One Day Closer

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"This is conspicuous, where are all the entities that I foreshadowed..?" Sweet is bewildered.
"Perhaps because they never existed in the first place?" Sunny rolls her eyes.
I find myself in the open world of Ireland. Six of my closest childhood friends of Ambermoor decided to accompany me on this journey to finding out the truth about my family's background.
We are still so far away from our destination, but it doesn't seem as hopeless as when we were still in the valley. Now we have gotten much farther. 
"Guys, I concur with Sweet's theory. Something could have happened." murmurs Rain.
"We haven't even seen any cows or sheep, this is so frustrating. I was really looking forward to petting some animals!" mourns Mia.
"They would probably run away before you could even approach them." laughs Max. 
"Stop it with these jokes already!" Mia chases him.
Before Mia could even get her hands on Max, Knologos had already intervened.
"Halt," he demands while eyeing both of them sternly. "We are on a mission, a dangerous one, so act like it."
"You're so lame sometimes." sighs Max.
"Rain and Sweet have a point, it's suspicious how we haven't come across any mystical beings yet, don't you all think so too?" says Knologos. 
"Well, I don't mind relaxing for a bit, why does it bother you so much?" asks Sunny.
"Because something might have happened? Don't you realize that the world we live in isn't safe? We protected this planet so many times, there is an organisation trying to salvage this planet by destroying it completely, who knows, perhaps they're behind it?" Knologos is worried.
"Oh, please." Sunny shakes her head. "You're being too paranoid."
Knologos sighs.
I take on the lead. We are currently crossing a plain grass field, soon we would be hitting the edge of the land, which means, we will have to cross the water to get to the other side. I'm not sure how we are supposed to do that yet.
The weather today is peaceful, besides from a few cumulus clouds, there isn't much occurring as of right now. We haven't even seen any living soul while passing by some villages. It's mostly just empty wooden houses. I suppose not everyone in Ireland is wealthy.
"Brrr, it's getting a bit windy!" shudders Sunny.
"We're nearing the ocean, I can sense it." Rain seems extravagantly happy.
"How are we going to cross?" Sweet has the same mindset as me.
Sunny looks at Knologos, she pierces his eyes with a sorrowful expression. I am guessing she wants him to finally confess to the rest of the group about his true self so he can help us get across the water.
However, he doesn't have to worry about that yet.
"I can try forming an ice boat from scratch, that might help us sail across to St. Davids." suggests Rain.
"What if it melts while we are in the middle of the ocean? Plus, it's slippery and cold, isn't it?" Mia is bombarding her with questions.
"The ice won't melt or else I would have melted already. Additionally, it's winter, it will snow soon, probably." Rain walks to the shore and starts conjuring something.
"Is this really happening?" Max seems worried, I'm surprised.
I can't see his face beneath his hood, but I already learnt to guess what he's feeling by just being in his presence. We've been friends for so long, it's not as hard anymore. However, I recall the day when Max and Leonie were duelling. She continuously attempted to rip off his hood, does she know him..? Now might not be the right time to question Max's identity, but Leonie has been alive for over three centuries due to a curse that morphed her into an immortal fox. I wonder, what if Max has been living for a while too..? Just, who is he? 
"Knologos..." I hear Sunny and Knologos whispering a bit farther in the back. 
Sunny seems sadder than before, and Knologos has a worried expression on his face, he's effortlessly pushing away Sunny, but she's always walking towards him, whispering something into his ear.
"Do you know what's going on with them?" asks Mia, who suddenly popped up besides me. "They've been like that since the beginning of this adventure, do you think it's just their usual discordance, or something else?"
I look at Mia and smile, "Don't worry, everything is fine."
"Guys, Rain finished her ice creation!" announced Sweet.
We all turn around, and what we see, astonished us all immensely. Rain had formed a ginormous ice raft with short walls, so we wouldn't accidentally slip of the raft and land into the cold water, and even decorated it with some leaves, so we wouldn't freeze our arses off.
