Sad Truth

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"Wake up, Kart." someone is shaking me.
I slowly open my grainy eyes and see the silhouette of Sunny approaching me. I get up and rub my eyes. We're still in St Davids Cathedral. Fortunately, it's not that dark anymore, so we can easily make our way to London.
I notice that Max is the only one who is still asleep. I see Rain walking up to him to wake him up. 
"Max, it's time to go." she whispers softly.
He doesn't stir.
"Max?" asks Rain.
Suddenly, he moves and slowly gets up, "Where am I?"
"Uh, in St Davids Cathedral? Did you already forget that we made it to the other side?" Knologos rolls his eyes.
"Oh...right..." Max seems confused about something but tries not to show it.
"Well, I suppose our journey continues." Mia climbs out of the cathedral and we follow her.
In the end, we leave the ancient ruins behind and start to traverse all of Great Britain. It's still a long way till London. I suppose we haven't thought this through yet.
"There should probably be a village nearby." states Sweet.
"This is a nice bonding friendship moment!" cheers Mia. "We should all hug each other!"
"Uh..." Knologos hesitates until Mia grabs his hand.
"HUUUUUUGS!" we all cuddle.
We all look each other in the eyes and say nothing, we're all stuck in thoughts. None of us know what's going to happen after we reach our destination. We also don't know what's happening here right now. Last night there had been a strange event with a loud roar and a beeping noise. We also haven't seen any life yet, which is strange. It makes me feel uneasy. 
Sunny, her eyes finally start to sparkle a bit. I wonder how she's doing.
Mia, I hope she's actually happy and not just for us.
Rain, she's smiling.
Knologos, he seems to have something on his mind. I sense an atmosphere of him not knowing what is right or wrong.
Max, yesterday he told me everything about his past, and now, he seems to act all weird. It's like he is surprised that he's still here with us. I wonder what's bothering him so much.
Sweet, she hasn't said much.
"Uh, do you see that cloud?" I point to the sky. "It seems so small and quick. It's way faster than the other ones!"
We all look up and spot a weird cumulus cloud.
"Is it just me, or is it getting bigger?" says Sunny.
"Well, it is!" Rain covers her face. "It's going to crash onto us!"
"Hold on, I don't think that's a real cloud, it looks familiar." mumbles Knologos.
At that moment, I realized what he meant. It looks like the cloud K'lani summoned when we were fighting against Zoe. 
The cloud stops and slowly descends from the sky in front of us.
I discern nine silhouettes standing on the fake cloud. The white substance with the people on it has now successfully reached the grass. It evaporates and I identify the nine people.
"Here we meet again, Brother and Sister." 
A person emerges from the vapor that the cloud created when it disappeared and reveals himself.
"Posa?!" I startle. "What are you doing here?"
"We heard you talking about going to London." another person emerges from the steam.
"Professor Cat!?" Sunny grabs her hair out of surprise.
"We all came to help, Kart. Don't worry, accept us to your squad!" smiles Posa, elongating his hand towards mine. "Let us help you achieve your goal."
The steam slowly vaporizes and I can see everyone else standing behind Posa.
First up, we have Professor Cat, whom we have already identified. Then, standing next to her, we have Isabella, a student from Class 34, the one I am in.
"What is happening..?" Sweet is confused.
"More friends to the party!" cheers Mia.
"I suppose." Isabella strokes her beautiful, long hair.
"What are you doing here?" Knologos steps back.
"Well, they needed me for transport, so yeah." K'lani shrugs.
She fought on our side a while back when we ambushed Zoe and defeated her together with a couple of other people.
"Just, don't get my clothes dirty again." Knologos frowns madly.
"Can't promise you that, haha." she smirks.
"Why is a teacher here with us..?" mumbles Sunny. "Are you here to take us back?"
"Oh, no, not at all!" Miss Cat seems surprised. "I would like to escort you adolescents to London. I have...the perfect opportunity to show my amazing teaching skills on this trip!"
She sounds overly enthusiastic. 
"Okay..." Sunny is still a bit suspicious of her.
