My fantastical journey

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Hello, my name is Kart Hawkwolf. I have a twin sister called Sunny. We used to live in Manora, Ireland with our parents Myrril and Rahni. Us four lived abandoned from society for almost a decade. Me and my sister never met anyone else besides from our family. Howsoever, we didn't know life any different so we were fine with it. We had each other, we supported each other. Even though we felt lonely, we didn't have a choice. We lived in the middle of a thick forest, we couldn't escape, because if we did, we would get lost in the forest and die. We do have other relatives and ancestors besides from our parents, but after an accident that killed my cousin, we never talked ever again. I thought that was it, I presumed my life would be me spending my time in this old mansion, wasting my spirit away. But then my father, Myrril, created an automaton. He named her Adrianna and told us she had been a real girl next door. Even though there weren't any houses far and wide. Sunny and I spent our time playing together with Adrianna, our only friend. However, Adrianna always had a face filled with apathy. She even forced herself to act entertained, even though she wasn't happy. She was empty. And it went on like that until she disappeared and we left Ambermoor.
After I returned to Manora through memories of someone else, I killed her. After her death, I realized why she showed so much apathy. The reason to that was because she was a doll, a doll with no feelings, no emotions. However, after she met Sunny and I, she somehow grew empathy, and it got harder for her to live. She didn't know which feelings were true, so therefore, she had asked me to end her miserable and fake life. And I did as she said. I have blood on my hands, an automaton is not much different from a human.
I have to find my parents. They must tell me the truth. After hearing my aunt, Herastina, leave a disk in our attic, I knew exactly something was foul. My father told me to never go up the attic, but after nine years me and Sunny broke our promise and disobeyed him. We climbed up the attic and found our old suitcases as well as a vintage family picture which was apparently taken in London when we were just seven. Lastly, we found a gramophone which revealed part of our family tree. The person who lived here before Sunny and I had moved in, was the child of Aunt Herastina and Uncle Hadwyn. But it wasn't our deceased cousin who lived here. Since my cousin died at the age of five, he couldn't have lived here, and since my aunt and uncle are adults, they also couldn't have lived in the orange house since Ambermoor is an orphanage. Which only leaves one option available. Herastina and Hadwyn have another child. Our deceased cousin and someone else.
The enigma of what my parents wanted to succeed, and the conundrum of my mysterious cousin, are the keys to my euthanasia. I have to go find them. And the only clue I have is the location behind our family photo. London. I never recall taking this family photo, but I am sure that whoever wrote the date from nine years ago, and London, on it must have been trying to hint us to something. Anyhow, the more I observe our family picture, I realize how dead our pulchritudinous eyes are. Could it be..? Did my parents mess with my mind? Well, any human is capable of doing an evil deed. Even my own biological guardians.

I must go to London and find my parents. But first, I will be needing a team.

"You want to go to London?!" Sunny sounds exaggerated. "Are you insane? We will never be able to go there!"
"Don't you want to find out the truth though? We barely know anything about our parents." I mumble.
I have to somehow persuade Sunny on telling her to accompany me on my journey to London.
She sighs, "Kart, I get it. I also wish we were closer to our parents, but it's too late. We haven't seen them for almost a decade. Will they even remember us if we do find them? Besides, we are only just kids, we have big dreams, and going to London with no adult will be troublesome."
Everything she just recited was a problem. I had been too full of myself to process all the problems for my journey to London, but then again, does it really matter? We aren't kids anymore, we are adolescents now. We grew up without parents, therefore, we have to make our own decisions, even if they're far too dangerous.
"You never know what you can do until you try, and very few try unless they have to." I respond calmly.
I look upon the sky. Today is a wonderful day. We're already living in the tomorrow world.
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" I look at Sunny and smile. "This is the beginning of a wonderful journey."

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