Back in Time

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"Is it over?"

"No, not yet."

"I won't go down without a fight."


...this is only just the beginning."

Children in the neighborhood were screaming out of fear.
The girl in black stood in front of the black house. She threatened everybody. If anybody would move they would meet their demise. She was really confident about it, does she have a plan?
"Kart, do something!" Sunny whispered from behind.
"Alright, I'll try..." I answered her.
Everybody who was outside that time now got wind of the situation that was currently happening. The girl in black stood there. Her small appearance was glancing over at us. She was unarmed. Perhaps it might be possible to have a proper conversation? But how could I have a normal discussion with someone who killed my friend?!
I have to do something, as of right now all the lives of the children in the neighborhood are in my palms. If I don't do something real quickly, it might end up horribly.
Everybody's too afraid to move, who knows what the culprit is capable of. I saw some familiar faces in the crowd gathered behind the girl. I really hope if things go south, at least they will be safe.
I neared the murderer, "Calm down, we can talk this out."
She stayed silent.
"It's okay, you don't need to harm us, tell us everything you know." I got too ahead of myself, because the next step I made was a mistake.
"DON'T MOVE!" the girl in black suddenly armed herself with a big red laser gun.
It's almost bigger than her head. The gun is making weird noises. I'm sure whoever gets hit by this won't survive unless it's something really different than I anticipate.
People were starting to panic even more.
"If we move she's going to kill us...." whispered Sweet.
I'm hopeless, her gun is pointing right at my nose. I could feel the unwelcoming power brewing within that weapon. If she goes berserk, she could eliminate each and every one of us single handedly.
"Alright, we won't move." I calmly said.
"What is happening here..?" whispered Rain.
Rain, Sweet, Sunny, Max, Mia, Knologos, and even Fault and Floof were situated behind me. If I don't think of something she will shoot. She doesn't look like she has patience, but what's her goal? Why is she just standing there?
"One more step..." she began talking, but someone from behind interrupted her.
"I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" Knologos, in his red fancy suit, ambled towards the girl.
"Knologos, what are you doing?" I hissed.
He's standing next to me on the right facing the culprit. He's confident, it's like he knows what he's doing. Can he unravel the true identity of this murderer?

The girl in black is silent.

She procrastinated for a moment...

...and then she shot him.

The laser beam evaporated him indefinitely. A big neon red colored substance covered his body. It all went by too quick, he didn't even have any time to say his last words. Knologos died right in front of our eyes. There was no trace left of him, nothing whatsoever. His whole body got annihilated.
"NOOOOOOO!" I screamed in despair. "YOU MONSTER!"

"Knologos died."

"FUCK!" Sunny quickly grabbed me and dragged me inside of Fault's house.


While she was dragging me, Professor Dirize had appeared, "HEY, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"
He must of heard the screams. All the children have been running wildly in different directions. Thankfully, Professor Dirize gave them some time and distracted the culprit.
"KART, GET IN!" Sunn pleaded with fear and I entered the house.

"Why am I so calm?"

"What are we going to do!?" asked Max filled with anxiety.

"Why did Knologos die?"

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