Fever Dream

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I feel my legs again. To be frank, my nerves are warm, like before, when I had been awake.
I don't remember what happened, or where I am.
I only know my name, Tokyo Oatfire.
The sun is shining, I'm outside. The weather is nice and tranquil, I feel quite adequate. I'm wearing a long pink robe that matches with my hair. It's warm. The time of year must be spring. All of the trees have blossoms and wonderful green leaves growing from their branches, it's fabulous.
I slowly get up from the ground. I woke up on soil, the middle of a path in a small village. This is without a doubt Rosehand, my home. I must have dozed off when I was collecting apples, because I have a basket filled with green, succulent apples.
I grab one of the juicy apples and bite into it. The delicious taste of sour fills my mouth. I can't stop myself, so I grab another one. But this time I wander through the beautiful village. I kind of feel a little bit dizzy, so I want to make sure to recollect my memories by walking through my home.
I feel a bit funky. For some reason I don't fear oblivion. I have amnesia, clearly, because I only recall fragments of my life, but I feel so calm. It's like none of my forgotten past matters, only the now does. My light feet lead me through the village. I see a lot of other people walking around. Some of them have wands and pointy hats, true, I forgot I am a witch.
I feel sort of ashamed by that. How did I forget my occupation? But I'm not even a little fazed by it. I suppose I lost something precious to me. Perhaps someone? I guess I should find out, but not like it matters. I'll only end up finding out the truth and not being able to change it. Being honest is not simple, because you hurt people easier, but lying doesn't make it better. It's worse, to be frank. Lying just makes their life a lie. Imagine a doll on a string, and someone controlling that puppet. The mastermind is the liar, the marionette the believer. Sooner or later the believer falls into the wrath of the liar and loses everything. It's like love. If you love someone more than yourself, then you wouldn't care if they'd abuse you, because just being in their presence is good enough for you, even though they keep hurting you. In the end you are paralyzed. You know what he does to you is bad, but you can't live without him, because without him, you are nothing. If he were to be gone from your life, what would there be left for you? You think your life is over because you lost him, but no, it isn't. Life is only over if you really want it to be over. You are the creator of your own life.
"EEEK!" I stumble upon my own feet and fall to the ground.
"Oh-, I- I didn't mean to scare you...sorr-"
"No, no. You're fine! I was just stuck in my dreamworld, haha."
"Aren't you in one already though?"
"Nothing, hey, let me help you."
The boy who accidentally scared me started picking up the apples and putting them in my basket. He's great aid.
"Thank you so much! I'm so clumsy..." I'm a bit embarrassed of myself.
"My pleasure." the boy smiles and sits back down.
"Oh, wait. Didn't you want to ask me something?"
"Well, yeah, but I already caused too much havoc."
"Did you want an apple?"
"Yeah, but it's fine, really-"
"Here, take one. These are my favourite." I smile.
"Thanks." the boy takes one of them and bites into it.
He looks sad. Besides that, his clothes are dirty and have cuts inside them. Could he be homeless? I feel bad.
"Hey," I say. "What's your name? Mine is Tokyo. Nice to meet you! Let's be friends!"
He looks up to me and smiles, "I don't have a name, but still, nice to meet you too. I would love to be friends, but you can't be friends with someone you met before your birth."
"Huh?" I am confused. "You don't have a name?"
"I don't have parents, I live on the streets all by myself, scorned by everyone who passes by."
"I don't despise you, though." I say.
"Yeah, I can tell. I wish the real me were here to remark that."
"You'll see. I'm not a good person."
"Of course you are! You don't harm anyone!"
"That's true, but my body will do that in the future."
Suddenly I notice two grumpy-looking people nearing us, a man and a woman.
"Hey, you're coming with us." the man ungentlemanly grabs the boy's wrist.
"Hey, let him go!" I step in, but the woman holds me back.
"Mind your own business." she says.
"How can I? You are literally kidnapping my friend right in front of me!"
"Tokyo...it's fine. I'll be okay." says the boy.
"But...I don't even know your name yet." I say.
"Then give me one."
"Enough chit chat, you're coming home with us." the man says.
The rude couple, with the boy, starts distancing themselves from me.
I stand there, paralyzed, not being able to move. I can't run. I'm frozen. Does he know something I don't? Is this reality fake? Am I asleep?
"NATHANIEL!" I shout at the top of my lungs.
The boy turns around happily, "Thank you, Tokyo."

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