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"I'm sorry."
They left me all alone. Minetta flew away with Dagobert. She lied to me. I knew it.
I just don't get it. She wanted to build a fair society by awarding the strong and letting the weak perish. But now she just left. Was that also a lie?
I'm all alone in a forest covered in thick snow. I don't know where I am.
"Is this the end?" I look up at the sky.
It's pastel blue. Life is supposed to be beautiful, but for me it's the opposite. I don't have anyone to rely on. I have no one by my side. I am alone, and it's all my fault. If only I had tried harder, then maybe I could have prevented my fate of being alone. I always end up living solely.
Not again. I can't deal with another loss.
"I am so happy to see you again."
Or maybe, maybe I can try again, one more time.
" it really you..? You're back?"
In front of me is a familiar person hiding behind a skeletal dragon mask.
"Are you back...for me?"
She lifts her mask and I can see her face.
"Yes, Cookie. Your big sister is back."
"Candy..." my eyes tear up. "I thought I would never see you again..!"
I run up to her and hug her tightly. I don't let go.
"It's all good now. You're safe with me." Candy presses me against her chest.
My sister is not alone. There are a lot of other men and women behind her. Everyone is wearing a mask of a different entity. I see a lot of spiritual animals and mythological creatures that only exist in fables. And mine...mine was supposed to be a green dinosaur.
"Cookie, where's your mask?" asks Candy.
"I left it at home." I answer. "I've become a new person."
"My little sister has grown up..." Candy smiles. "The Eternal Crown will be happy to hear that."
She strokes my black hair and looks at me, "I really am happy to see you."
I smile, "Me too."
And so, I had finally reunited with my sister Candy again. I haven't seen her for years. I didn't think she'd...forgive me. Forgiving me for leaving her.
"Cookie." she holds my shoulders. "Stick to the plan."
"Understood." I smile.
I left her. But I did it for a reason. We were only hurting each other, so I had to leave, but I did it for her, so I can help her win. I found Ambermoor for her. I only want the best for her. I want both of us to be close again, like old times.

"Cookie!" Candy runs into my arms. "Mother and Father succeeded in conquering the neighbouring land!"
"That's great news!" I giggle. "Does that mean we get to go outside again? Since the war is over."
"I hope so!" Candy grabs my arms. "Come on, let's congratulate them!"
We walk upon the castle grounds. It's still dawn. We walk a bit and stumble upon an audience of people gathered around a stage.
"What's all the commotion about?" I ask.
"It's the ceremony for the victory." says Candy.
We made it to the festival. Today everyone would celebrate the expansion of the kingdom and the won territory of the Eternal Crown.
We see three people up front on the stage and a few guards in the back wearing masks.
In the front are my parents and the speaker of the event.
"Ruler Valor Wyverncaller and Ruler Vasylia Wyverncaller!" the speaker is starting the speech. "Our leaders have given us another day of nutritional intake. This'll last us for about two years! We are set for a bright future in the Empire of Eternal Crown thanks to our brave rulers and protectors!"
Everyone starts clapping immensely. These good news must be merry. I just wonder what happened to all the people whose home we have invaded. Are they dead?
"We want to thank Valor Wyverncaller for having started this coup. He came up with the idea of ambushing our enemies!"
Everyone begins clapping.
"Thank you, thank you, everyone." Valor Wyverncaller smiles. "I couldn't have done this without the help of my pulchritudinous wife Vasylia!"
My father points at our mother and everyone starts clapping and cheering even more. Our mother stays stern but shows a little bit of pride through her closed shell.
My father continues his speech, "Thank you Sir Hayden Vernandez for the talk."
He shakes hands with the speaker and then focuses on the real audience, "Today, we will celebrate and just live in tranquility. Our next training sessions will take place tomorrow. Now, everyone, serve yourselves!"
He points at the banquets full of nutrition behind us, "Thank you all for continuing the dignity of Eternal Crown. We are thankful."
Everyone claps and then the festival begins.
"Let's go!" Candy grabs my hand and we dash through the crowd of humans.
"Papa, Mama!" I shout. "You did great!"
Our parents seem a bit shocked to see us.
"What are you doing here?!" hisses Father.
"Huh?" Candy is confused.
"You're supposed to train hard." explains Mother. "In this shape you'll never become the next emperor."
"But..." Candy pleads.
"No buts, go back to the training chamber." Father stays stern.
"But, Father-"
Candy and I both are startled by it.
"I just wanted to say...congratulations on the victory." I say, stuttering a bit.
Father eyes me carefully and then answers, "Thank you, Cookie."
"You're welcome." I smile.
"Hey," Mother interferes. "Listen to your Father you little piece of shit."
"What?" Candy gets mad. "What did you just call my sister?"
"Are you talking back to me?" Mother gets aggressive. "Say one more word and you'll get no food for tonight."
Candy and Mother have an intense staring battle.
"Vasylia, let's go." Father ignores what just happened and grabs her hand.
"Your daughter just-!"
"Fuck you." says Candy and slaps Mother.
My eyes widen. She took it too far. There is no way we'll get away with this.
"Candy..." I am shocked.
Mother and Father look us in the eyes and then it all escalates.
Without any procrastination Mother starts screaming, but Father stops her.
He then rapidly grabs Candy and my arm and drags us away from the stage.
"YOU..!" Mother is out of it. "LEARN SOME RESPECT!"
"I HATE YOU!" screams Candy.
"WHAT?!" Mother is fretting.
"Shut up." whispers Father to Candy. "Don't anger your Mother."
"I don't care." Candy is out of it.
"What did you just say?" Father's last nerve is about to explode.
"Nothing." mourns Candy.
Father heads to the chambers and pushes us into them, "Now, please just do as I say and everything will be fine."
"Why aren't we allowed to have any fun?!" Candy is crying.
I comfort her silently.
"We are just kids!" shrieks Candy. "Why do we have to train so hard every day?! For what?"
Father sighs, "You'll have to replace us at some point. So to represent the image of Eternal Crown, I ask of you to train more and more and become a mature and strong leader."
"But only one of us can lead anyways! I'll have to marry a man soon if I want to reign this empire." says Candy.
"Then do that. We already have an arranged marriage planned with one of our affiliates." Father is back to business.
"If I am supposed to lead, why can't you spare Cookie's torture? She has suffered enough. Have some pity! She's only eight! All this emotional and physical training is draining her! It's way too early!" Candy is fighting back. "I know you are different than Mother! Please have pity on us!"
"Candy, you don't understand, do you?" Father strokes his beard and looks at her. "I am only doing this so you will be able to lead this kingdom one day when I am gone. Cookie is your replacement in case something happens to you. Either way, she'll be second in command."
"What are you talking about?" Candy holds me tighter. "Don't you love us?"
Father stays silent.
"Father..?" I look at him.
He sighs and walks away, "I'm sorry."