"That's insane! I have to admit, I'm impressed, Rain." Max seems much more calmer than before.
"Oh, you are? W-well, thanks, I guess." Rain smiles.
We all entered her small but comfortable boat and started sailing into the open and frightful world of the water.
"I also formed some ice paddles, but it might be a bit cold, so use your gloves." explains Rain.
Knologos and Sunny took the two only paddles and started rowing. I thought it was just a mere coincidence that exactly that duo rowed together, but I had been wrong. When they both went to the front to row, Sunny began whispering things into Knologos's ear once again.
Luckily, all of us have brought anoraks, gloves, boots, hats, and everything you need for a cold weather. I actually adore cool weather, even though it's the most dreadful time of the year for many, it always brings so many thoughts into my cranium, that make me think about life a lot.
"Should I get my scythe to row and help?" proposes Sweet.
"Better not, I don't want us to fall into the icy water if something goes wrong." Rain scratches her forehead.
"Not like it would matter the least for you, you are literally made out of ice!" laughs Max.
While everyone was having an enjoyable time, excluding Knologos and Sunny, I leaned over the edge to touch a bit of the water. It's really cold, as expected. I started thinking about the near future, what we will be doing when we reach land in St. Davids. We could probably sleep in the ruins over the night. 
"Sunny," I hear Knologos hissing. "Now's not the time."
"At least tell the others about it, or else they won't trust you anymore if you keep on lying to them." mumbles Sunny.
"I will confess at some point, alright? But now we are on a mission, we have to focus." Knologos looks into Sunny's dead eyes and smiles happily. "Promise me you'll wait, Maria."
"Huh?" Sunny tilts her head confused. "Who's Maria?"
Knologos's eyes, filled with terror of past trauma, notices what he just called Sunny.
Before he could explain, something outrageous occurred.
There was a loud bang and all of our ears were filled with the annoying sound of tinnitus.
"What the hell is that?!" Rain points into the direction we're sailing to. "What's that green beam going upwards?"
We all looked at the other side of the ocean, and we saw somewhere in the middle of London, a massive green light ray, going straight to heaven.
The loud sound must have come from that beam, but what caused it to appear in the first place?
A sudden wave came crashing onto us and the ice raft started shaking abruptly. 
"Shit!" Sweet's reading glasses fell into the cold water and disappeared.
"What's happening?!" Mia is crying.
We're close to the shore, we might make it in time before the ice raft breaks apart from all the pressure. However, an unexpected roar commences from where the short glimm of light appeared. It sounds like a gruesome monster that only kills for its enjoyment and not for its famine.
Everyone except for Knologos is panicking. Is he fearless?
"AREN'T YOU SCARED?!" Sunny observed Knologos's emotionless state.
He just glared into the direction where the roar was heard, and said, "I'm coming, Maria."
"Again, that name, who is she?" Sunny calmed down a bit, since the roaring ended, however, the Earth is still quaking. 
"Didn't you see that beam?" asked Knologos.
"Would have been hard to miss something as huge and as loud as that." wits Max.
"Yeah, but alongside that beam, a new creature has awaken that granted us the knowledge to the next chapter of life." glares Knologos.
"Hold on, now that you mention it...I do feel a bit relieved, that's unusual." Rain grubs in her mind.
I suddenly received memories that I don't recall ever experiencing. My head feels warm now, it's like Rain mentioned, I feel relieved. What being granted us this information to what happens next? It's like all of our minds were played with, but in a good way.
"The granted apprehension finally allows me to avenge my sister, I know the cause of her death now." murmurs Knologos.
"I don't think I follow, what are you talking about?" asks Sweet. "This loud bang, followed by the light and a roar, which gave us important information about what happens next, just occurred, but what does it have to do with your sister?"
"That's because he has something to hide from us." states Sunny.
I would have expected Knologos to vex at her, but nonetheless, he stayed tranquil. 
"He's keeping a secret from us..?" Mia seems confused.
"Yeah, and he will own up to it, right now." Sunny crosses her arms.
