The 4-Lines Training

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The clock is ringing. It's 4:30 in the morning.
I get up and dress appropriately. Today is the last day of training. We'll get split up into four lines and then into squads. I am kind of nervous because tomorrow is D-Day, the mission to dismantle The Order of the Graceful Eternity.
I'm unsure of whether I should put on my school uniform or ordinary clothing. My less vainglorious side conquers me and chooses the uniform. I suppose this is still a ceremony that involves the school, so I better dress up formally.
After putting on my clothes, I look outside of my bedroom window. It's really dark and cold. The two girls and one boy who usually stand outside all the time are not here. I suppose that's understandable since it's early and everyone who didn't participate in the military training was evacuated. Ambermoor is deserted. More than it already was. I wonder if Johnny and Knologos are still here. Probably not.
I open my door and look at the pictures in the corridor. Everything in this pitiful house makes me nostalgic, there are memories scattered around everywhere. I look at a picture of us as children. It's a memory of Rain having tried sitting on a lily pad but not acknowledging the fact that she was too heavy for the lily pad. She dropped in the water. Sunny, Mia and I tried pulling her out while Sweet and Max were having a conversation in the back.
Knologos was the one who took the picture of us.
I guess Max was our friend.
As soon as we accomplish the mission I will leave Ambermoor with Sunny and my friends. I don't want to stay here anymore. Too much has happened here for me to call this home.
I have been independent ever since I came here, so it wouldn't be difficult to survive in the big, wide world outside of this valley in Ireland.
I feel less like a child than an adult. I am mature but also not. I am in the middle of it all.
Perhaps I still can't get over the fact that I am full of emptiness in a world of pure sorrow. But I wonder...
I look at Sunny's room. Maybe it's the same for both of us?
I open the door, purposely not knocking first, and shout, "Time for school, Sunny!!!"
My sister gets jumpscared and falls off of her bed, screaming cuss words at me. I tell her to dress into her school uniform and go downstairs to the kitchen.
When I enter the kitchen I remember something melancholic. I recall the breakfast I had led with Sunny and Posa.
I open the fridge and notice we have nothing. I look thoroughly and spot something edible. Lava Cake.

"What is gonna happen at the training today?" asks Sunny.
"Probably the same as yesterday, just with different people." I respond while biting into my lava cake.
"Do you think we'll be in the same group?" questions Sunny.
"I hope so." I sigh desperately.
Ding, dong.
Someone's at the door.
"It's her." Sunny stands up and I follow her.
We spot Sweet staring at us through the window.
Sunny opens the door and we see Mia standing there.
"What took you guys so long?" she asks annoyed.
"We had a lot of lava cake to eat." I say.
"We? You ate it all." mumbles Sunny.
"I shaved my hair, do you like it?" says Mia.
"I hate-"
"I love it!" I say while shutting up Sunny before her harmful words hurt Mia's pride.
"Thank you." Mia smiles.
"Let's go." Sweet smiles.
"Sure." Sunny smiles.
"Wait for me." I smile.

"Do you like my nails?" asks Sweet Sunny.
She looks at Sweet's black nails, "Hm, yeah. What made you paint them all of a sudden? They're gonna get ruined in the military training!"
"Well, I thought that before I die I would want to at least do all the things I never could do before."
"Do you like my makeup?" asks Sweet.
"Yes..." Sunny sighs. "It's looks precious on you."
"It does?"
"Of course it does, Sweet."
"Thank you." Sweet smiles, and this time for real.
"Y-you're...welcome." Sunny seems sad.

The four of us walk down the road leading to the center of the ghost town known as Ambermoor.
We catch sight of all the gathered people on the field near the big, black building. It seems like everyone is already there. We might just make it in time before Professor Terra Thomson starts the introduction to our extracurricular activity.
As we walk down the street and to the black building's gathering point, we see the job lady get into a car.
"Miss?" I say.
The lady, who works in the supermarket, turns around, "What do you want, child?"
"Where are you going?"
"As far away as possible."
"I'm quitting."
The job lady gets in the car and drives off. She seems to be the last civilian to leave Ambermoor indefinitely.
"Hey, we're almost there." points out Mia.
"Great." says Sunny sly.
We sprint over to the audience that gathered around the professors and agents and await the beginning of our final training session. We jostle through the crowd to the front for a better view.
"Attention, everyone." announces Professor Terra Thomson. "It is currently 5:02 in the morning. We will now sort everyone into the 4 lines and 13 squads, so please pay attention."
We all watch spellbound as Mrs. Thomson takes out a list.
"I thank everyone for participating in today's training session. All of you are brave souls who risk their lives to save mankind, and for that, we grant you all a freepass to any university you would like to attend. You will be titled a hero for having saved humanity."
We all stare at the adults out of curiosity.
"There will be casualties, but fear not, you will get rewarded by the other billion humans for your courageous acts of brilliance. You need not worry about anything else. Your main priority is to focus on this final training session as you are young prodigies who will vanquish anything."
We all clap rapidly and await the reveal of the 4-Lines.
"I will now distribute the results-list." Mrs. Thomson picks up copies.
Eight agents start handing out papers of all 13 squads that we will be sorted in.
One of the agents hands me a list and I take a look at it.

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