Those had been his last words. Because the next day, Father and Mother were no more. They were found dead in their own bedroom. Someone had killed them while they were asleep. After that had occurred, Candy was set to reign Eternal Crown alone, I was only there to assist her, nothing else.
After that, Candy talked less to me. We became more distant. I don't know how this could have happened. Candy always protected me from danger, why did she suddenly leave me? I never wanted this to happen.
The day my parents died, that's when everything changed. That's when I lost my sister.

"Find Tokyo Oatfire." commands Candy.
"Understood." I answer without defying her.
"Attagirl. I'll find you as soon as you capture Tokyo. Alive or dead, it doesn't matter. She's special, so promise me to deliver her to me in one piece." Candy pats my head.
"Understood." I say.
"Great!" Candy smiles. "See you then."
Candy and her crew use harpoons with rope to fly out of the snow forest. Wherever they are heading to right now, my mission will stay the same, and that's to find Tokyo Oatfire.
I leave the snow forest and walk the path alone.
Find Tokyo, find Tokyo, find Tokyo. If I can find her, Candy will be proud of me.
Tokyo...I know her. But it doesn't matter. I have to find her and bring her to Candy. I sister wouldn't dare hurt her, right?
Either way, I have no choice. Candy needs me, and I need her. Because without her, I am nothing.

Candy is my raison d'être.

"I don't exactly want to be doing this, you know?" I say.
No response.
I found Tokyo Oatfire. She's in London. To be exact, I found her corpse on the street. She's covered in snow.
"It's mandatory that the pawns obey the rules if they wish to survive." I say.
I lift up Tokyo and realize that she's naked.
"EEEK!" I back off and accidentally drop her.
"No, no, no! I'm so sorry, Tokyo! I didn't mean to-, I'm sorry." I walk up to her and close my eyes.
Why is she naked? Something seems off. Tokyo had been lying here in the snow for a while now. Her whole body was covered in snow when I found her. That means it must have snowed on top of her, that said, she has been dead for multiple hours, but her body is fine, it's like she died only a second ago. Shouldn't her skin have changed already? And...why does she not have a reproductive organ?
Tokyo's whole body...she's...she isn't human..!
"Who are you..?" I ask.
No response.
I never really talked to her much before. I only recall fighting besides her in the battlefield. She saved us there from Zoe. Tokyo was...different. She could make replicas of our strength. She copied our powers and used them against her enemies. However, the more she uses, the weaker she gets. So could this explain why Candy is interested in her? Tokyo must have something special inside her that lets her conjure other people's magic and save them inside herself. Her body is probably indestructible due to all the immense power she has gathered from us.
I lift her up and look her in the face. Tokyo seems relaxed. She must have had a peaceful death. At least she doesn't have to suffer anymore.
"Tokyo..." I say, walking with her in my arms around the snow-covered city. "The conclusion of your existence only has importance in the minds of those who live on."
There is not even one soul wandering around the city. Only Tokyo and I. No one else. I am alone with a corpse in my arms.

I have been walking for a while now. No sight of Candy anywhere. I hope Eternal Crown will find me.
Suddenly I freeze. I hear voices.
"She isn't dead."
"How do you know that? Zach could have been a spirit for all we know."
"That can't be...weren't they always together?"
I decide to step in. I know who those people are, "I found Tokyo's body."
They all turn around and focus on me.
Kart, Sunny, Sweet, Mia, Rain, Knologos, Isabella, and...a girl I've never seen before in my whole life. But for some reason she seems familiar.
"Cookie?!" Kart's face receives a smile. "I'm happy to see you!"
Everyone's facial expressions seem positive. Are they really happy to see me..?
I can already feel my sister coming closer. I sense her presence. Eternal Crown found my locus. They are coming for me. Candy didn't just want Tokyo, she wanted my friends too. She tricked me again. She set me up. It's too late now. I already betrayed my friends.
All of them are looking at me, and all I can do is lie and apologise.

"I'm sorry."

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