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"Candy?" asked Cookie. "What happened?"
Candy doesn't budge.
She's sitting on a throne in an old castle. The sisters are both alone, no sight of a living soul far and wide.
Cookie is standing next to the throne. She doesn't understand what occured a few months ago. Everything went by too quick. Her parents were murdered, and so the kingdom doesn't crumble, Candy took over as the next oldest blood-related member of the Wyverncaller family.
"Why won't you talk to me?" asked Cookie.
Candy ignores her and bites her lip instead.
Cookie sighs, "I miss you."
Candy suddenly twitches, "I'm...right here..."
She looks plastered. Her reaction frightened Cookie a bit.
"Sister," Cookie stays strong. "What are you out for?"
Candy stays silent.
Cookie is staring at her, hoping for an answer.
Instead, Candy turns away and looks at the gate at the end of the hall.
"They're searching for the culprit who's responsible for the death of our parents."
Cookie seems shocked but also perplexed, "Candy, that wasn't my quest-"
Candy interrupts her. She glares into the dead silent hallway and speaks dull, "The culprit is a 27-year old woman. Her name is Calpernia Widow. She has two sons by the age of six and nine. Her husband cheated on her and married another woman. He left her behind and is now living a wealthy life. Calpernia, on the other hand, is poor. Her two sons are starving, and Calpernia is too. She has been trying to gain anything...anything to protect her family, her two sons...for over a decade. Calpernia is one of Father's servants. Now mine, since I took over."
Cookie is speechless. She doesn't know what to say.
"Look," Cookie holds Candy's hand and eyes her carefully. "This does not relate to the question I asked you. As much as I care for finding out who mutilated Father and Mother, I first have to find out your objective."
Candy doesn't respond, nor looks at Cookie. She's fixated on the gate at the end of the long hallway.
"Because..." Cookie is at the verge of crying. "If you won't tell me, I won't be able to continue believing you. I won't be your little sister anymore."
"Calpernia." Candy's emotionless face turns to a frown. "She isn't the culprit."
Cookie sighs.
"They will find her soon. They will see a piece of false evidence in her room that will lead to the death of our parents. Everyone will think it was Calpernia. And then she will be executed. Her head will be cut off and her two sons will starve to death, and all because of a misunderstanding." Candy lets go of Cookie's hand.
She finally looks at Cookie. She observes her cautiously.
Her little sister stares at her.
"Calpernia is innocent."
No reaction.
"The evidence in her room, I put it there."
Cookie's eyes widen a bit.
"Calpernia didn't mutilate Father and Mother."
"I did."
Cookie's mouth opens.
"I got rid of Father and Mother."
Cookie steps back, "What?"
"I killed them, Cookie." Candy stands up. "Don't you get it? I did it for you." Candy is nearing Cookie.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" screams Cookie.
Candy halts, "S-sister..?"
Cookie is breathing heavily. She's afraid. Afraid of her own sister.
"You killed Mother and Father."
"I did." Candy frowns. "They never cared about us at all, they only cared about the image of Eternal Crown. But now I will change that. I will change how people look at us."
"I don't care that they were bad people. You still took their lives. Killing them just because they were bad people doesn't justify your actions." gasps Cookie. "Additionally, you framed a caring mother with no power. And now she will get executed. Her sons will die of starvation because of you."
"Do you get it now?" asks Candy.
"Get what? That you are a murderer?"
Candy suddenly smiles creepily, "No, not that."
"Then what?" asks Cookie.
"That every human has a life." answers Candy. "I'm sure you wouldn't have cared about Calpernia if I didn't tell you her story."
"What are you talking about?" Cookie is confused.
"The opponent, whether they are evil or good, they will always have a family or friends." says Candy. "It might be easier to act cruelly towards someone you don't know. However, everyone has a life they are living. They are no different from those important to you."
"What?" Cookie is anxious. "I don't understand..."
"If you are going to kill someone, isn't it wrong to look away from the harsh truth?" responds Candy. "We can't live without sacrifices, Cookie."
"B-but...I don't get it! Why would you tell me her story even though she's far too gone either way?" Cookie sits down.
Candy comes closer and hugs her, "To show you that it's okay to die."
"When is it ever okay to die?" asks Cookie.
"When you lived your life to the fullest." replies Candy. "Even if you don't see it that way, every single entity has lived its life to the fullest, even if it was only alive for one second. Time is what makes life so precious. It shows us that everything will end someday. It represents life, telling us that we are only pawns to the greater good."
"Candy?" Cookie looks up to her.
"Yes, sister?"
"I'm tired."
"Lie down. Everything will be fine. I have everything under control." Candy tucks Cookie in with her jacket.
Cookie falls asleep immediately. This life is too overwhelming for her. She deserves better.
"Cookie?" Candy looks at the ceiling. "I have to tell you something."
No response.
Candy continues talking, "I didn't kill them, you did."
Suddenly the gate bursts open and guards run inside the hallway.
Candy stands up and looks at the people in front of her. Beneath the guards is a tied up woman. Calpernia Widow.
"We captured her, Miss." says a guard.
"Is this the insect that caused us harm by annihilating my parents?" Candy frowns.
"Yes, Ma'am. That is her." the guards shove Calpernia to the front.
Her nose is bleeding. It seems like she resisted when all the men and women ambushed her.
Calpernia looks up and stares at Candy's face filled with hatred.
"You are a horrible person." hisses Calpernia.
"I know." answers Candy quietly.
It seems that none other than Calpernia heard that.
"Guards," Candy looks at all the men ans women. "You know what to do with her."
The guards nod and take Calpernia away.
Candy stays serene.
The guards left with Calpernia. Everything is quiet again.
Candy turns around and looks at Cookie.
"Did you listen?"
No response.
Candy sighs of relief, "Williams and Janis, her two sons....I wonder what'll happen to them."
Candy looks at her sleeping sister and smiles.
"Cookie." she says. "I still love you, and I never changed. This is who I am. This is the real me. And now it's your turn. Find out who you are. Go live your life. I will be waiting for you. Just replenish me with some wonderful information, will you?"
No reaction.
"I'm sorry." Candy frowns. "I must seem like a terrible sister to you. I suppose after everything I put you through, it makes perfect sense for you to hate me. But I am still your older sister. Therefore, I love you. I am doing this all to protect you, but to do that, I have to act cold towards you, so you wouldn't understand."
No answer.
"To your question earlier..." Candy stays silent for a moment. "You asked me what I was out for."
No reply.
"I am out for power, Cookie." says Candy. "So I can protect what's important to me."
"I'll get going now." mumbles Candy. "It'll all be over soon, I promise."
Candy walks along the hallway, opens the gate and leaves.
Cookie is alone now.
"Yes," mumbles Cookie. "You were right. I did listen. I heard it all. Every single part of it."
Cookie stands up and trots towards the throne, "You didn't have to hide it. You could have just told me."
Cookie collapses and cries alone in the big wide hallway.

"Because now...

...I can finally help you."

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