World of Lies

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"Do you think this is the right decision?" asks Cookie Minetta.
"What is a right decision for you?" Minetta looks at Cookie, examining her.
"I don't know, what is it for you?" Cookie avoids the question.
Minetta smirks, "A right decision for me is to serve justice to this world for a fair society."
"You keep bringing up this fair society. What do you mean?" Cookie halts.
They both find themselves in the middle of nowhere. Just green landscape everywhere. They already began their own adventure. It seems their goal is to achieve fair treatment.
Minetta gazes under the blue sky, "Maybe I just want to award the strong."
"Award the strong?" Cookie seems confused. "What about the weak?"
Minetta looks at Cookie. She spots her black hair fluttering in the cold winter air. Cookie isn't wearing her Dino costume anymore.
"If we award the weak, nothing will ever change. If you're unable to live without things given to you by others, then maybe there is no need for you to live at all." Minetta grabs Cookie's hand. "You've grown up. You're not humiliating yourself with that costume anymore. Show your true beauty."
Cookie looks at the ground. The grass is shaking. The air is very strong today.
"I just don't see the point in wearing it anymore. It only reminds me of the old me." Cookie sighs. "And that makes me sad."
"But Cookie," Minetta is now petting Cookie's cheek. "You can't hide your true self."
Minetta's long, red hair is fluttering wildly in the wind.
"Did you already forget your past? You were so weak...but then, you grew strong. You understood the concept of life, what being strong really benefits to society. Do you really want to fall back to your old weak self? The Cookie who used her Dino costume as a way of coping from her past. The girl who pushed everyone away from her, hurting her inner self even more than before. The girl who will never understand the meaning of life, it will never be within your reach if you go back now." Minetta is now holding both of Cookie's cheeks.
She's standing right in front of her, they're both staring at each other. Minetta's purple eyes pierce through Cookie's black ones.
"Will you teach me how to become strong?" asks Cookie.
Minetta chuckles, "You don't get it, do you?"
Minetta steps closer to Cookie. Their faces are almost touching.
"What do I not comprehend?" questions Cookie.
Minetta smiles, "That you already are strong."

