Children of Light

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"Isabella." Abigail whispers into my ear. "We made it outside. You saved us all."
It's the middle of the night. We managed to successfully escape the castle with all the servants. No casualties were made, we all survived. It seemed too easy to be true, but perhaps my guardians never thought we would run away since none of us have a place to call home, but they had been wrong. Together we are a family. All the children Abigail and I had saved are humans who deserve a better life. All the torture is now over. We can find a place together and rest there. I have hope now. Thanks to Abigail I can find a new meaning in life, or my first proper purpose. Perhaps I will also find my dream man in this new place.
"It hurts..." murmurs Mirya Pridegrain, one of the many servants we had rescued.
"Are you okay?" Jackie Belenet, a nice servant girl, looks at Mirya's wounds.
She is missing her ring finger. The spot her finger had been chopped off is infected.
Many of the children have missing fingers. My mother cut them off when they misbehaved. But now that horrible woman is far gone. All of us are running endlessly through England, in hopes of finding a better place to live at.
"I have a band aid." Jackie rummages through her pockets.
Her beautiful brown skin is shining in the moonlight. Jackie used to work as a doctor's assistant for her family, before the abuse began. That's what she told us on the way to salvation.
We've been wandering around for hours. Even though we escaped and got to know each other, we are alone. We might come across something dangerous and perhaps die of exhaustion.
"Isa..." Del, a very small boy, is clinging onto me.
"Yes, Del?" I say.
"I am tired..." Del looks me in the eyes. "I can't walk legs are giving in..."
"Del..." I look at him with compassion.
"That's fine." I hear a manly voice in the distance coming for help. "I can hold him."
Bruno d'Hallow, one of the oldest and strongest servants appeared. "I'm not letting anyone stay behind."
"Thank you...Bruno..." Del fell asleep and leaped into his arms.
For a moment I stare at this wholesome bond. Bruno holding the sleeping Del is just too adorable!
"Do you hear that?" says the trembling Malin Ravillane, a servant girl, all of a sudden.
"H-hear what?!" Red Meadowwillow, a puny girl, ran into the arms of Jom-Zizes Macruthuft, a servant boy, out of fear.
"I...I see something in the distance!" discovers Lenya, a tall girl.
We all look in the direction she is pointing at and quiver.
In the distance are wolves, however, not normal ones. The ones I read in books don't have wings and aren't the size of a horse. These are mystical creatures. The animals that I used to talk to from my window told me about them. In fact, the animals from my window were mythical creatures too! Because they said only I could see them, plus, they were flying.
"Isabella!" Abigail is reaching out for me. "Watch out!"
One of tens of thousands of mystical wolves pounced on me.
I thought that was going to be the end of us for sure. I mean, the giant wolf is literally on top of me. Its strong paws are crushing my arms. I can't move. I'm a pawn to it.
The wolf is staring into my eyes. Its mouth is drooling crazily. Some of its saliva fell onto my face, which is disgusting, but that's the least of my worries right now.
I am about to die and I can't help any of my friends. The wolves are targeting the weak, and I am here beneath an alpha wolf, unable to move. I only hear growling and screaming. I don't know where Abigail or anyone else is, but what I am certain of is that this is our end. Now I know why my parents didn't care if we'd leave, it's because we wouldn't survive in the big world. We are too weak.
"I'm sorry." I mumble.
The wolf's mouth is opening up. I see a ginormous tongue wrapping itself around my neck.
"Abigail..." my body is slowly getting lifted by the wolf's wet tongue. "I thought we were ready for this..."
My head is now inside the mouth of the wolf, any second now, the wolf will close its mouth and devour me.
"Abigail..." I mumble to myself. "Thank you for everything."
I close my eyes. It's over for me, for everyone. We lost. It's my fault. I'm not even a servant, I am the princess of the Peaceshine Family. I am pathetic, I should have taken matters into my own hands. I should have tried becoming stronger.
"HAYAAAAAAAH!!" I hear a girl screaming.
It's getting louder.
Suddenly I feel vibration. Someone is bludgeoning the wolf with some kind of weapon.
The tongue lets me go and I fall out of the wolf's mouth.
I look at my saviour and startle, "Abigail?"
She had grabbed a branch and hit the alpha wolf until it would let go of me. But now the wolf is focused on her. The wolf will kill her now instead of me. It was supposed to be me.
As anticipated, the wolf hits Abigail with its paws. I hear a cracking noise and she falls to the ground and doesn't get up. Her arm is probably fractured now.
I see the long tongue wrapping itself around Abigail's body, about to digest her.
"NO!" I scream. "STOP IT! PLEASE!"
Of course the wolf ignores me and shoves Abigail into its mouth.
"NOOO!!" I punch the wolf helplessly.
