Mission: Spirits

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We've been walking for a while now. My group, Squad 2, we all went in right after the first team had entered. However, when we had gone inside, there was no sight of Squad 1. Even though the only way forward is an endless hallway that seems to never end, we didn't find any sign of life in these corridors.
"Do you think something happened?" asks Dani Reuben.
"I'm sure your headmaster and professor have everything under control. They're the mightiest team. That's why they are in Line 1." says Agent Brianna.
"Aren't we in Line 1 too, though...?" mumbles Mujunii perplexed.
"Anyhow, we needn't worry about them. I am certain they might have found a secret other way that we missed." ascertains Agent Brianna.
"Saying might doesn't sound very assuring..." mumbles Carla.
"Look, just focus. Keep your flashlights on and try to find for a way to progress." Brianna seems a bit frustrated, which I understand.
"Maybe we walked through a portal?" I say.
"That sounds ridiculous, Karto~." wits Angel.
I ignore him and continue following the endless hallway.
Luckily, we have light, so we can at least see where we're going. Nevertheless, the walls are pitch-black. Nothing interesting to look at. One thing is for sure, this building is way bigger than it is from the outside. Are we really inside this structure or are we somewhere else?
"Shouldn't Squad 3 be behind us by now?" Sweet looks back and accidentally points her flashlight into Angel's eyes.
"AIIII!" Angel winces and covers his eyes as if they had been damaged immensely. "Watch were your pointing your light at, you witch! I'm sensitive to brightness!"
"Sorry." Sweet apologizes shortly and turns back around.
She still seems as motionless and broken as before. I hope Sunny doesn't blame herself too much...she thinks she's the reason Sweet is hurting. Which I am sure of might not be entirely wrong, but perhaps only slightly.
"Hehehe." Dani giggles.
"What's so funny?" Angel vexes.
"Nothing." Dani focuses again.
I've noticed his behaviour changed. Angel isn't as feral anymore as he was a day ago. Now he's just squeamish and annoying. At least he won't bring us down by sabotaging us or something. The hole he had created was massive. He could be great help if he were more polite and not so childish.
"Wait, I see something!" gasps Agent Brianna.
"What is it?" asks Zee curious.
"I see something red on the floor!" Agent Brianna starts triumphing.
"Something red..?" Carla seems unconvinced. "Please don't tell me it is what I think it is..."
"It probably is something tragic." replies Mujunii.
"It will probably consume your delicious soul, haha!" Angel teases Carla.
"Hilarious." says Carla in a monotone voice.
"Pfft-." Dani snickers.
Angel glares at her.
"Wait..." Brianna seems shocked. "Is that...a body!?"
"Oh my God...it is!" Zee gasps. "Are they okay?!"
"I knew it...I should NOT have signed up for this!" Carla regrets life.
"Soon it'll be over, stay strong." comforts Mujunii.
"Yeah...it really could. It could end with us being sent to our deathbed!" Carla snorts.
"Stop being so dramatic and deal with it. You trained so hard for what? To cry?" Angel walks by her, followed by the puny Dani.
"You didn't need to say that, you know..." Carla moans.
"Whatever, ignore him. Let's go." says Mujunii and follows the others.
"Who is it?" asks Sweet.
We arrived at the body. It's a girl. She seems to be bleeding a lot. Her long, black hair is covering her face.
Agent Brianna puts her index and middle finger on the girl's jaw to measure her pulse.
"She's still alive." says Brianna. "Turn her around."
"Mommy...I..." the girl starts mumbling.
"She's talking!" gasps Zee.
"Is she okay?" asks Sweet.
The girl opens her mouth a second time and says, "I...I need more makeup!"
"Um..." Mujunii is confused. "Did I hear that right?"
"Wait." I realized something. "That voice sounds familiar..."
I knee down and look at her. I softly grab strands of hair and brush it to the side.
"..." I sigh. "Vanessa, what are you doing?"
She opens her eyes and looks at me, "Makeup..."
"Vanessa?" Brianna thinks. "Vanessa Meadowcreek? That's not possible...She's in Squad 4 Line 2, how did she get ahead of us if we entered before her?"
"You're...you're right!" Dani gasps.
"I'm more surprised about the fact that the first thing she worried about was her makeup, but okay." Carla abstains.
"Hey, don't criticize me!" shouts Vanessa. "If I die here, I at least want to die sexy!"
"..." Silence.
"Could you tell us what happened?" asks Brianna. "From the beginning, please."
"I'm literally bleeding out." wails Vanessa.
"Hold on," Brianna takes off her backpack.
She rummages through her rucksack and picks out a roll of bandages.
"Lift your shirt, please." demands Brianna.
Vanessa does as she says and lets Brianna treat her wound. It seems as if Vanessa had been stabbed by something. Luckily, she doesn't seem to be bothered by it since her first thought had been about her makeup pallet.
"Thank you." says Vanessa. "My Squad entered normally after Squad 3. However, when we entered, I kind of became disoriented."
"I recall that feeling! I can't describe it though..." mourns Dani.