"Finally we're here, took us long enough." a familiar voice steps forward from the back.
"Fifty!?" Knologos's mouth opens widely. 
"Yeah, it's me. It's been a while." Fifty grins.
"Mhm." Knologos concurs.
"Oh my god, hi Kart!!!" suddenly someone jumps at me.
"Get off him! Girl, you're too excited!" another person nears me.
I push off the girl who clung onto me and notice it's Leonie. 
"Leonie?" I gasp.
I notice Max making an abrupt noise after hearing me say her name, but I ignore it.
"Yeah, and me."
I look up and see Tokyo. I guess she's back.
"Can we go now?" I spot Zach Caskclaw saying something in the back. "We're here for a reason, are we not?"
"Yeah, he's right." Tokyo agrees with him. "Let's go."
I look at Zach and notice that Dagobert is standing next to him. Dagobert can't speak because of the steel in his mouth, which is probably a curse.
"You guys should get on my cloud, it'll bring us to London quicker." suggests K'lani.
"That's...a fantastic idea!" cheers the enthusiastic teacher. 
K'lani, in the meanwhile, is conjuring a bigger cloud. It takes longer since it uses up more Mana, so the others conduct small talks.
"Are you all here to help me and Sunny find our parents..?" I am a bit surprised that everyone is here to assist us.
"Well, yeah, obviously, why else would we be here?" Tokyo rolls her eyes sarcastically.
"I kind of needed some space from Ambermoor, so this was the perfect opportunity for me to leave it with a reason. I told Mr. Doodles that I would be teaching you cuties some spells in London and how to brew things!" claps Professor Cat.
"That's really sweet." says Sweet.
"Ironic how especially you say that." giggles Mia. 
"I'm also here because I might find something that can help cure my disease." says Leonie. "And Dagobert's."
He smiles. I feel bad for him. He can do sign language, but none of us understand it, so he can only write down things or smile and frown.
"Well, I was just curious how London looks like. I haven't been here for centuries!" Zach looks amazed.
"I only wanted to make sure you and Sunny were alright, please don't leave me anymore. I'm always so alone..." Posa frowns.
"Aww! Don't worry, we can be friends!" Mia runs up to Posa and hugs him.
Meanwhile, I look around the place to see what everyone else was doing. K'lani is still conjuring a cloud while Isabella is standing next to her, watching her perform her spell.
Max is sitting on the ground with Rain talking to him nonstop. Later, Sweet, Dagobert and Zach join their conversation.
Fifty's sitting on a rock, sharpening his katana. 
I figure I should give him some company. Fifty seems to be lonely right now.
"Fifty?" he doesn't bother. "Hello?"
He turns around, "Oh, hey."
I sit next to him and look at his sword. It's really sharp and it looks kind of dangerous. I hope he knows how to use it. I never thought he was in the custody of such a weapon.
"Are you feeling alright?" I ask him.
"..." he looks at Knologos and then back at his sword. "Yeah..."
"..." I figure he might be wondering why Knologos decided to keep his status secret. "He told the others about himself, you know."
"He did what?!" Fifty suddenly looks at me with concern in his eyes. "And everyone's fine with it?!"
"Uh, yeah." I wonder why he's exaggerating so much. "He's just from another planet, nothing out of the ordinary. I always knew there was another type of life out there."
"Wait, do you mean he told the others about what happened at the field in Ireland? With Zoe and stuff?" he seems a bit calmer now.
"Yeah, what else did you think he would have confessed? Him being a murderer? Haha, don't be ridiculous." I laugh a bit.
"Kart," he focuses on his katana again. "Don't trust anyone but you and your sister, do you understand?"
"Yes, I understand." I say confused.
"Good, now go back to the others, I still have to sharpen my weapon." he looks at me one more time. His eyes sparkle in the sun, and I see myself in them. My own figurine is reflecting in his eyes. A sad physique of mine.
"I'm done, everyone aboard!" K'lani jumps on the cloud, followed by Isabella.
"I presume I have to finish this later." Fifty gets up and walks towards the cloud, quickly pressing a note into my palm.
I open it and see a message written in it.

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