To Knologos's salvation, a misfortune occurred, which kept him from revealing his truth to us.
"Guys, the raft is breaking apart..." Rain procrastinates.
"WHAT?!" Max jumps of shock and almost stumbles overboard.
"Be careful, no sudden moves or it's going to shreds." Rain gently helps Max sit back down. "We aren't far away from the coast, we might make it in time."
"Anyways, Knologos," Sunny turns her attention towards him once again. "Own up to it, please."
"I don't think that's any of our concern right now. There is a monster in London that we probably will have to come across at some point, and a boat that could break any second." dictates Sweet.
"I'll tell you afterwards." Knologos began paddling.
"Fine." Sunny joined him.
I'm worried. Will my parents be okay? If they really are in London, I hope they can survive the attack of that weird creature, it seems vicious. Kitty and Leo are also still in London, I hope they're safe.
I still hear the tinnitus from the beam, I hope it will go away soon.
Suddenly the ice beneath us gained a crack and the raft started sinking. Water attained the inside of our puny boat. 
"We're still too far away from firm ground! We're going to drown!" Max started getting anxious.
Our lower body is now beneath water, we are going to catch hypothermia if we don't find a solution asap.
"SOMEONE, HELP US!" Mia started screaming helplessly.
"This is the end." Sweet shudders in a corner of the soon-to-be-defunct boat.
"Knologos...please." Sunny begged him to do something. "You are our only hope."
The boat is now completely submerged. Each of us was drawn into the deep, cold liquid. Neither of us could swim, we all fought effortlessly without anyone coming to our aid. We will all die a lonely death, our bodies will never be found, and we will end up putrefying in the water. Perhaps a creature from below will devour us before we decompose.
I started sinking into the endless depths of the ocean, my vision got blurrier and blurrier until my lungs gave in. I am going to die. My journey ends here, no, our journey ends here.
Instantaneously, an angel appeared and dragged me upwards. His grip feels uncomfortable, it's slimy and mucilaginous until I realized that I didn't get saved from an angel. 
"Knologos..?" I spit out some salt water.
I am currently wrapped in one of Knologos's tentacles, I spotted all my other friends being wrapped in tentacles of his too. Nevertheless, something is different this time. 
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Mia started struggling.
"Mia...stop it." Knologos sounds weak. "It's me, Knologos."
Yes, now I know what bothered me so much. He gained wings. He has two big dragon-like vanes. We were currently above sea level. We were safely flying towards Saint Davids Cathedral.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING, WHAT ARE YOU?!" Mia had trouble calming down, but she at least stopped struggling.
"W-what..." Max is speechless.
"Thank you, Knologos." Sunny, on the other hand, is happy that he saved us all.
"You turned...into a chimera?" Sweet is aghast.
"No, I'm not a chimera, I'm not a monster, I'm still the same person, just not from this world." Knologos seems upset.
"It's okay." Rain seems to be taking this lightly. "I might not seem to follow, but, I also look ugly in this ice body, so, you're fine."
I suppose she understands.
"So, you're from a different planet? Is it in our solar system?" asks Max curiously.
"Andromeda. Now, refrain from asking questions, this takes up a lot of my power, so keep it down and don't tell anyone about my ability, understood?"
"Understood, Sir." Mia is feeling doozy.

After a while, we safely made it to the other side of the ocean and took cover in the ruins of St. Davids Cathedral. We're now one day closer from finding my parents in London. However, it will still be a long journey until then.
 It began raining and we all covered ourselves in sheets. We all had a lot to catch up with. But since it was already late, we decided to rest since Knologos was drained from Mana, so we let him sleep. Even if we were all curious about his extraterrestrial nature, we refrained from asking him too many questions. I for the least know a bit about him due to the battle against Zoe, and now it looks like he had a sister called Maria. I wonder, will he be able to find happiness?
I notice everyone had already fallen into a deep slumber besides from Max. He realizes me staring at him and tilts his head to look into my direction.
"Are you still awake?" asks Max. "I have to tell you something."

He then takes off his hood.

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