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"Sera!" yells his older sister. "What are you doing!?"
"Don't stop me!" shouts Sera.
"Father told us not to go up there!" explains his sister vigorously.
"I don't care, Katie!" Sera is annoyed. "He's not with us anymore, don't you want to know what's up here too?"
"Well..." Katie doesn't know what to say.
"See?" Sera proved a point. "We both are curios."
"You're not wrong." says Katie. "But I don't want to break the vow."
"Forget about the oath, Sister." reassures Sera. "It can't hurt, can it?"
"I suppose you're right." Katie gives up. "If something happens, I'll kill you!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Sera rolls his eyes. "Please help me up."
Katie places the ladder against the orange wall and looks if it's sturdy.
"All set." she says. "I'll hold you so you don't fall."
"I'm not a baby anymore, okay?" says Sera frustrated.
"I know," Katie chuckles. "But I made a solemn promise to Mother to protect you at any cost."
"What's up with you and promises?" Sera opens the trapdoor. "Phew, no key needed."
"What do you see?" asks Katie.
"Nothing special," says Sera disappointed. "Only dust, cobwebs and a bunch of old boxes."
"See!" Katie sighs. "Father didn't hide anything from us!"
"Well, we haven't even looked around yet. Perhaps there might be something valuable here." says Sera.
"What, do you expect there to be gold in the attic?" says Katie ironically.
"Maybe." answers Sera.
"That was rhetorical." Katie giggles.
"Whatever, here." Sera offers his aid. "Take my hand and come up here."
"What!?" Katie is shocked. "I'm not going up there! It's unhygienic! I'll catch another disease!"
"I promise you won't get one." Sera smiles warmly.
Katie climbs the ladder and Sera helps her get to the attic.
The attic is massive. It has, as Sera mentioned, a lot of dust and cobwebs everywhere. There are a lot of ancient, wooden boxes scattered around. In the front is a window showing the outside.
"I regret this already." complains Katie.
"We won't if we discover something amazing." Sera smirks.
"Haha, very funny, Seraphine." Katie rolls her eyes.
"Katharina," says Sera stern. "We can go back down as soon as we find something, okay?"
"Fine." says Katie. "Sorry for complaining too much."
"It's alright," says Sera. "As long as you don't gossip with Stella about Taein anymore."
"H-how do you know!?" says Katie, while investigating the attic.
"You make it blatantly obvious." Sera rolls his eyes. "Even Mora knows."
"What!?" Katie tripped over a small box. "Even the class representative knows?"
"Yeah," mumbles Sera, as he lifts up a broken and empty picture frame. "It's rude, so just stop."
"..." Katie feels guilty.
"...oh, look." Sera seems surprised. "A gramophone, here in the corner."
"Coming." Katie rushes over to Sera. "Woah! Does it still work? It looks ancient."
"No," sighs Sera. "It's malfunctioning. Broken."
"That sucks." Katie looks out of the window. "Sera?"
"Yes?" Sera is looking at some empty books.
"I'm sorry."
"About what exactly?" asks Sera. "You have done a lot of things without ever apologising before."
"Everything." says Katie. "I'm a terrible big sister. I don't deserve to be your Nuna."
"Don't be ridiculous." sighs Sera, as he finds an old and broken bed in the corner. "You are and always will be my big sister. Nothing will change that."
"I was supposed to protect you from danger." says Katie. "As Mother asked me to. But I only made your life so much more difficult. I bully your boyfriend Taein with Stella for no reason."
"Is it because he's gay?" asks Sera. "I'm also gay, do you hate me now?"
"N-no!" Katie looks at Sera upset. "I don't care about stuff like that. Everybody should just be who they are, I thought you knew that. It's just...I'm jealous of him."
"Hm?" Sera stopped in his track. "You envy him? Why?"
"Because..." Katie struggles to find the right words to describe her case. "Ugh! I don't even know! He's just so...perfect! He's handsome, intelligent, popular, has a partner, you, everything! He has it all! And I? I don't have anything."
"You have me, your little brother." grins Sera. "Look,"
Sera sits next to Katie and pats her shoulder, "It's okay to be imperfect. Nobody is flawless, and if someone would be impeccable, wouldn't that be boring? They would basically have already achieved everything life has to offer. Nothing is interesting anymore. That's why having flaws is so important. It makes us learn from them. Taein isn't perfect. He may seem like it, but he has problems communicating and expressing himself. That isn't what I would call unobjectionable."
"...I guess you're right." Katie sighs. "I suck."
"No, you don't, gosh." Sera is annoyed. "Stop saying that! I love you as my sister. It's so much fun with you, except when you bully others. I suggest you apologise to Taein and try to explain the situation to Mora. I'm sure they will understand and forgive you."
"Heh," Katie smiles. "You're always so optimistic. That's what I like about you, Brother."
Sera smiles, "Anyways, let's continue our search. There has got to be something special up here!"
"Sur-" Katie stumbles. "Huh?"
Beneath her hand is a book. It looks like a diary.
"Sera!" shouts Katie. "I found something spectacular! A journal!"
"Oh, really?" Sera seems curious. "Open it!"
Katie opens the diary and skims it with Sera.
"Woah," Sera is astonished. "This is really old."
"Yeah, but the owner of this diary has the same surname as us." noticed Katie.
"Wait, look at the last entry!" says Sera excited.
"Hm, okay." Katie looks at the last page covered in letters.
"Could this be..?" Sera gasps. "Is this really his diary?"
"I think so, yes." says Katie. "I can't believe it's in our attic. Did he forget it when he moved out?"
"Maybe, or what if he left it here on purpose for someone else to find it?" murmurs Sera.
"Us?" mutters Katie.
"Does this book have a title?" asks Sera.
"Let's see," Katie looks at the cover.
"Here," says Katie. "It's called...

...Kart's fantastical journey!"

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