Minetta kisses Cookie.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" wonders Sunny.
Me and Sunny are standing in front of Kristina's apartment. We decided to wait outside to give Tokyo some space. Kristina's apartment isn't really that big.
"Kart," Sunny seeks for my attention. "Do you think we'll find them? Our parents?"
I look at the ground. I myself don't know if we'll find them. It's been over seven years since we've last seen them. But at least we have a family, unlike other people. Max for example. He has nothing. He is nothing.
"I don't know." I reply.
"We'll find them, I'm sure of it." Sunny smiles ambitiously.
She hasn't smiled for ages, it's nice seeing her show happiness, even if it only lasts for a few seconds.
"You know," Sunny strokes her shoulder. "If we meet them, what are we even supposed to say to them?"
I look at her. Her freckles seem to have disappeared. I suppose she only has them in summer, and now it's the beginning of winter. Perhaps we'll be able to play with some snow this year.
Before I could answer her, I hear Mia's stentorian voice.
"Tokyo is alive! But she's in a coma. You might want to come inside to see her!" Mia seems really excited.
"Good tidings." Sunny seems relieved.
"She's in a coma..?" I'm anxious.
What if Tokyo will never wake up ever again? She could rise in a 100 years!
"What are you guys even doing out here?? It's freezing!" Mia is quivering.
Me and Sunny walk up the stairs and enter the apartment. We take off our boots and head to the back of the house, following Mia.
She opens a door for us and we are surprised by technology.
"What are all these tubes?!" Sunny covers her mouth.
"Does she have the Spaghetti Syndrome?" I ask.
"What?" Posa sounds confused. "Spaghetti Syndrome?"
Kristina breaks the weirdness, "Tokyo is only in a coma. The overwhelming pain she experienced was unbearable, which caused her to faint. Additionally, her brain was damaged greatly, which caused her coma. She's in a different Universe right now, but I can assure you, Tokyo is alive."
Sunny and I sigh out of relief and hug. We haven't really been that close as siblings lately. All this chaos has torn us apart a bit.
"It hurts seeing her in such a state." Zach seems to have calmed down a bit. "Is it okay with you if I stay here with her, Kristina?"
"Yes, of course." she smiles.
Tokyo is lying on a bed. I see a lot of weird bags filled with different kinds of liquids and weird tubes attached to her arms. She has a neutral facial expression. I can't read how she is feeling, I just hope wherever she mentally is right now is a fantastic world.
I spot Dagobert snatching a piece of paper and a pencil. He starts writing something on it, a letter?
"Thanks for taking care of her, Miss Makarevich." Ms. Cat shakes Kristina's hand and leaves the house, followed by Isabella.
The rest of us leave too. I notice Knologos avoiding eye contact with K'lani. I suppose they must both be really exhausted too.
We leave the house and gather in front of it.
"So, how do we continue?" asks Sweet. "Where do we go next?"
"One thing is clear," K'lani speaks up. "I'm not coming with you."
My heart drops. What does she mean?
"K'lani..? What is the meaning of this?" asks Rain stunned.
"I'm sorry, but I have other things planned." she says. "So, if you don't mind, please move out of my wa-"
A dull sound was heard.
Knologos slapped her face without hesitation.
"Knologos-!" Ms. Cat tries to get control of him.
"Is this how you're going to treat us, huh?" Knologos seems more hurt than K'lani, but mentally. "First you almost kill us by crashing that cloud, and now you just want to leave? Kart and Sunny only want to find their parents. They came all this way so they could reunite. Why, you ask? Oh, that's because they still can. Some of us here don't have any family left, some of us will always be alone, but you? You want to leave them all by themselves? Were you planning on leaving us from the very beginning all along?"
We all are a bit perplexed by his reaction.
K'lani softly touches her red cheek, "Knologos, their family is their family. It's none of my concern. As you said, some of us don't have any family. That's why I want to go to my Dad's. He's my only family left. I only came here so I could go back to him. Don't you think it's pretty selfish of Kart and Sunny to ask their friends, who don't even have any family, to find their parents? What do I gain with their happiness? They will find their parents and can be happy, but us, us who don't have any relatives or ancestors, we will be alone for eternity, until we die. So let me find my father and them their parents."
K'lani fabricates a small cloud and jumps on it. She looks back one more time and says, "Find your own happiness."
She then departs off into the distance. I'm sure this is the last we will ever see of K'lani Evergood.
Knologos seems hurt. I have never seen him act so emotional before. It seems like we all grew a bit.
"Where are you going?" I hear Sweet say.
"Didn't you hear her?" Fifty turns around. "She wants us to find our own happiness, and that's what I am doing."
"You're also leaving?" Sweet seems astonished.
"I will search for my family too. It's none of your business, and it's also none of mine to bulge into yours."
Fifty places his katana on his back and walks away with his hands in his pockets.
"Everyone is leaving..." Isabella is distraught.
"..." Ms. Cat is massaging her forehead anxiously.
"Ms. Cat..." Isabella moves closer to the science professor.
She is about to cling onto her as she unexpectedly falls.
"Huh?" Isabella lands on the hard, solid ground.
She fell through the professor.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Isabella curses.
"I'm sorry, Isabella. But I'm only a mere illusion." answers Ms. Cat.
"What?!" Isabella feels betrayed.
"The real Miss Cat is already far gone...She still has an open case of her past she needs to end, or else she will never be able to rest peacefully."
"...Pavel." Isabella's eyes are open wide.
"I really am sorry, but I have to go now." the illusion evaporated.
"Are you alright?" Sunny bends down and pats Isabella's head.
Isabella stays on the floor and I hear sobbing but ignore it.
"Are we all ready?" asks Posa.
"Is this everyone?" Leonie looks around. "Hold on, where is Dagobert?"
We look around and don't see him anywhere.
"Man, did he also dump us?" Max scratches his hood.
I soon realise that he had grabbed a piece of paper a few minutes ago. Could it be-?
Suddenly Kristina's apartment door opens and we get surprised by Dagobert.
He rushes down the stairs and halts in front of me. His short physique looks puny.
He smiles and hands me a letter, the message he must have written earlier.

Dear Kart,

Thank you for everything.

Your friendship means a lot to me, I really appreciate you looking out for me all the time. You don't have to feel guilty for what you have done to me on the first day of school. You didn't intend to hurt me, I know you didn't. That's why I conjured a measly-looking fairy wand. I wanted your sister and your friends to be proud of you. You are someone who has the ability to change the world.
Someone like me, someone who got cursed as a child, I don't have that opportunity. I am seen as an abortion and monstrosity to society. It isn't fair whatsoever, but you accept me. So I really want you to rule the world and form it. Please make the Earth a better place to live on.

I'm sorry, but I am off to my own journey. I will find an antidote to my curse, so I can talk again.

Take care and save the world.


I look up and notice Dagobert had already evanesced from my view. He is traversing the world by himself. He will find meaning and reason for life. He will cure himself from the curse he was struck with when he was still only a child.
He has grown so much.

"Kart..." Mia looks at me. "What do you suggest we do next?"
I look back at all my friends. We are ten people. What will we do?
I snicker and look up at the sky. It just started snowing. This snow is the meaning of our beginning.

"I say we find our purpose."

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