I now grab Abigail's legs and try dragging her out of its mouth.
Abigail is twitching a bit. She's still alive.
"DON'T GIVE UP!" I scream. "Please..."
I start crying.
I look into the vicious wolf's eyes and plead, "Please...let go of her."
Suddenly, the wolf's tongue gets loose and Abigail slips out of the wolf's mouth, covered in saliva, just like me.
The mystical monster-wolf is now just standing there, not moving.
I'm trembling. Why did the wolf listen to me? I didn't think it'll actually work...
"Isa..." Abigail smiles. "You did it. You saved me."
I bend down and hug her, "We'll survive this together."
All of a sudden, fear dwells upon me.
The others.
I turn around and shudder.
Everyone else... dead.
I see Mirya, the girl Jackie had aided, on the ground. Her eyes are widely open, and her lower part of her body is missing.
"STOP IT!" shrieks Hed Dimma, a blonde girl with curls. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?"
The wolf she is screaming at suddenly spits something out of its mouth. It lands in front of Hed's feet.
Del's head.
"D-De-el..." Hed's eyes are tearing up. "GYAAAAAAAAAH!!!"
She is shrieking at the top of her lungs.
"Someone...please help us." Abigail cries. "Our friends are all dying..."
Suddenly, all the wolves start howling.
"Huh?" I gasp. "What's happening?"
They wimmer and it looks like they are in deep pain. It's like something is excruciating them.
The wolf behind me isn't moving, but I can tell it's suffering.
"Look at its stomach..." murmurs Abigail. "It's moving..."
We noticed that all of the animals are starting to receive weird movement inside their abdomen.
And then, the most unexpected scenario occurs.
All of the wolves's stomachs explode.
They all drop motionless. Some parts of their bodies still twitch a bit due to the nerves, but soon all of them stop moving.
All of the wolves died.
We are all covered in blood, but none of us care about that right now. Someone came to rescue us.
"We're saved..." Abigail is sobbing out of relief. "It's over..."
"Look! Over there!" shouts Liss Shielda, a strong maid.
In the distance, above us, on higher ground, we discover someone.
A man, a tall and strong hero is standing there. It's our deity, he saved us from our fate. Faith must have had pity, so it led him here, our saviour.
He comes closer and we can discern him better.
"Hello, children." he smiles. "My name is Jazz Doodles, Headmaster of the Academy of Essence in Ambermoor, Ireland. Would you all like to enroll in our school?"
He's right in front of me. This beautiful man. He saved us. I owe him my life.
"Y-yes!" I scream. "We would love to! Thank you!"
Everyone else starts agreeing. We all finally found hope. He's our hope for a brighter future.
"Very well." he chuckles. "I will escort you all to our school. You may enter the vehicle."
He points at a black car. It looks small.
"How are we supposed to fit in there?" asks Red Meadowwillow. "It's tiny!"
"Trust me, you'll all fit." he smirks.
We all slowly get up and head to the black car.
I look back one more time. A lot of us died. I wish I could show them more of this world, but sadly they are already gone. It's too late for that.
"Hey, girl." the headmaster looks at Hed Dimma. "Are you coming?"
Hed has Del's head wrapped in her arms, "'re fine...everything is fine..."
She's become crazy. It seems like she isn't herself anymore.
The headmaster noticed the head in her arms. He looks at her and doesn't say anything. Then he backs away and walks towards the vehicle.
"What?!" Mercy, a tall servant boy, frets. "You're just gonna leave her there?!"
The headmaster turns around and looks at Mercy.
All of us are staring at Mr. Doodles, hoping for an explanation to everything. Why he saved us, why he has so much power, why he made the effort to help us but then leave Hed Dimma behind.
He snickers, "You decide your life. It's your choice if you want to keep going or give up, and I am not responsible to change how you think. You yourself are in charge of yourself. You need the ambition to live and survive. Because life isn't easy."
We are all stunned.
The headmaster goes to the front of the car and says, "Buckle up, we're going on a ride."
We all get inside, we surprisingly fit in this small car, and leave everyone who died behind, including Hed Dimma, even though she survived.
"Is it really okay to leave her?" asks Aaliyha Venesa, a timid girl. "It feels wrong."
"Living is a choice. Surviving is not mandatory. You don't have to do it if you don't want to." Jazz Doodles is really stern about it. "She will be fine, death is not the end."
"O-okay..." answers Aaliyha.

Aaliyha Venesa
Abigail Snowflower
Hed Dimma
Liss Shielda
Mercy van Bear
Khestri Boulderwoods
Jom-Zizes Macruthuft
Katrina Wolfthorn
Anella Shu
Bruno d'Hallow
Red Meadowillow
Jackie Belenet
Malin Ravillane
Elea von Allendeeakel
and me, Isabella Peaceshine, we survived the beginning of what this world bears. We have to keep going for everyone who didn't make it. We have to survive this hell. Because if we don't, the Universe will cease to exist. The children of this world cannot all die because of that reason. We have to keep going until we grow up.

Because we are the children of light.

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