with my own two eyes, my classmates and professors performing some magic spells right in front of me.
I most certainly don't get it. Apparently my parents dropped us off at some magical place, but why?
Well, I have nothing to complain about, I absolutely love it here!
Yet again, I still haven't uncovered the hidden power within me. My instructor of Power Training always believed in me.
"One day, your power will awaken within you!" he said to me with enthusiasm.
I neglected his words because it couldn't be true. Furthermore, I never even felt any small sparkle of magic before.
This experience felt so new. Although, it would explain why my parents deserted me and my sister when we were young. Perhaps there had been something dangerous about us thus made them bring us to this mystical valley.
Sunny also didn't feel anything. My friends on the other hand were really different from us. I was kind of jealous of them. I envied their abilities. Compared to me, they are absolutely powerful and amazing at conjuring their superpowers.
For now, the only thing I can do is wait. Maybe there is some secret power transplanted inside of me?
Mia took the courage to enter class as the first one. Sweet followed her as the second one. Afterwards, I set foot in the classroom and lastly, Sunny accompanied us inside too.
Correspondingly as we entered, we were greeted by a mere surprise. As I had foreseen, everybody had already been there.
We were late. However, it seems most of the students haven't acknowledged our presence yet. Everybody was chatting with each other while occupying their seats. This time we were rather lucky. Doesn't seem like class had started yet.
I followed Mia so we could both ask the professor if class was in session or not. A little break would be in fact quite relaxing. It's the first day of school after the autumn break after all, hopefully the professors will definitely be a bit tranquil than usual.
Consequent, Mia and I arrived at the front desk of the teacher. Professor Dirize, our Power Class instructor, was sitting in his desk and conjured some magical force. We couldn't tell what he was doing. The only thing I've learnt is that my teacher mastered the power of Blood Control.
I still recall myself freaking out over it, yet again, he somehow gets blood and does stuff with it, I don't really know and I don't want to.
Hopefully, he hasn't been using blood of other beings.
Generally speaking of it, he hasn't noticed us. Professor Dirize seemed really focused on something. There was just a bunch of blood floating around him. I got used to that, it has been like it ever since I entered this strange academy.
"Is it break time?" asked Mia to shatter the unpleasant silence.
Suddenly this weird levitating blood slowly disappeared and floated inside of the professor.
Now my vision was clearer and I could see the physiques of two silhouettes. The next thing me and Mia spotted almost made us faint. She was about to let out a scream. Gladly, she didn't.
In conclusion, we beheld the presence of the headmaster himself.
We could envisage that the headmaster and the professor would give us a punishment for being late.
"You guys are late!" shouted Mr. Dirize with a severe look on his face and took out a bamboo stick to threaten us.
The headmaster examined us with his piercing look but didn't say anything.
Mia and I didn't allow ourselves to be told twice so we rushed to our seats as quickly as we could. Her seat is exactly in front of the professor's desk. I kind of feel bad for her. I can't imagine sitting right in front of that scary professor and headmaster. We're lucky he didn't hit us with the stick. I'm sure it's because me and Mia weren't the only late ones, I'm guessing it would be unfair to only punish us two. Plus, the headmaster probably was here for a specific reason. He certainly doesn't have time to waste with punishing us.
However, it's one of the rules our elite school has. All of the instructors are actually really friendly, but I'm guessing their strict apprehensions won't let us avoid a broken rule.
I on the other hand sat in the third row.

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