"Continue..." Angel seems somewhat threatened.
"Sorry, I suck at explaining." says Vanessa. "Either way. When we had entered the building through the window, we landed in a black hallway. However, there was no sight of the previous squad, or the next one. Well, not like I cared! I was planning to wait for Karen and ditch my squad, but Sunny, the nerd she is, kept me from doing so. How annoying!"
Sunny. Vanessa mentioned her. Where is she? I have to say something!
"Hold on." Sweet stops Vanessa in her track and I refrain from speaking up. "The same happened to us. We climbed in through the window and found ourselves in a black hallway. This building must be cursed. What if every squad from 1 - 13 already entered the building, but we all landed in different parts of the skyscraper? Perhaps we are in overlapping dimensions. The building is most likely a portal or gate to enter it. This was a setup. Whoever is the head of this, they knew about it and prepared beforehand. Or perhaps this building was built like this from the very beginning...The construction seemed pretty normal though."
"I don't really care about this dumb house being a weird dimension thingy. What matters right now is the fact that I lost my group. And my makeup of course! That traitor stole it!" Vanessa frets.
"Traitor..?" asks Brianna while treating Vanessa's wound.
"Oh, yeah. This Irina girl just jumped us out of nowhere and killed two of our members and I was inju-"
I grab Vanessa by the collar, "Where. Is. Sunny?!"
Everyone seemed a bit shocked about my sudden anger. But I just can't sit here silently anymore and listen to these theories. I need to know if Sunny is still fine! She must be.
"Sunny? I know nothing about her. I think she escaped with the professor." mumbles Vanessa annoyed. "She just left me for dead!"
"Who wouldn't have done that...?" mumbles Mujunii.
"Did you say something?" asks Vanessa.
"Is Sunny alive, yes or no." I ask again.
"I don't know. I was the first to fall. Irina Yada may have killed off everyone, but I only saw her kill Tarinne and Aaliyha. Then I passed out and woke up here, alone. Maybe I was hallucinating. I don't understand how all the blood and the bodies could just disappear." Vanessa sighs. "Are we done now?"
"Hold on." says Sweet. "How do we know you're telling us the truth? You could be lying for all we know."
"Girl, why would I lie. I just want my makeup back."
"Well, it is suspicious how you mentioned two girls dying, but both of their bodies are gone." says Sweet.
"Stop interrogating me. I have no idea what happened. My brain will explode from all this thinking! Perhaps I teleported through these dimensional hallways or whatever you said earlier." Vanessa is tired.
"Dimensional hallways?" mumbles Zee. "That's it! Perhaps there is only one hallway but multiple dimensions of it!"
"A paradox?" asks Carla.
"Well, we need to find a way out." says Brianna, who finished treating Vanessa's wound.
"Good, you do that and I will search for Karen." says Vanessa. "If your theories are right, everyone must be trapped in these shitty corridors right now. I have to help her."
"Since when were you the heroic type?" I ask.
"Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm only doing this so I can steal her makeup pallet." smirks Vanessa.
"This girl really has no worries other than her makeup, huh." sighs Carla.
"Well, bye-!" Vanessa's arm got grabbed.
"You're not going anywhere. You're injured!" says Brianna motherly. "Stay with us, this is an order."
"Not my fault you hired a bunch of inexperienced students to participate in some dangerous military activities." provokes Vanessa.
"She...she's not wrong! Wow!" Carla claps.
"Finally something wise..." sighs Mujunii.
"What do you mean finally!?" Vanessa is annoyed.
"Something is bothering me." says Dani.
"What is it?" asks Mujunii.
"Why did Irina kill two of the girls in Vanessa's squad..? What is the meaning of this?" Dani seems traumatized.
"She's a bitch." says Vanessa. "How dare she betray us like that! She kept on screaming Master Novius. She reminds me of that psycho nurse..."
"Master Novius..?" I gasp. "He...he's supposed to be dead, though. I am sure of it..."
"Maybe he's a fraud." says Vanessa.
"Vanessa?" Dani asks Vanessa a question. "Did Irina say anything else?"
"Not that I know of." mumbles Vanessa. "But she suddenly seemed like a whole new person. Does she have a personality disorder or something?"
"...I get it now." Dani seems to have come to a cognition of some sort. "Irina...she...she's a spirit!"
Vanessa's mouth opens. Mujunii and Carla look at each other. Brianna stopped packing her backpack. Angel flinched. Zee massages his forehead. Sweet seems the same. And I? I get it now.
Dani is correct. Irina must be a spirit, but probably not the only one. There are other spirits amongst us, disguised. And they're trying to take us down. They must know how to get past these cursed dimensions...
Lykari Rossweisse would have been pretty useful. She could open portals to other dimensions. If she were still alive, she could have helped us travel through these cursed corridors.
I suppose we're getting closer to solving the truth about this place. Soon we will find out what happened to Annabelle Dawnspell, the girl who had been pushed this very own building years ago before its creation.
I will serve her justice. I am the reason she died. Our time travel machine got in contact with the already cursed black skyscraper, and now we changed parts of the past.

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